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Is it Possible to Lose Weight by Doing Yoga?

Yoga is considered great for a healthy mind and body but there are few debates about whether it is really helpful in weight loss. Most people believe that yoga needs to be accompanied by a healthy diet and exercises for it to be effective.

However, it is important to note that there are many asanas which can help you burn down calories. Moreover, you must follow the correct steps of a yogasana for weight loss under expert guidance. People with pre-existing health conditions and pregnant women must always consult their doctors before performing these asanas.

Importance of Yoga in Human Life

In our busy schedule, we often neglect our health. But doing yoga daily for 20 to 30 minutes can significantly help you improve both physical and mental health.

While some asanas are more relaxing, there are few others which help you lose weight. They may take time to perform but yoga requires patience and focus, with which you can reap many benefits, including weight loss. Along with yoga, a healthy diet is also necessary to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Here are Some of the Best Yogasanas for Weight Loss

• Utkatasana

Also known as the Chair pose, this asana helps eliminate excess fat around the belly and waist area.

Steps to be followed while performing:

1. Stand straight over your yoga mat with your feet separated.

2. Extend your hands in the front, with your palms facing downwards. Do not bend your elbows.

3. Lower your pelvis like sitting on an imaginary chair.

4. Move your hands so that your fingers point to the ceiling.

5. Look straight, stretch your spine and stay in the position. Inhale and exhale.

6. Do this asana for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

• Trikonasana

Trikonasana strengthens the balance and stability of the body by activating the core muscles. It also improves digestion and reduces belly and waist fat.

Steps to be followed while performing:

1. Stand straight over your yoga mat with 2-feet separation between your feet.

2. Inhale and stretch your hands to the side to align them with your shoulders. The palms should face downwards, and your hands should be parallel to the ground.

3. Exhale and turn your torso to your right. Then, take your right hand downwards to touch the right foot.

4. Stretch your left hand towards the ceiling as much as possible and look at it.

5. Stay in the position for approximately 10 to 20 seconds and then repeat the steps on the other side (left foot).

• Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Just like the name, the positioning of this asana resembles the king cobra. It increases metabolism and burns fat. Pregnant women must not perform this asana.

Steps to be followed while performing:

1. Lie down on your yoga mat, facing downwards.

2. Keep your palms near your chest facing downwards, and your feet on the ground.

3. Begin with pushing your upper body while pressing your palms on the ground. Do not move your legs.

4. Exhale and bend backwards without bringing your shoulders up.

5. Stay in the position for approximately 10 to 20 seconds and repeat.

• Virabhadrasana

Also known as the warrior pose, this one is a little challenging. If you are a beginner, ask for guidance from an experienced practitioner or a yoga teacher. This asana is one of the best ways to stretch complete body and reduce belly fat.

Steps to be followed while performing:

6. Stand straight on your yoga mat and keep your feet hip-width apart.

7. Turn your right knee outwards and face towards your right, while keeping the left knee facing forward.

8. Stretch your arms out horizontally on either side and slowly bend your right knee while keeping the left straight.

9. Bring your left hand to your right, palms touching each other. Bring up both arms, hands joined together over your head and look towards them.

10. Stay in the position for approximately 10 to 20 seconds, and then repeat with the other side.

11. Repeat the asana as per your capacity.


Practicing yogasana for weight loss along with following a healthy diet are the most effective ways to help you lose weight. Above mentioned yogasanas are some of the poses useful for weight loss.

As some of these can be dangerous for pregnant women and people with certain health conditions, it is best to consult with your doctor before you begin any yoga practice. While these asanas take a while to master, you must be patient and focus on the positive feelings that yoga creates.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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Published on August 01, 2022