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Portability cover

Portability cover

Health insurance plans allow lifelong renewability. This means that you can enjoy the coverage for as long as you live. But does that mean that you need to stay with only one insurance company?

In reality, you don’t. The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has introduced the concept of health insurance portability. Under this concept, you can switch between insurance companies and also between insurance plans. And that too, without losing on the continuity benefits!

So, switch between plans and retain the renewal benefits that your health insurance plan offers.

What Do You Mean by Health Insurance Portability?

In simple terms, health insurance portability is the facility to change from one health insurance plan to another, either with the same insurance company or with another. You can port your health plan at the time of renewal. When you do so, you get to retain the renewal benefits that you would have availed yourself if you had stayed with the existing plan. These renewal benefits include –

● The no claim bonus that you would have earned for the last claim-free years (s)

● The reduction in the waiting period

What are the Common Reasons for Health Insurance Portability?

You might choose to port your existing health insurance policy for various reasons. These reasons include the following –

  • You are not happy with your current health insurance company
  • You are not happy with your current health insurance plan
  • You find another health insurance plan that offers a comprehensive scope of coverage
  • You find another health insurance plan that is more cost-effective
  • You find another health insurance plan that has lower or minimal coverage restrictions
  • You find an insurance company that has a simpler claim settlement process

Why Should You Port Your Existing Health Insurance with HDFC ERGO?

HDFC ERGO can be the right insurance company to port your health insurance policy to. Here are some reasons why –

Wide Range of Plans

Wide Range of Plans

HDFC ERGO has a wide range of health insurance plans to choose from. From COVID cover to comprehensive indemnity and fixed benefit plans, you can find everything you are looking for under one roof.

Sum A Wider Network of Hospitals

Sum A Wider Network of Hospitals

HDFC ERGO is tied-up with more than 16,000 hospitals across India. This helps you locate a cashless hospital easily and get your claims settled on a cashless basis.

Online Process

Online Process

HDFC ERGO offers digitally-enabled services so that you can buy, renew and even make a claim on your policy online. Digital services allow convenience and simplicity.

Trust of More than 1.5 Crore Customers

Trust of More than 1.6 Crore Customers

HDFC ERGO enjoys the trust of more than 1.6 crore customers for its products and services.



The company believes in transparency with its customers. You get transparent products that cater to all your insurance needs. The pricing is also transparent so that you know what you are paying for.

No Room Rent Capping

No Room Rent Capping

Worried that you can’t afford a hospital room of your choice with your insurance plan? With my:health Suraksha you can bank in healthcare comforts.

Sum Insured Rebound

Sum Insured Rebound

Worried about sum insured shortage to treat illnesses? With sum insured rebound, you get additional sum insured upto the base sum insured even if your existing sum insured exhausts.

buy a health insurance plan
Is your health insurance renewal date closer?
Port your health insurance for added benefits

Coverage Features of HDFC ERGO Health Insurance

Coverage under HDFC ERGO health insurance plans depends on the type of policy that you buy. Usually, you get coverage for the following –


Inpatient Hospitalization

If you get hospitalized for 24 hours or more, you get covered for the hospital bills that you incur. These bills include room rent, nurses, surgeons, doctors, etc.


Pre and Post-hospitalization Costs

The medical expenses you incur before being hospitalized or after being discharged from the hospital are covered under the plan. Coverage is allowed for a specified number of days.


Ambulance Charges

If you hire an ambulance to transport you to the hospital, the cost of such an ambulance would also be covered under HDFC ERGO health insurance plans.


Daycare Treatments

Daycare treatments are those that do not require you to be hospitalized for 24 hours or more. Such treatments get completed within a few hours. HDFC ERGO health plans cover all daycare treatments.


Preventive Health Check-ups

Free preventive health check-ups are allowed under HDFC ERGO plans so that you can monitor and track your health regularly.


Home Healthcare

If you get hospitalized at home and are treated, the cost of such treatments would be covered under the policy.


Organ Donor Expenses

The cost of harvesting an organ from a donor would be covered under HDFC ERGO health insurance plans.



Alternative forms of treatments are also covered under HDFC ERGO plans. You can avail of treatments through Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy forms of treatments.


Lifelong Renewals

HDFC ERGO health plans allow lifelong renewals so that you can enjoy uninterrupted coverage throughout your life.

Why Does Porting a Health Insurance Plan Makes Sense?

Porting a health insurance plan is beneficial because of the following reasons –


You Can Get Better Coverage

If you find a better health plan offering wider coverage, porting would help you enjoy better coverage. You would be able to switch the plan and get financial security with an all-inclusive plan.


You Get a Better Premium

Portability can help you lower your health insurance premium. Different plans have different premium rates, and when you compare and find a better-priced plan which offers a better scope of coverage, you can port and save on the premium costs.


You Get Better Services

When you port to an insurance company that delivers excellent customer service, you can get better post-sale services and claim-related assistance in your health insurance plan.


You Get Continuity Benefits

The best part about portability is that you get to enjoy continuity benefits in the plan. Your coverage continues, and the waiting period is also reduced.


You Can Retain Your No-claim Bonus

When you port, you get to retain your no-claim bonus. The bonus gets transferred to your new health insurance policy so that you can enjoy the benefit even in the new plan.

How to Port Your Policy to HDFC ERGO Health Insurance?

Switching your health insurance policy to HDFC ERGO is quite simple. Just inform us of your decision to port at least 45 days before the renewal date of your existing policy. Inform us, and that’s all! We would guide you and help you port and switch to HDFC ERGO to unlock the world of possibilities.



Intimate us at least 30 days prior to previous year policy expiry date, along with few details of expiring policy like Sum Insured, members covered, previous policy inception date etc.

Check Claims & Medical History

Check Claims & Medical History

We shall check your medical history and claim track to comprehend the risk.

Undergo Health Check-up

Undergo Health Check-up

In case your age is beyond the requisite age group for the policy of choice or you are declaring a pre existing disease, we may ask you to undergo a health check-up.

Policy Issuance

Policy Issuance

Once your portability request is approved your policy gets ported. And, you shall then be covered under HDFC ERGO Health Insurance.

Things that Can Be Ported to HDFC ERGO Health Insurance Policy

The Sum Insured

The Sum Insured

You can port your existing sum insured to HDFC ERGO. What’s more, you can also choose a higher sum insured when you port to HDFC ERGO’s health insurance plans.

The No Claim Bonus

The No Claim Bonus

The no-claim bonus that you earned in the previous policy can also be ported to your HDFC ERGO health plan. This bonus can help you enjoy the benefit of not claiming your last policy.

The Reduction in Waiting Period

The Reduction in Waiting Period

Even the waiting period gets reduced when you port to HDFC ERGO. We deduct the years you have already waited out in your last policy so that you don’t repeat them with us.

What are the Documents Required for Porting a Health Insurance Policy?

Usually, portability does not require many documents as the process has gone online. However, you might have to submit the following types of documents to port the policy –

What are the Documents Required
  • Existing Policy Document
  • Identity Proof
  • Address Proof
  • Age Proof of insured Members
  • Duly filled & Signed Portability Form
  • Medical Documents(If needed)
  • Claim History

What are the Rights of a Policyholder Concerning Porting?

You have the following rights when you port your health insurance plan –

  • You can switch the insurance company every time you renew
  • You can switch the plan as many times as possible
  • All your existing family members can get coverage under the new plan when you switch.
  • The new insurance company would have to reduce your waiting period for the time you have already waited out in the last policy.
  • The minimum sum insured would be the same as in the last policy. You can, however, choose to increase the sum insured.
  • At the time of porting, the existing insurer and the new insurer would have to settle the porting formalities with the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI)

Rules for Health Insurance Portability

Here are some of the portability rules that you should know about –

  • Portability is allowed only at the time of renewals
  • You should inform the new and existing insurance companies of your decision to port. This intimation should be given at least 45 days before renewals
  • Porting does not involve any additional charge. However, the premium might change depending on the premium that the new insurance company charges
  • You can port to a similar kind of policy, i.e., from an indemnity policy to another indemnity policy
  • You get a grace period during the time your portability is in process. This grace period allows you an additional period to Pay the health insurnace premium online, and the policy gets issued. The coverage, however, stays lapsed during the grace period
  • While you can increase the sum insured, the new insurance company should accept such an increase.

When can Health Insurance Portability be Denied?

Usually, HDFC ERGO does not deny health insurance portability requests. You can easily port your old plan to a new and comprehensive HDFC ERGO policy. However, in certain instances, we might deny your porting request. These instances include the following –

Important Aspects of Health Insurance Portability

Important Aspects

Here are some other aspects of health insurance portability that you should know more about –

  • Check the policy renewal date when you decide to port. The porting facility would be available only near the renewal date.
  • Check the coverage limitations in the new plan that you choose to buy. Make sure you port to a more comprehensive plan than your existing one.
  • Know the claim process of the new policy and ensure that it is easier than your last one
  • Check the policy exclusions so that you know what you are exactly covered.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Health Insurance Portability

Yes, you can transfer your health insurance policy to another company. This is called porting, and you would have to transfer your existing health plan to a new one offered by the other company that you choose to switch to.

There is no right time to port a health plan. You can port whenever you find a better policy that offers a better scope of coverage at a lower premium. However, remember that porting is allowed only at the time of renewal of the existing policy.

No, no additional premium is required to port your health insurance policy. However, the premium for the new policy might change depending on the premium that the new insurance company charges.

Yes, you can port your group health plan to an individual policy. This porting is allowed when you exit from the group and want to continue the coverage.

There is no fixed time. It depends on the insurers and how long they take to complete the porting process. Porting is usually done within a week or 10 days after you submit the request for the same.

Some insurance companies might allow the online facility for porting. You can, thus, port online. However, the insurance company might require you to submit some of your documents physically before the porting is complete.

You can apply for portability at the time of renewing your existing health insurance plan.

No, your waiting period would not be affected when you port. The period would be reduced by a year even when you switch to a new health insurance policy. However, if you choose to increase the sum insured when you port, the waiting period would apply from the start on the amount of sum insured that you increase.

No, you don’t lose on anything when you port. You can retain your renewal benefits and get better coverage, lower premiums, and better service when you switch to a better policy than your existing one.

Usually, porting is a simple and hassle-free process. However, depending on your age, the coverage is chosen, and your existing medical history, the insurance company might require you to undergo a pre-entrance health check-up before allowing you to port the policy. Moreover, in some cases, the insurer might deny the porting request.

Yes, the portability request can get rejected by the chosen insurance company. The reasons for this rejection might include any of the following –

● A bad medical history

● Inadequate information provided to the company

● Multiple claims in the last policy

● Porting request made after the renewal date

● Unavailability of your existing policy document

● Your age is higher than the maximum limit allowed in the new policy

● You do not complete the porting formalities correctly.

No, porting is allowed only at the time of renewing your existing policy. You need to initiate the process a minimum of 45 days before renewal.

No, porting is allowed only when your health insurance policy is due for renewal.

If your porting request gets rejected, you would have to stay with your existing insurance company. The rejection of the request can be for any of the following reasons –

● You do not give adequate information to the insurance company

● You make the porting request after the renewal date

● Your medical history is not favourable, and the insurer deems your health risk to be high

● You do not complete the porting formalities

● You do not provide the required documents

● You have made multiple claims in your past policy.

Yes, the age of the policyholder is an important criterion when porting a health insurance policy. Your age should be in the bracket allowed by the health insurance company. The porting request will be denied if your age exceeds the allowed limit.

Yes, you can buy a health plan from two different health insurance providers. However, in the new plan, you would have to face a fresh waiting period for pre-existing conditions, specified illnesses, and maternity (if included). So, check the coverage limitations when you choose to buy a new policy altogether.

People port their health insurance plan for any of these reasons –

To get a wider coverage

To reduce their premium outgo

To get better service from another insurance company

To get coverage that has lower restrictions

To enjoy a better and fast-tracked claim process.

Yes, you can change your plan with your current health insurance provider. However, if you buy the plan afresh, the waiting period will apply from the start. Moreover, you would lose your no-claim bonus too. Instead, you can port to another plan of the same insurer to retain the reduction in the waiting period and the no claim bonus too.

Your cumulative bonus would be transferred to your new health insurance plan. Moreover, you would also get credit for the waiting period that you have waited out in the last policy. The waiting period in the new policy would be reduced by the tenure of your existing policy.

No, there are no additional portability charges. Porting is free of cost.

Awards & Recognition


BFSI Leadership Awards 2022 - Product Innovator of the Year (Optima Secure)

ETBFSI Excellence Awards 2021

FICCI Insurance Industry
Awards September 2021

ICAI Awards 2015-16

SKOCH Order-of-Merit

Best Customer Experience
Award of the Year

ICAI Awards 2014-15


CMS Outstanding Affiliate World-Class Service Award 2015


iAAA rating


ISO Certification


Best Insurance Company in Private Sector - General 2014

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