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Do Oats have Protein?

If you cross the cookies and cereal section in a supermarket, you will notice that several biscuit brands promote themselves as oats cookies. This trend of food items containing oats is gaining popularity. This is because oats are packed with essential nutrients like fibre that is good for your health. Additionally, it can help lower cholesterol levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and fight several diseases. The important question is that do oats have protein or does oatmeal have protein?

Yes, oats is a good source of plant-based protein. Though they might not be as rich in protein as compared to meat, they do offer a considerable amount. Oats are also a good source of many vitamins and minerals. They’re most commonly rolled or crushed and can be consumed as oatmeal (porridge) or used in baked goods, bread, muesli, and granola.

Nutritional Facts

The nutrition facts for 1 cup (81 grams) of raw oats are:

• Calories: 307

• Water: 8.7 grams

• Protein: 10.7 grams

• Carbs: 54.8 grams

• Sugar: 0.8 grams

• Fiber: 8.1 grams

• Fat: 5.3 grams

Oats are very low in sugar, with only 1% coming from sucrose.

Protein in Oats

Oats are a good source of quality protein at 11–17% of dry weight, which is higher than most other grains. The major protein in oats — at 80% of the total content — is avenalin, which isn’t found in any other grain but is similar to legume proteins. The minor protein avenin is related to wheat gluten. However, pure oats are considered safe for most people with gluten intolerance

Incorporating Oats into Your Diet

You can hardly go wrong with oats. You can consider having oatmeal for breakfast or adding oats to smoothies. Energy bars or granola using oats, dried fruits, and seeds can be your go-to option for a quick snack. Most people think it’s only for breakfast, but there is no incorrect time to have oats.


Oats are a nutritious food which is high in protein & soluble fiber as compared to other grains. In addition, they are also packed with important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, consult a health expert or nutritionist if you feel it may not be the right choice for you.

One of the important components of our overall wellness is also being financially secured. Healthcare emergencies can happen any time, but a good health insurance policy can protect you from such uncertain situations. To know more about Wellness and other health related tips, visit the Wellness Corner

Source: webmd, healthline

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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Published on October 26, 2023