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How to Answer Your Child’s Question: “Where Do Babies Come From?

Does your kid keep asking you too many questions? Children are quite curious. One common question he/she may ask you is “Where do babies come from?”. It may take you by surprise for a minute when you hear this, but the key to answering this question is to remain casual and not feel awkward. Take a look at this article to learn about ways to tackle this question and give your kids the information they need.

Tips to answer: “Where do babies come from?”

• Give answers relevant to the age of the kid

Before answering the question, think about your child’s age. Give him/her only the information your child needs and nothing beyond that. If your kid is just about 4 or 5 years old when he/she asks you this question, you don’t have to talk about sex, egg, sperm, etc. You can give him/her the basic answer that babies come from a mother’s stomach.

• Give the right information

If your child is older, you can use the right medical terms when he/she asks you, “Where do babies come from?” Instead of using words like stomach or belly, you can start using the words uterus, womb, etc.

• Don’t create fictitious stories

This is a common mistake that most parents commit. When your child asks you where babies come from, you don’t have to say, “gift of God”, “from the sky”, “magic”, etc. These fictitious stories don’t help your child at all. Don’t avoid the question as well.

• Avoid being awkward

When you express discomfort or awkwardness when your child asks you this question, it discourages your kid from opening up to you anymore. Your child might feel he/she has asked something shameful if you express discomfort. If your kid is old enough (10 or more), you can even use the terms vagina, C-section, etc.

• Use external sources

Use books and websites as references to answer this question for your child. Many books have age-specific answers for this question, so you don’t give your kid anything more than he/she needs, and you don’t avoid the question totally, as well.

• Story mode works well

For kids aged 8 and more, you can explain childbirth in the form of a beautiful story. You can talk about the meeting of the sperm and egg, the foetus being formed in the womb, and how the baby is delivered after 9.5 months.


Handling the curiosity of kids when they ask, “Where do babies come from?” takes a lot of effort and patience. Help them clear their confusion by giving them the right answer. As you focus on nurturing young minds, you must also safeguard the well-being of your family by purchasing a comprehensive health insurance policy and remaining prepared for medical emergencies and planned procedures.

One of the important components of our overall wellness is also being financially secured. Healthcare emergencies can happen any time, but a good health insurance policy can protect you from such uncertain situations. To know more about Wellness and other health related tips, visit the wellness corner.


Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Kindly contact your doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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