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Fun Activities and Ways to Overcome Stress

Stress is a feeling of mental or physical strain or tension that is induced by internal thoughts or external circumstances. Most people feel stress at some point or the other in their lives, but it is important to learn how to manage and ease it. Prolonged stress can be harmful for a person as while under stress, the body produces certain chemicals and hormones which can negatively affect your health in long run.

Symptoms and Disadvantages of Stress

Stress is not very easily identifiable. Some people may exhibit external signs and symptoms when in stress, while others may not demonstrate any of it.

Here are a few common traits and behaviours that people under stress normally exhibit:

• Feeling nervous or anxious

• Feeling overburdened or overwhelmed

• Feeling irritated or angry

• Feeling afraid

• Not finding enjoyment in life or any activity

• Feeling depressed

• Having chaotic thoughts

• Losing your sense of humour

Physically, a person experiencing stress may exhibit these symptoms ranging from mild to severe:

• Shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing

• Having panic or anxiety attacks

• Problem with visions

• Having trouble with sleep

• Feeling fatigued or having muscle aches/soreness

• Having headache, or chest pain

• Developing hypertension or high blood pressure

• Having digestive system issues

• Having sudden weight loss or gain

• Breaking out with rashes

Fun Activities or Ways to Cope with Stress

If you are feeling stressed out, you can try to actively engage in calming activities or interesting and fun activities to take your mind off from issues causing stress. Listed below are some of activities which can indoors or outdoors.

1. Cooking

Cooking or baking is a great way to overcome stress as it engages your five senses and creativity. Crafting a perfect dish may not only give you a sense of achievement, but will also help you take your mind off stress issues.

2. Art

Art can be freeing if you are inclined towards it and an excellent way to de-stress, since it allows you to channel your thoughts and feelings in the right direction. This can bring you a feeling of solace.

3. Puzzles

Puzzles are a great way to engage and take your thoughts away from stressful issues. Try ones which excite you the most and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment after completing them.

4. Gardening

Taking up gardening can be a great stress buster. Set aside some time in your day to take care of your plants as it will help you disengage from stressful issues and concentrate on the task at hand.

5. Other Crafts

Knitting, crocheting, quilling, sculpting, pottery, and so on are some of the other crafts that you can try. You can also try some short and quick exercise like jumping jacks, push-ups and sit-ups which will activate neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine responsible for mental behaviour and movement of the body. Similarly, meditation, yoga, playing games or even a massage will help to bring the calmness and focus which is required during such times.


Stress is an inevitable part of life but we must learn to manage it and relieve it the right way so that our long-term health does not deteriorate. Engaging in simple interesting and exciting activities can go a long way in relaxing you and taking your mind off topics that are causing stress. Try the above listed activities and feel the difference yourself.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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Published on July 29, 2022