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Healthy Ageing Tips for Women

Age is just a number and while aging is a natural process, getting old doesn’t have to be. By taking a proactive approach towards your health and setting yourself up for success, you can age healthily. This will create an opportunity for improved longevity and a high quality of life. Read on to know more.

Tips to Age Gracefully

Here are few fantastic healthy aging tips that you can start today to keep yourself hale and hearty amidst the mundane routines of everyday life.

1. Protect yourself from the sun

Always wear protective clothing and apply sunscreen whenever you go out in the sun. Ultraviolet radiation can cause skin cancer, immune suppression, and cataracts.

2. Drink more water

Drink sufficient water as it nurtures skin, nails, and hair, and also facilitates smooth digestion and flushes toxins out of your body.

3. Keep yourself fit by exercising regularly

Exercise is an excellent anti-aging therapy. A consistent workout keeps you fit, reduces the chances of insomnia, and boosts up your self-confidence. Exercise aids in straightening up your posture and reverses the bone loss due to aging. Workout also manages diabetes, heart diseases, and osteoporosis.

4. Keeping a positive outlook towards ageing

It is seen that people with a positive outlook towards ageing live longer as compared to those who approach it with negative thoughts. This is because the negativity results in one of the most common mental ailments, depression.

5. Regularly screen yourself for common diseases related to women

Breast cancer is the most frequently detected cancer among women and the risk rises with age. One should get breast cancer screenings done every 1-2 years. Cervical cancer is also one of the most common categories of cancer found in women. As it may not have any signs or symptoms, it’s recommended that women ages 21 to 65 get routine test about every three years

6. Focus on your diet

Proper nutrition is essential for the body because as you get older you lose muscle mass, bone density, and burn fewer calories.


Ageing is a part of life and everyone goes through it. It needs to be embraced and done in a healthy and positive manner. Follow the above-mentioned healthy ageing tips and lead a healthy and fruitful life.


Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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Published on September 28, 2022