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Be Fit by Doing these 8 Cardio Exercises at Home

Staying fit and healthy is synonymous with regular physical activity.Which is why, cardio workouts should be a vital component of your daily exercise regime. Cardiovascular exercise or cardio as it is popularly known, is any physical activity that boosts your respiration and heart rates. Doing cardio workouts at home helps you exert the large muscle groups of your body repetitively, resulting in increased blood circulation and higher oxygen levels throughout your body.

Cardio workouts improve your heart and lung function, sleep, mood, metabolism, and weight regulation. A good cardio workout should increase your heart rate to a vigorous intensity for at least ten minutes. The best part of doing cardio is that you can do it in your home and don’t need to venture outdoors or join a gym.

Doing the following cardio workouts at home can get your heart pumping and help you stay fit

1. Jump rope -

Jump rope is the simplest yet best cardio workout that can be done anywhere. You need very little space and just a jump rope. A 20-minute session can burn around 220 calories. If you are new to cardio and have never used a jump rope before, make sure you start slow and build up to 20 minutes over the course of a week. Start with 2 to 5 minutes on the first day, then take it to 5 to 8 minutes on the second day, and so on.

2. Burpees -

A burpee is a push-up followed by a jump-squat. You start from a squat position, lower your hands to the floor, and kick back your feet to do a push up. Next, you do a frog-kick with your feet to go back to the starting squat position. Next, you stand and jump in the air with your arms above your head, and land with your knees bent in a squat position. Do several repeats of this.

3. Spot running -

You don’t need to head outdoors or get a treadmill for this cardio workout at home. All you need to do is jog in place continuously for a few minutes at a time to get your heart and breathing rates up. If you find this boring, mix it up with other cardio exercises like jump rope, squats etc.

4. Mountain climbers -

Mountain climbers are a kind of exercise that works out your whole body, and especially the lower portion. To do mountain climbers, you begin in a push-up pose. Extend your left leg backward and bend your right leg near your chest with the toes touching the ground. Keep your palms on the ground and your arms perpendicular to the ground. Now reverse the position of your legs while keeping your hips level. Continue to repeat this rapidly such that it looks like you are trying to climb a mountain on all fours.

5. Squats -

Although squats are not exactly cardio, you can turn them into a cardio workout at home by making it a squat jump. Start with a squat. Your feet should be around shoulder-width apart, bend your knees and stretch your arms forward. Your arms and thighs should be parallel to the ground. Hold the position for a few seconds, then jump up as high as you can. Finally, land back in a squat position. Do several repetitions of this to get your heart pumping.

6. Staircase exercise -

If you have stairs in your building, you can get a good cardio workout at home by running up and down the stairs. This workout gets your heart rate up and improves your lower body strength.

7. Kickboxing -

Kickboxing is another great cardio workout that can be done in your home. It is a combination of boxing and karate and improves your overall strength as well. You can use a punching bag for this or do it on your own. You can burn upto 100 calories with 10 minutes of kickboxing. It also helps you release your stress and tension.

8. Dancing -

If you love dancing, put on some music and get your heart pumping with some dance moves. Dancing is a good form of cardio and you can either do it alone or with your partner, friend etc. Check out cardio-dance videos online if you want your workout to be structured.


Cardio should go hand-in-hand with strength training for better health and fitness. To make your cardio workout interesting, combine some of the above workouts to create a 30-minute session that you can do every day. Exercise is important for your health and wellbeing. However, if you have not been active before, do check with a doctor before you begin cardio workouts at home.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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