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Signs Your Child Is in Bad Company and How to Keep Them Safe

The world around us is full of good and bad influences. As children start growing, they become exposed to these. As their understanding and critical thinking skills are underdeveloped, they may fail to distinguish between good and bad and may easily fall prey to bad company. If you are unaware of the bad company your child has fallen into, his/her future life may be destroyed. This blog will discuss the signs your child is in bad company and ways to keep him/her away from such negative influence. Read on to know more.

Signs Your Child Is in Bad Company

Here are some of the most prominent signs your child is in bad company —

• Your child has a new friend with whom he/she tries to play when you are not around.

• Your kid becomes violent and throws tantrums if not allowed to play with his/her new friend.

• Your child always tries to portray his/her new friend as a superhero without vices or flaws.

• Your kid starts behaving differently by becoming more rebellious, secretive, moody, and hostile towards elders.

• Your child starts using slang or abusive language he/she has never used before.

• Your child's academic grades show a marked decline.

• Your child has acquired out-of-character possessions that normally he/she does not have access to.

• Your kid starts telling white lies frequently.

• Your child has drifted away from rituals or religious practices such as praying or listening to stories with a moral lesson.

• Your child starts showing an interest in unwanted content on the TV and internet.

• Your kid indulges in substance abuse like alcohol use, smoking, and drug use.

How to Keep Your Children Safe?

After learning about the signs your child is in bad company, you must learn how to keep him/her safe. Listed below are some ways to do so —

• Open communication is the key —

Talk to your child. Ask him/her about what is happening in his/her life every day; ask your kid about his/her friends, studies, online experiences, etc. In other words, get him/her to share things with you and listen attentively without judgment.

• Emotional counselling about ethical values —

Counsel your child emotionally and tactfully, sensitising him/her about the unwanted consequences of losing his/her good reputation.

• Encourage positive extracurricular activities —

Encourage your child to engage in positive extracurricular activities like sports-related activities, painting, music, etc. Involvement in positive activities will help your child deviate from unwanted influences.

• Be your child’s role model —

Be a role model yourself by showcasing positive behaviour and relationships in your life. Children often tend to imitate and emulate their parents' thoughts and ideas.

• Get to know your child’s friends —

Gather information about your child's friend circle. Express your interest in meeting his/her friends and their parents. This way, you can comprehend the dynamics of these associations and fathom their influences.


So, now you know about the signs your child is in bad company and ways to protect him/her. Maintaining a positive relationship with your child can encourage him/her to communicate freely with you. It allows you to understand what your child lacks emotionally and what he/she is doing to compensate for those gaps. Your judicious intervention, supervision, patience and perseverance matter significantly while bringing your child back on track.

You should also invest in a comprehensive health insurance policy that safeguards your child when it comes to his/her healthcare needs.

One of the important components of our overall wellness is also being financially secured. Healthcare emergencies can happen any time, but a good health insurance policy can protect you from such uncertain situations. To know more about Wellness and other health related tips, visit the wellness corner.


Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Kindly contact your doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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Published on January 8, 2025