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Energy- An Exclusive Plan for your Diabetes


Sugar-free everything, skipping parties, cutting down on chai, orthopaedic shoes, insulin bags, bitter Gourd (karela) juice, and whatnot. We understand living with diabetes can sometimes feel lonely and painful. But it does not have to be that way anymore. The Energy health plan from HDFC ERGO is specially designed for people with Diabetes and Hypertension. The Energy plan covers your diabetes and its complications; it also partners you in living with diabetes successfully.A health insurance plan that genuinely understands diabetes. Isn’t it sweet?

Reasons to choose Energy Health Insurance for your Diabetes

Active Wellness Program
Active Wellness Program
Wellness program and personalized health coach to help you monitor and manage your health. This plan also offers reward points which can give you a 25% renewal premium discount for staying healthy.
No Waiting Periods
No Waiting Periods
Energy Health plan gives you coverage from Day 1 for all hospitalization arising out of Diabetes and Hypertension.
Reward Bucket
Reward Bucket
Based on the results of your medical tests and critical health parameters such as BMI, BP, HbA1c, and Cholesterol,we offer you incentives for staying healthy.
Sum Insured Restore
Sum Insured Restore
Worried about sum insured shortage to treat illnesses? With sum insured rebound, you get instant addition of 100% necessary sum insured to your cover, on your first claim.

What is covered in a Diabetes health insurance policy?

Hospitalization expenses

Hospitalization expenses

Just like every other health insurance plan, we cover you for hospitalization due to illnesses and injuries seamlessly.

Pre and post-hospitalisation

Pre and post-hospitalisation

Your costs for diagnosis, investigation, are covered too. All your pre-hospitalization expenses up to 30 days before admission and post-discharge expenses till 60 days are included.

Day-care procedures

Day-care procedures

Covers day care treatments taken in a Hospital /Day care center in less than 24 hours because of technological advancement.

Emergency Road Ambulance

Emergency Road Ambulance

If you need to, rush to a hospital in case of an emergency. Your ambulance costs are covered up to ₹. 2000 per hospitalization.

Organ Donor Expenses

Organ Donor Expenses

Organ donation is a noble cause.Hence, we cover the medical and surgical expenses of the organ donor when harvesting a major organ transplant.

Lifelong renewability

Lifelong renewability

Once you get yourself secured with our health insurance plan, there’s no looking back. This health insurance plan continues for your entire lifetime on break free renewals.

Save Tax

Save Tax

Did you know that a health insurance plan is not just meant to safeguard your savings but also help you save tax? Yes, you can save tax upto ₹ 75,000 with HDFC ERGO Health Insurance plans.

HbA1C Benefit

HbA1C Benefit

Your costs of HbA1C tests are covered up to ₹ 750 per policy year. Two complete medical check-ups known as wellness tests are also payable up to ₹2000 for Gold Plan on a cashless basis.

Personalized wellness portal

Personalized wellness portal

Get Access to a personal wellness Web Portalthat tracks and stores all your medical records. It helps you monitor your condition and provides you with special offers for purchase of health products that you may need.

Health Coach

Health Coach

Get Personalized highly trained Health Coach to guide, remind, and create your nutrition and fitness plans.

Wellness Support

Wellness Support

Get access to a centralized helpline available to answer any queries that you may have. Monthly newsletters to provide you with valuable information on healthcare and management

Reward points

Reward points

Based on the results of your medical tests and critical health parameters such as BMI, BP, HbA1c and Cholesterol, we offer you Renewal premium discounts of up to 25%.

What is not included in Diabetes Health Insurance Plan?

Other Pre-existing diseases
Other Pre-existing diseases

Any pre-existing condition (other than diabetes or hypertension) will be covered after a waiting period of 2 years.

Self-inflicted injuries
Self-inflicted injuries

Consequences of use and Abuse of intoxicant or hallucinogenic substances like intoxicating drugs and alcohol lead to self-inflicted wounds. Our policy does not cover self-inflicted injuries.


War can be disastrous and unfortunate. However,our policy does not cover any claim that are caused due to wars.

Treatment of obesity or cosmetic surgery
Treatment of obesity or cosmetic surgery

Treatment of obesity or cosmetic surgery is not eligible for coverage under this insurance policy.

Venereal or Sexually transmitted diseases
Venereal or sexually transmitted diseases

We do understand the criticality of your disease. However,our policy does not cover venereal or sexually transmitted diseases.

For detailed inclusion and exclusion please refer the sales brochure/policy wordings

Waiting Periods

First 24 Months From Policy Inception
First 24 Months From Policy Inception

Pre-existing diseases other than diabetes and hypertension are covered after two years of policy issuance.

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Frequently asked questions

HDFC ERGO’s Energy is a comprehensive health insurance plan tailored to individuals suffering from diabetes or hypertension.
Benefits of Energy plan can be categorized into two categories:
Diabetes/Hypertension specific benefits- Coverage for in-patient expenses arising out of diabetes or hypertension, Personalized Wellness Program, Wellness Incentives, Personal Health Coach, Integrated web portal, and many others.
Standard Health Insurance benefits- Coverage for accidental injuries, critical illnesses, restore benefit, no claim bonus, tax benefits, organ donor expenses, co-payment (optional) and others.
HDFC ERGO’s Energy plan is for anyone between 18-65 years of age.It has been designedfor those suffering from Diabetes Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Mellitus, Impaired Fasting Glucose (IFG), Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT), pre-diabetes (IFG, IGT) or hypertension.
No, there are no waiting periods for any illness, complications, or ailment arising out of or connected to the condition of Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes or Hypertension and are covered from Day 1. Besides that, there is:
  • 2 years waiting period for specified illnesses/surgeries
  • 2 years waiting period on PEDs
Yes, your Energy plan covers your in-patient hospitalization expenses arising from accidental injuries and other critical illnesses etc.
Energy is a comprehensive health insurance plan for individuals suffering from diabetes or hypertension. It has all the benefits of a regular health insurance plan and also offers additional benefits for Diabetics.
There are two variants available for Energy Health Insurance Plan:
1. Silver (excludes the cost of wellness test)
2. Gold (includes the cost of wellness test)
The active wellness program is the backbone of Energy plan. It helps you to monitor your health, track and achieve your fitness goals (diet and exercise), and rewards you for staying healthy. It includes:
Wellness Tests
Start with two complete medical checkups during the policy year.
  • Wellness Test 1: HbA1c, Blood Pressure Monitoring, BMI
  • Wellness Test 2: HbA1c, FBS, Total Cholesterol, Creatinine, High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL), Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), Triglycerides (TG), Total Protein, Serum Albumin, Gamma-Glutamyltransferase (GGT), Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase (SGOT), Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (SGPT), Billirubin, Total Cholesterol: HDL Cholesterol, ECG, Blood Pressure Monitoring, BMI, Doctor Consultation.
Wellness Support
  • Access to Web Portal for your health record
  • Personalized Health Coach to plan and achieve your diet and fitness goals
  • Centralized Helpline for all your queries
Wellness Rewards
  • Renewal premium discounts of up to 25% for management of health conditions
  • Reimbursement up to 25% of renewal premium towards your medical expenses (like consultation charges, medicines and drugs, diagnosisfees, dental expenses and other miscellaneous costs not covered under any medical insurance)
Every feature of the Wellness Program aims at making your life better and healthier.
  • Understand and Monitor your health with Wellness Tests
  • Stay healthy with Wellness Support
  • Save more with Wellness Rewards
Yes, a pre-health checkup is a mandatory prerequisite for buying this plan. Energy is a plan for the people with diabetes. It takes care of their unique healthcare needs.
The pre-health checkup tests bring to light your present health conditions and illnesses, which enable us to provide you with the most suitable cover.
No, this plan is available only for people who are suffering from diabetes and hypertension.
Yes, you can avail cashless facility in any our 16000+ cashless network hospitals all over India.
Exclusions under the policy may serve many purposes based on risks involved. The list of general exclusions for this plan are as follows:
  • Any pre-existing condition (other than diabetes or hypertension) for the waiting period of 2 years
  • Specific diseases like cataract, hernia, joint replacement surgeries, surgery of hydrocele, etc.,have the waiting period of 2 years.
  • Expenses arising from HIV or AIDS and related diseases
  • External Congenital diseases, mental disorder or insanity, cosmetic surgery and weight control treatments
  • Abuse of intoxicant or hallucinogenic substances like intoxicating drugs and alcohol
  • Hospitalization due to war or an act of war. Or due to a nuclear, chemical or biological weapon and radiation of any kind
  • Pregnancy, dental treatment, external aids and appliances
  • Items of personal comfort and convenience
  • Experimental, investigative and unproven treatment devices and pharmacological regimens
No, there are no sub-limits in this plan.
No, unless and until you opt for it, there is no co-payment clause.
You can choose the Co-payment option of 20% at the time of your policy purchase to reduce your premium.
Yes, you can get your premium back within the Freelook period.
Here is how
Right from the date, you receive the policy documents HDFC ERGO offers you a Freelook period of 15 days. In this period, if you change your mind or are unsatisfied with any of the policy terms and conditions, you can choose to cancel your policy.