As your baby grows, he undergoes various changes in his/her body and habits. Sleep regression is one such habit that develops when your baby is about 6 weeks of age. Sleep regression happens when infants cannot sleep properly for a certain period despite sleeping well previously. Usually, kids outgrow this habit when they turn two and the causes may vary as they grow. Read on to know more.
Sleep regression newborn condition is when your infant suddenly has a few days or weeks of disrupted sleep after enjoying sound sleep for a certain period. Mostly, sleep regression happens when babies undergo certain cognitive and developmental changes.
Infant sleep regression usually lasts about 2 to 6 weeks before your baby’s sleep cycle becomes stable again. Till your baby is about 2 years old, he/she will experience several such phases of sleep regression.
In most babies, sleep regression can be noticed when they are 1.5 months, 3 to 4 months, 6 months, and 8 to 10 months old. Each time, this period lasts for 2 to 6 weeks. Sleep regression can also continue when babies reach their 1-year, 1.5-year, and 2-year milestones.
The causes may be different at every stage. Here are some common causes of disrupted sleep routines in babies after a period of sound sleep —
• Growth spurts throughout the first year when your baby starts to show short but rapid weight gain phases; they tend to feel very hungry during this stage, which can cause sleep regression.
• Your baby may experience pain due to teething; however, sleep regression caused due to teething problems may not last long.
• Developmental and cognitive milestones at different stages; some of these important milestones include:
◦ Starting to smile
◦ Grabbing things
◦ Eyes tracking the movement of things/people
◦ Recognition of familiar people
◦ Starting to make sounds
◦ Understands communication from parents
◦ Getting attached to certain things/people
◦ Hand-eye coordination and overall development of motor skills
◦ Your baby starts playing hide & seek.
◦ Crying when exposed to new people/surroundings
◦ Learning to follow directions
• Disturbances in normal routine – moving to a different country with new time zones, starting play school, and the like
• Long-distance travel or any circumstances which make them sleep in an unfamiliar place
• Health issues (mostly chest congestion, flu, cold, and ear infections)
Sleep regression in infants can be handled effectively once the causes are identified. You cannot do much in this stage, and you can only be patient, as your baby will grow out of these causes naturally. However, it is possible to follow some tips to manage sleep regression in babies aged 1 year and above.
◦ Ensure baby has 2 naps during the day, though he doesn’t insist on the 2nd nap.
◦ Even if your baby doesn’t sleep, see to it that he/she rests for about 30 minutes during the time of the 2nd nap.
◦ If 2nd nap is not possible, put him/her to sleep earlier than your baby’s usual bedtime so that he/she doesn’t feel too tired.
◦ This mainly happens when babies start to walk or babble.
◦ Positive reinforcements work well; you can set strict sleeping do’s and don’ts.
◦ Set an early bedtime, and make this his/her regular habit.
◦ Give your baby his/her favourite toy to help him deal with the anxiety of sleeping alone, especially if he/she has just started to sleep separately.
◦ Keep a night lamp on in your baby’s room to reduce fear.
◦ Keep a healthy snack near his/her bed (like a fruit or a protein bar) to help your baby deal with increased hunger due to growth spurts.
◦ Maintain regular sleep hygiene habits, irrespective of the kid’s surroundings.
◦ Let him/her rest for at least half an hour during the day to avoid feeling overtired during the night, as this may disrupt your child’s sleep.
◦ Ensure he/she gets close to 12 hours of sleep daily, with almost 11 hours at night and 1 hour during the day.
◦ Be firm with him/her in matters related to bedtime rules and regulations.
◦ Don’t give too much importance to his/her tantrums.
Infant sleep regression may sometimes extend to the time when infants become toddlers as well. While there is nothing to worry about, you should be aware that the reasons for this condition may differ at different stages of your baby’s growth. Knowing those causes will help you manage sleep regression effectively and ensure your kid gets into a healthy sleep routine quicker than you imagined.
Now that you are clear about setting right your baby’s erratic sleep schedules, it is time to focus on your future financial planning and ensure you meet all medical expenses that come your way with confidence. Opting for health insurance is the first step in that path!
To know more about Wellness and other health related tips, visit the wellness corner.
Source: acko, whattoexpect, healthline
Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Kindly contact your doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.
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Published on December 10, 2024