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7 Must Do Exercises for Senior Citizens

Whenever we think of a healthy lifestyle, things like a controlled and highly nutritious diet, staying hydrated, avoiding the use of substances like alcohol and cigarettes etc come to mind. But one other thing that people most associate with a healthy lifestyle is exercise. Most people think of exercising as an activity for the young, but in reality exercises for senior citizens are a huge part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle for them. Exercise is a critical component of a healthy lifestyle during the course of one's life, and our needs change as we age. An ever-rising amount of data shows how beneficial regular exercise is for elders and senior citizens, and how more seniors are choosing an active lifestyle over a sedentary one.

But it is very obvious that as we age our body’s physical capabilities decline. So, it should be kept in mind that while engaging in regular exercise is an amazing way for seniors to maintain a healthy lifestyle while avoiding a sedentary one, not all exercises serve this purpose. More strenuous exercises can cause more harm than benefit and hence it is very important to know which exercises are actually a good fit for seniors. Let us now take a look at some very simple exercises for senior citizens to engage in while also seeing what benefits they can have.

Benefits of Exercise in Seniors

As we become older, not only our body’s biological processes but also our body’s needs change drastically. Senior citizens have different motives for staying in shape than the youth of today. Obviously, physical exercise has health benefits at any age, but the benefits to physically active seniors are way more noticeable. Consistent exercise is not just a way for seniors to maintain decent energy levels and immunity but also improves their overall body balance and helps them be less dependent on other people.

All this can lead to them having a much better lifestyle that is filled with joy and energy rather than a sedentary and dependent one.

Best Exercises for Seniors

Now that we have discussed the benefits of doing regular exercise, let us also look at some simple exercises for senior citizens-

1. Water Aerobics-

In the past few years the popularity of this form of exercise has grown significantly, especially amongst seniors. Doing exercises in water is good for those with arthritis as well as other types of joint pain due to the natural buoyancy of water that reduces joint stress. Water also provides a form of resistance, removing the need for weights in training.

2. Chair Yoga-

Chair yoga is a really mild activity that improves muscular strength, movement, flexibility and balance in seniors, all of which are important health factors. It is a simple form of yoga that puts less pressure on the joints, muscles and bones than more traditional yoga.

3. Resistance Band Workouts-

If you are wondering what resistance bands are, they are essentially really stretchy strips made out of rubber that serve the purpose of adding resistance to your workouts while also helping reduce stress on your body. This very accessible and cheap form of exercise is really popular with senior citizens and helps improve their posture, balance and movement.

4. Pilates-

Pilates are a very old form of mild exercise that puts focus on things like breathing, core strength and alignment etc. It is an amazing way for seniors to build up some much needed strength without going through strenuous training. Moreover, it also helps them improve their flexibility and balance among other things.

5. Walking-

Now, this one seems really obvious, but it is still a very important part of exercises for senior citizens. It is not only the most accessible and low stress exercise but also has a ton of benefits like increased life expectancy, strengthening muscles, and decreasing the risk of heart disease, diabetes etc.

6. Body Weight Workouts-

This one may sound like it’s not for seniors but a lot of them suffer from muscle loss which can be really debilitating. Muscle loss can lead to issues like hormonal problems, decreased metabolized protein etc. This exercise can help counter all of that plus more.

7. Dumbbell Strength Training-

Strength training can be a really effective way to counter the symptoms of back pain, diabetes, osteoporosis and many more conditions. Although dumbbell training needs to be properly regulated, it can have amazing effects for seniors and be a really effective way for them to gain strength.

Exercises Seniors Should Avoid

Many popular workouts are not suitable for senior citizens. These popular routines are great for younger individuals who want to bulk up or lose weight quickly, but they can be dangerous for older persons who have joint discomfort, posture concerns, or balance issues. Any strenuous task such as rock climbing, deadlift or even long distance running are not suited for them. Even activities like crunches, squats and leg or bench presses should be avoided.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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