Get full coverage up to sum insured on medical procedures that take up less than 24 hours for unlimited day care procedures.
Sometimes there can be complications in the health of a new-born baby and such cases require the best of care. With this health insurance policy, get coverage for the baby for upto 90 days after the birth.
With our health insurance plan, relieve yourself of the financial stress and get cover upto Rs 20,000 for normal delivery and upto Rs 40,000 for C-section delivery.
Hospital stays can be disheartening. We cover medical expenses where hospitalisation exceeds 24 hours.
Get full coverage of expenses incurred on doctor consultations, rehabilitation charges etc. till 60 days after discharge.
In case you exhaust your sum insured and you need an additional cover for undergoing treatment due to an unfortunate accident, we will restore it back
If you believe in the healing powers of Ayurveda and follow that treatment, with your health insurance policy, you can get
With our health insurance policy, you get complete
Adventure sports can give you an adrenaline rush,but when coupled with accidents, they can be hazardous. Our policy does not cover accidents encountered while participating in adventure sports.
You might think of causing injury to your precious self,but we don’t want you to hurt yourself. Our policy does not cover self-imposed injuries.
War can be disastrous and unfortunate. However,our policy does not cover any claim that are caused due to wars.
Our policy does not cover accidents while you are participating in defense (Army/Navy/Air Force) operations.
We do understand the criticality of your disease. However,our policy does not cover venereal or sexually transmitted diseases.
Treatment of obesity or cosmetic surgery is not eligible for coverage under your insurance policy.
For detailed inclusion and exclusion please refer the sales brochure/policy wordings
Few illlnesses & treatments are covered after 2 years of consecutive renewals for elaborate list refer policy wordings.
We will entertain all claims post waiting period of 30 Days except accidental claims.
Declared and/or accepted Pre-existing conditions at the time of application will be covered after first 3 years of continual renewals
When illnesses don’t see your age before attacking, why should we before giving insurance? So, basically age is no bar for taking our policy.
The policy comes with the option of renewing it year after year as long as you wish.
There is a wide range of added benefits of taking our policy. For example, our wellness app can help in tracking your exercise schedule and keep a tab on your calorie count. Know More...
We believe in building a long-term partnership and that’s why we offer an additional 5% discount on 2 years policy.
More is merrier at our place because we offer 10% discount if more than 2 members are covered on Individual Sum Insured Basis.
Applicants up to the age of 50 don’t have to worry about going through any checkups prior to taking the policy.
The base Sum Insured gets doubled in case of diagnosis of a listed Critical Illness. This helps you give a better fight to the illness and reduce financial burden.
If you opt for this coverage, the sub limits of Room Rent and ICU under the basic hospitalization expenses cover are waived off.
Miscellaneous expenses that one incurs during hospitalization are generally out of pocket expenses with this value added cover, we offer you a daily allowance of Rs 500 per day from 4th to 10th day of hospitalization.
The emergency ambulance charges up to Rs.1500 per hospital admission are reimbursed.
We pay out a lump sum amount of Rs.5000 as recovery benefit if hospitalization exceeds 10 continuous days so that taking care of household expenses doesn’t stress you out.
On every 4 claim free renewals get 1% of your Sum Insured to be utilized for a comprehensive health check up on reimbursement basis.
Our Cashless
Hospital Network
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Secured Over 1 Crore+ Smiles!
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Wellness App.
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Secured Over 1 Crore+ Smiles!
All the support you need-24 x 7
Transparency In Every Step!
Integrated Wellness App.
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