Slash up to 65% **^ on premiums
with my: Optima Secure
and enjoy additional 5% ^* off
on online purchases!

Optima Secure
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my:Optima Secure Health Insurance

health insurance plan

Introducing my:Optima Secure health insurance, which redefines the value you get from health insurance, with SO MUCH benefits that give an incredible 4X Coverage at no additional cost. You can now enhance your plan with our new add-ons that offer extra coverage you've always wanted. But that's not all – we're going global, extending our coverage worldwide

It doesn't end here! Now you can avail our No cost installment*^ benefit for buying Optima Secure that too at no additional cost. This option is available for all debit and credit card holders.

We also provide you with a host of benefits such as no room rent capping, wider pre and post hospitalisation, unlimited day-care procedures and exciting discount options. We’d say do not settle for less when you can avail one of the best healthcare facilities without breaking your bank.


My: Optima Secure ranks 2nd in health insurance plan ratings

Trending Now!
Newly Launched Optional Benefit -Unlimited Restore

HDFC ERGO health insurance product Optima Secure has achieved 2nd rank in the Mint Beshak Insurance Ratings. These ranks are a combination of product and claim experience track record of insurance companies. The plans were judged on the basis of product rating, claims track record rating, premium affordability.

Source: Livemint

Get hdfc ergo health insurance plan
Buying Optima Secure is now easier with our No cost installment*^ plans!

Optima Secure 4X cover How it works


Choose Sum Insured

Choose your health cover

Select your sum insured

Suiting your budget and requirements, select the coverage you want. For example, let's consider you select a sum insured of ₹10 lacs.

Secure Benefits

Secure Benefit

2X coverage from day 1

Your base cover gets doubled instantly upon purchase, without having the need to claim it. This benefit will instantly increase your ₹10 lacs base cover to ₹20 lacs at no extra cost.

Plus Benefit

Plus Benefit

100% increase in coverage

On 1st renewal, your base cover increases by 50% after 1 year and 100% after 2 years, making it ₹15 lacs and ₹20 lacs respectively. Your total cover now becomes ₹30 lacs i.e 3X of your base cover.

Restore Benefit

Restore Benefit

100% Restore Coverage~

Anytime you make a claim whether partial or total of ₹10 lacs base cover, it gets 100% restored for any subsequent claims in the same year.

More Protection by Adding More Benefits

You can choose below options while creating wholesome protection for you and your family with my:Optima Secure plans


Optima Wellbeing (Add-on) #

Reduce your out-of-pocket medical expenses with Optima Wellbeing (Add-on). An Add-on which covers outpatient benefits as follows: Unlimited Tele Consultations, Unlimited In person doctor, Consultations with general physician, Psychology e-counselling, Diet and Nutrition e-consultation etc.


Unlimited Restore

This Optional Benefit will provide instant addition of 100% Basic Sum Insured on complete or partial utilization of Restore benefit or Unlimited Restore benefit (as applicable) during the Policy Year. This optional cover will trigger unlimited times and is available for all subsequent claims in a Policy Year.


my:Health Hospital Cash benefit

my:Health Hospital Cash benefit add on meets your day to day needs with fixed daily cash for your personal expenses, food, transportation, loss of pay and much more. So make an estimate of your daily spends and pay a small amount today instead of feeling helpless tomorrow.

buy a health insurance plan
Optima Secure won 'Product Innovator' of the year at the BFSI Leadership Awards 2022

Benefits of Optima Secure Insurance

  • Protect Benefit

    Protect Benefit

    Covers Out-Of-Pocket Expenses°
  • Aggregate deductible Discount

    Aggregate deductible Discount

  • So Much Savings

    So Much Savings

    Online, long-term & many more discounts
  • So Much Choices

    So Much Choices

    Cover upto 2 Cr & tenure upto 3 years
Protect Benefit
Protect Benefit
Procedure Charges Covered
Procedure Charges Covered
Cost of Disposables Covered
Cost of Disposables Covered
Cost of Consumables Covered Cost of Consumables Covered
Cost of Consumables Covered

Key Features

  • Support devices: We cover costs towards the cervical collar, braces, belts etc
  • Cost of Disposables: Go cashless with in-built coverage for disposable items like buds, gloves, nebulization kits and other consumables during hospitalisation
  • Cost of Kits: We cover cost for delivery kit, orthokit and recovery kit.
  • Procedure Charges: We cover costs towards gauze, cotton, crepe bandage, surgical tape etc
Aggregate deductible Discount
Twenty Five Percent Off
Twenty Five Percent Off
Sixty five percent Off
Sixty Five
Percent Off
Fifty percent Off
Waiver post
5 Years
  • A Deductible is an amount you agree to pay at the time of claim once in a Policy Year, post which our coverage kicks in
  • Key Features

    • You can reduce your premium by up to 25% every year just by choosing to pay the first INR 25,000 (opted deductible) of claim in a policy year
    • You can enjoy up to 65% discount every year by choosing to pay a little bit more
    • Buy-Back: You also have the super power to waive your opted deductible at renewal post completion of 5 years under this Policy. @
    So Much Savings
    Family Discount
    Family Discount
    Online Discount
    Online Discount
    Long term discount
    Long term discount

    Discounts available

    • Online Discount: Get 5% premium discount on the base premium if you buy a health insurance policy online through our website
    • Family Discount: Get 10% family discount if 2 or more members are covered in a single Optima Secure policy on an individual sum insured basis
    • Long Term Discount: If premium is paid in advance for 2 or 3 years policy tenure, then you get a premium discount of 7.5% and 10% respectively. note:Long-term discount will not be applicable on installment options
    • Loyalty Discount:Get 2.5% premium discount on the base premium if you have an active retail insurance policy with us, with a premium above ₹2000
    So Much Trust
    Expanded Coverage
    Expanded Coverage
    Policy Options
    Policy Options

    Key Features

    • Coverage: Choose between wide range of base cover from ₹5 lacs to 2 crores
    • Policy Options: You can buy individual and family floater options
    • Tenure: Select policy tenure between 1, 2 and 3 years. Long-term discount will not be applicable on installment options
    • No Cost Installment*^ Option: Credit and Debit card holders can now opt for the No cost installment*^ option

    Why do Customers Trust Us?

    Why Choose HDFC ERGO health insurance

    Backed by the trust of #1.6 crore+ happy customers over the past 18 years. At HDFC ERGO, we consistently strive to make insurance affordable, easier and dependable. Here, promises are kept, claims are fulfilled and lives are nurtured with utmost commitment.

    16,000+ˇ Cashless Healthcare Networkˇ
    16,000+ˇ Cashless Healthcare Networkˇ
    18,000+ crores claims settled
    18,000+ crores
    Claims settled**^^
    2 Claims processed every minute
    2 Claims processed every minute^^
    24x7 support in 10 languages
    24x7 support in 10 languages
    1.6 Crore+ Happy Customers@
    1.6 Crore+
    Happy Customers@
    98% Claim settlement ratio
    98% Claim
    Settlement Ratio^
    Buy Now

    Reasons to Choose My:Optima Secure

    What if we tell you that your health cover doubles up as soon as you buy an Optima Secure health insurance plan? Don’t believe us? Well, that’s indeed a fact. Secure Benefit instantly makes his ₹10 lacs base cover to ₹20 lacs, at no extra cost.

    How does it work?

    Suppose, Mr Sharma has bought Optima Secure Health Insurance Plan with a sum insured of ₹10 lacs, then in this case his sum insured will instantly get doubled and offer him a total health cover of ₹20 lacs. This additional amount can be utilised for any number of admissible claims.

    We love the fact that you are choosing us to be your partner on your health journey. And, hence we would love to reward you for your trust and loyalty by offering a 50% increase in base cover at first renewal and a 100% increase post-2nd-year renewals irrespective of any claims made.

    How does it work?

    When Mr Sharma renews his Optima Secure Health Insurance Plan for 1 year, Plus Benefit increases his base cover of ₹10 lacs by 50% and in 2nd year by 100%, making it ₹15 lacs and ₹20 lacs respectively. Plus benefit and secure benefit together takes the total coverage to ₹30 lacs.

    Optima Secure plan restores up to 100% of your base sum insured for subsequent claims, for any illness or accidental hospitalisation. This benefit comes in handy when you exhaust your existing sum insured due to one or several claims. 

    How does it work?

    Imagine a situation where Mr. Sharma claims partial or total ₹10 lacs base cover, it gets 100% restored, making it ₹30 + ₹10= ₹40 lacs. So, he does not have to limit his claims to ₹10 lacs base cover or ₹20 lacs secure benefit, he will get an additional ₹10 lacs as a restore benefit to settle claims.

    It is the non-medical expenses that really end up burning a hole in your pocket. Well, we have got your back. Go cashless with our my:Optima Secure health plan which has an in-built coverage for listed non-payable items like gloves, masks, food charges, and other consumables during hospitalisation. Usually, these disposable items are not covered by insurance policies or offered as an optional cover at an additional cost. However, with this plan, all your expenses for 68 listed non-medical items that are commonly used during hospitalisation are covered at no extra premium.

    How does it work?

    During hospitalization, his non-medical expenses that add up to 10-20% of the total bill amount also get covered by Protect Benefit. With Optima Secure plan you can rest assured that as many as 68 non-medical expenses will be taken care of. Mr. Sharma won't have to shell extra pennies for these non-medical expenses. Items like disposables, consumables, and non-medical expenses such as gloves, food charges, diapers, belts, braces etc will all be covered under this plan.

    Optima Secure plan is tailored for those who want to settle for nothing less than the most premium healthcare for their family. The plan qualifies you for an AC single private room at any hospital of your choice for a sum insured less than ₹50 lacs. For sum insured ₹50 lacs & above, any room of your choice can opt.

    How does it work?

    Optime Secure does not put a claim restriction in terms of a disease. Say, for instance, if Mr. Sharma has to undergo a kidney stone removal procedure, then unlike other conventional insurance plans, Optima Secure has no capping of ₹1 lac or so as the claimable amount for the disease. He can claim up to the available sum insured as per the treatment costs. Additionally, there is no capping in terms of room rent per day or ambulance charges.

    What is Covered Under my:Optima Secure Health Insurance

    hospitalization expenses covered by hdfc ergo

    Hospitalisation (including COVID-19)

    We cover all your hospitalisation expenses arising from illnesses and injuries seamlessly. Most importantly, the Optima Secure plan includes treatment costs for Covid-19 as well.

    pre & post hospitalisation covered

    Pre and Post Hospitalisation

    Instead of 30&90 days availed normally, get 60 & 180 days pre and post hospitalisation medical expenses covered.

    daycare procedures covered

    All Day Care Treatments

    Medical advancements help in wrapping up important surgeries and treatments in less than 24 hours, and guess what? We cover you for that as well.

    free renewal health check-up

    Preventive Health Check-Up at No Cost

    Prevention is certainly better than cure and that’s why we offer a free health check-up on renewing your health insurance policy with us.

    Road Ambulance

    Emergency Air Ambulance

    Optima secure plan is tailored to reimburse the cost of air ambulance transport upto ₹5 lacs too.

    cashless home health care covered by hdfc ergo

    Road Ambulance

    Optima Secure plan covers road ambulance cost upto the sum insured.

    free renewal health check-up

    Daily Hospital Cash

    Get daily cash of ₹800 per day up to a maximum of ₹4800 on hospitalisation, as out-of-pocket expenses under Optima Secure Plan.

    Road Ambulance

    E Opinion for 51 illnesses

    Avail e-Opinion for 51 Critical Illnesses through network provider in India under Optima Secure plan.

    cashless home health care covered by hdfc ergo

    Home Healthcare

    We will pay for the medical expenses incurred by you on home hospitalisation, if advised by the Doctor on cashless basis.

    organ donor expenses

    Organ Donor Expenses

    We cover medical expenses for harvesting a major organ from the donor’s body where insured is the recipient.

    ayush benefits covered

    Alternative Treatments

    We cover treatment costs upto the sum insured towards in-patient care for alternative therapies like Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy, Yoga and Naturopathy.

    lifetime renewability

    Lifelong Renewability

    Optime Secure plan has your back. Our health insurance policy covers your medical expenses for a lifetime on break free renewals.

    Please read the policy wordings, brochure and prospectus to know more about my:Optima Secure.

    adventure sport injuries

    Adventure Sport Injuries

    Adventures can give you an adrenaline rush, but when coupled with accidents, it can be hazardous. Our health insurance plan does not cover accidents encountered while participating in adventure sports.

    self-inflicted injuries not covered

    Breach of Law

    We do not cover expenses for treatment directly arising from or consequent upon any insured person committing or attempting to commit a breach of law with criminal intent.

    injuries in war is not covered


    War can be disastrous and unfortunate. However, our health insurance plan does not cover any claim that is caused due to wars.

    Participation in defence operations not covered

    Excluded Providers

    We do not cover expenses incurred towards treatment in any hospital or by any Medical Practitioner or any other provider specifically excluded by the Insurer. (Contact us for list of de empanelled hospital)

    Congenital external diseases, defects or anomalies,

    Congenital external diseases, defects or anomalies,

    We understand that treatment towards congenital external disease is critical however, we do not cover medical expenses incurred for Congenital external diseases defects or anomalies.
    (Congenital diseases refer to birth defects).

    treatment of obesity or cosmetic surgery not covered

    Treatment for Alcoholism & Drug Abuse

    Treatment for Alcoholism, drug or substance abuse or any addictive condition and consequences thereof remains uncovered.

    How to Calculate Your Health Insurance Premium

    know your health insurance premium
    know your health insurance premium

    STEP 1

    Click on Buy Now
    to proceed


    STEP 2

    Select the members, sum insured &
    calculate premium


    STEP 3

    Ta-da! Here is
    your premium

    Get hdfc ergo health insurance plan
    All Set to Buy A Health Insurance Plan?
    It will just take a few minutes!

      How to Make a Claim for your HDFC ERGO Health Insurance  

    The sole purpose of buying a health insurance plan is to get financial support at the time of medical emergency. Hence, it is important to read the below steps to know how Health Insurance claims process works differently for cashless claims and reimbursement claim requests.

    2 claims processed every minute^^

    HDFC ERGO Claim settlement : Fill pre-auth form for cashless approval


    Fill up the pre-auth form at the network hospital for cashless approval

    HDFC ERGO Claim settlement: Health Claim Approval Status


    Once hospital intimates us, we send you the status update

    HDFC ERGO Claim settlement : Hospitalization after approval


    Hospitalisation can be done on the basis of pre-auth approval

    HDFC ERGO Medical Claims Settlement with the Hospital

    Claim settlement

    At the time of discharge, we settle the claim directly with hospital

    2 claims processed every minute^^



    You need to pay the bills initially and preserve the original invoices

    claim registration

    Register a claim

    Post hospital discharge send us all your invoices and treatment documents

    claim verifcation


    We verify your claim related invoices and treatment documents

    claim approval

    Claim Settlement

    We send the approved claim amount to your bank account.

    Health Insurance Reviews & Ratings

    4.4/5 Stars

    Our customers have rated us



    23 Nov 2022


    I am very happy with HDFCERGO health insurance. Optima Secure is a really good product from HDFCERGO. This is my 2nd claim where I got 100% claim. I personally will recommend it to others. Thank you.


    Optima Secure

    10 Jun 2022


    Thanks for calling me. The customer care executive was very articulate and systematic about various products of HDFC Ergo Health Insurance. It was great talking to her.

    A V Rammurty

    Optima Secure

    26 May 2022


    Thanks for calling me and explaining to me in great detail the various features of Optima Secure and Energy Health Insurance Policies. The customer service executive was very articulate, systematic, and knowledgeable about various products of HDFC Ergo Health Insurance. It was great talking to him.

    Aravinth Manoharan

    Optima Secure

    22 Mar 2022


    I would like to give a note of appreciation to your team member Jayalaxmi for her rigorous follow up, patience and taking time out to explain the policy in detail and for helping me in choosing the right plan suitable for me.Her assistance through out the process of policy availing is outstanding.

    Done Reading? Willing to explore "So Much " benefits

    Frequently Asked Questions on my:Optima Secure Health Insurance

    Yes, this feature is available to all policy tenures. It can be availed by debit and credit card holders.

    The word secure resonates with being safe and tension-free. Under Optima Secure plan, we provide you with the secure benefit. This health insurance plan offers additional coverage up to 100% of the base sum Insured immediately upon purchase at no extra charge. This additional amount can be utilised for any number of admissible claims. Now isn't this truly a benefit that can keep you secure.

    Example: You have bought an Optima Secure Health Insurance plan with a health cover or sum insured of ₹5 lacs. In this case, your sum insured instantly gets doubled up to offer you a total health cover of ₹10 lacs instead of a basic ₹5 lacs health cover for which you paid your valuable premium. This additional amount can be utilised for any number of admissible claims. That means you can now make claims up to ₹10 lacs instead of ₹5 lacs.

    Yes, you can opt for AC single room with Optima Secure plan. We let you choose AC single room for undergoing treatment/surgery at any hospital. You can avail this facility on a cashless basis if you are hospitalised at a network hospital. There is also no disease capping either. You can undergo treatment for any disease and make use of your sum insured. You need not worry about room rent at the time of hospitalisation as we want you to undergo quality treatment without any worry.

    This option allows you to enhance your sum insured as per your need at a lower cost. HDFC ERGO will bear any claim over and above the chosen deductible amount in a policy year and you can cut your premium by 50%. Can’t ignore right? Following discount will be applicable on the Policy premium:

    Deductible AmountBase Sum Insured up to 20 LakhsBase Sum Insured above 20 Lakhs
    25,00025% 15%
    50,000 40% 30%
    100,000 50% 40%


    3 years is a long term association, and it's natural to expect a reward. Optima Secure will not disappoint you; you are a loyal customer; hence, you are eligible for a loyalty discount. You will be eligible to get a discount of 2.5% on the base premium if you have an active retail insurance policy with premium above ₹ 2,000 with us. That means if you are an existing retail policy holder (2 Wheeler, motor, travel, home, health, Cyber security insurance) with HDFC ERGO, you will be eligible for a 2.5% loyalty discount on Optima Secure premium. The best part is your claim history won't impact this benefit.

    In these pandemic times, ortho kits, gloves, masks etc., are very widely used items during hospitalization. These are considered disposable items and included as non-medical expenses of the hospitalization bill. But, under most health insurance policies, disposable items are not covered. With Optima Secure plan, you can easily pay for 68 listed non-medical items commonly used during a hospitalisation at no extra premium.

    Absolutely. There is no waiting period for claims due to accidents. Under any health insurance policy, there is a clause of a waiting period. This means you are eligible to file a claim only after completing a certain number of days mentioned in the policy wording. With Optima Secure, there is a waiting period of 30 days before making a claim except for accidental claims, 24 months waiting period on specific & listed illnesses & surgical procedures and 36 months waiting period on pre-existing diseases. This means accidental claims are covered immediately from the policy start date.

    Yes, you can include your child under your health insurance plan. In fact, you can include your child post 90 days of birth up to 25 years of age. It's a good thing to add the child to the policy at an early age.

    Optima Secure Health Insurance plan restores up to 100% of your base sum insured for subsequent claims, for any illness, or any insured person. Your base sum insured is the actual sum insured that you had chosen when buying the policy. This helps you in case you exhaust your existing sum insured for any claim or number of claims. Suppose today you have bought an Optima Secure Health Insurance plan with a health cover or sum insured of ₹5 lacs, and, you register a claim of ₹8 lacs in year one. In such a scenario, you will be able to settle hospital bills worth ₹5 lacs from your base sum insured and the remaining ₹3 lacs from your secure benefit. If there is a subsequent claim in the same policy year, you will have automatic restore benefit up to your base sum insured for your immediate usage. Automatic restore benefit kicks from your 2nd claim onwards once you exhaust Base Sum Insured, Plus Benefit (after 1st year), Secure Benefit (in this order) and is available every policy year. Unutilised automatic restore benefit is not carried forward to the next policy year.

    Optima Secure plan is available for the sum insured up to ₹2 Cr. Various sum insured options are available such as ₹5, ₹10, ₹15, ₹20, ₹25, ₹50 lacs and ₹1Cr. You can buy the best health insurance policy of a sum insured that best suits your needs.

    Yes, all COVID- 19 expenses are covered under Optima Secure plan. You need not buy a separate health insurance policy when you get it all under one policy.

    We will pay for the expenses incurred by you towards E-Opinion for defined Critical Illness availed from a Medical Practitioner through the Network Provider. We understand that digital opinion is the future, and we believe in making your life simple.