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6 Yogasanas to do at Home to Help Relax Your Mind

The fast-paced life we live has made stress a common factor for all of us. But it is important how you deal with it and the steps you take to unwind and relax to keep your sanity. If the stress is getting too much to bear, yoga can help relax your mind and body. Yoga follows a holistic approach where physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation help in overall well-being. Yoga for peace of mind can be easily practiced from the comfort of your home.

These 6 “yoga for peace of mind” poses will help you unwind after a long day at work

1. Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose (PrasaritaPadottanasana)

Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose or PrasaritaPadottanasana lengthens your spine and strengthens your legs and feet. This energizing inversion pose increases the blood flow to the brain which helps to de-stress. It strengthens abdominal muscles and stretches the hamstrings.

How to perform:

1. Stand straight and keep your feet parallel at 3-4 feet apart.

2. Keep your toes slightly inward.

3. Bend from your hips and move forward with your head towards the floor.

4. Keep your hands underneath your shoulders.

5. Stay in this position for a few seconds and then slowly return to your initial standing position.

2. Lizard Pose (UtthanPristhasana)

Lizard Pose or UtthanPristhasana helps alleviate your back pain. It opens up your hips and strengthens hamstrings that enhance your balance and flexibility. Practicing lizard pose can help reduce your stress, energize your body, and improve concentration. It also opens up the chest and shoulder muscles.

How to perform:

1. Begin with a downward-facing dog pose.

2. Move your right foot outside your right hand to the top of the mat and parallel to your fingers.

3. Drop your left knee to the floor.

4. Bring your elbows down and put your forearms flat on the floor while spreading your palms out.

5. Stay in this position for 5 breaths

6. Slowly return to the downward-facing dog and repeat the same with your left leg this time.

3. Sphinx Pose (SalambaBhujangasana)

Sphinx Pose or SalambaBhujangasana helps relieve stress and is a good exercise for beginners. It incorporates the shoulder and lower back muscles. Sphinx pose stretches the chest, shoulders, and abdomen.

How to perform:

1. Lie flat on your belly.

2. Put your elbows underneath the shoulders, forearms flat on the floor, and parallel to each other.

3. Slowly lift your chest upward and head away from the floor.

4. Keep your face forward and chin slightly down.

5. Stay in this position for 8-10 breaths and then return to the initial position.

4. Supported Bridge Pose (SetuBandhasanaSarvangasana)

Supported Bridge Pose or SetuBandhasanaSarvangasana provides some relief to people with chronic lower back pain. It promotes the parasympathetic nervous system. Supported bridge pose strengthens the back and improves posture. This pose is ideal for people who have a sedentary lifestyle as it increases the flexibility of the body.

How to perform:

1. Lie flat on your back with knees bent and feet at hip-width apart.

2. Keep your feet parallel during this pose.

3. Slowly lift your hips while pushing down into the soles of the feet.

4. Slide a yoga block and put it underneath the bottom of the spine.

5. A yoga block under your sacrum helps you maintain the position.

6. Keep your arms on the floor with palms facing upward.

7. If your back hurts and then remove the block and slowly bring your hips down.

5. Forward Fold Pose (Uttanasana)

Forward Fold Pose or Uttanasana is one of the first poses you learn when you start practicing yoga. It calms the brain and helps relieve stress. This pose stretches the calves, hips, and hamstrings. It is said to help relieve insomnia.

How to perform:

1. Start with the mountain pose with your feet hip-width apart.

2. Slowly bend your torso towards the floor hinging on your hips.

3. Take both hands to the opposite elbows.

4. Shift your weight forward slowly and soften your knees.

5. Slowly return to the original mountain pose position.

6. Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Corpse Pose or Savasana helps relieve stress and relaxes the body. It is known to reduce headaches, insomnia and helps lower your blood pressure. In corpse pose, you bring your body to stillness which seems difficult at the beginning but with practice, it becomes easier.

How to perform:

1. Lie flat on your back with your arms by the side and feet together.

2. Slowly let your feet and arms roll open with palms facing upwards.

3. Relax the body and let it feel heavy.

4. Close your eyes and stay in this position for 5-10 minutes.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website, or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Kindly contact your doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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