
Healthy Living and Goal Setting

What is healthy living?

Healthy living is described as an individual’s/group’s conscious effort to indulge in practices that support and promote their wellbeing, in their everyday living. These practices can include healthy eating, physical exercises and mental relaxation among many others. The aim of such practices is to strengthen immunization against illnesses and increase their ability to keep up with the challenges of a fast-paced world.

What are the parameters of checking IF one is healthy?

Health parameters are an important factor in determining an individual’s health. These can include:
BMI • BMR • Systolic and diastolic blood pressure • Psychological Health

Goal setting plays an important role in achieving health and fitness. In fact, goal setting acts as an incentive to living a healthy lifestyle. A goal can be designed to achieve physical fitness, to eat healthier and inculcate mindful-living practices.

Setting a goal can be easy, but following through and meeting the goal can be difficult for most. This is especially the case with health goals, as they demand a lot of behaviour, lifestyle and mindset changes. Here are some tips to help you set a goal and achieve it:

Set a small goal first: Often we commit the mistake of setting big goals for ourselves, which seem very difficult to meet. And as a result we get discouraged and give up on that goal. If your goal seems like a difficult one to meet then break it into smaller goals. When you start achieving the smaller goals, they encourage you in your journey to the larger goal.

Make it fun: Goals can seem boring and dull when done alone or when you have to motivate yourself. Adopt a tracker, download a fitness app, consult a gym instructor, or take up a challenge with your friend or a group of fitness enthusiasts. Doing this will incite you further to meet your goal.

Write Your Progress: When you write down your successes, they have a boosting impact on your confidence. Make a habit of writing your achievements or the success of your small goals. They give you a sense of accomplishment and motivate you to do more. Write statements such as, “I ran 10 miles today!”, “I lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks”, “I have lost 500 calories over the last 2 days” on a writing board, on sticky notes or in a diary.

Read Motivating Text: Reading positive quotes, books or success stories can deeply condition your mind to believe that your goals are within your reach and achievable. Pair your everyday efforts with some positivity and motivation to achieve your ultimate goal. After all, hard work and determination go hand-in-hand.

Avoid slack: Many of us develop a laid back attitude after we have marked a small achievement. And, that’s why we never make it beyond the first step in meeting our goal. The desire to live a healthy life, should drive you to completion. For this, it is essential that you remain consistent in your efforts and keep pushing yourself even after you have achieved initial success in your larger goal.

Healthy Living goals can be challenging and there are certain factors to consider while taking up one:

  • Your body is different from others’ and comparing your fitness progress with theirs’ may not be the right thing to do.
  • You may have health conditions that restrict you from eating certain food/doing certain exercises. Make sure you are aware of all of the above when you are setting a healthy living goal.
  • Don’t push yourself too hard when you begin your fitness journey. Big changes/ or tough practices earlier in the process can lead to either demotivation or severe health consequences.
  • Seek advice when you are unsure about a certain practice or food. Approach a dietician/physician or a gym instructor to know how a particular diet or exercise may affect your body.

Make healthy living goals, gauge your progress and live a life of fulfilment. Use these tips and advice to achieve success in your wellness goals.
