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Want to Lose Weight? Try these 10 Morning Habits

It's said that the right morning routine leads to a productive and beautiful day. People often mistakenly believe that skipping meals and exercising heavily are the only ways to lose weight. However, research shows that you can lose a considerable amount of weight by following a healthy lifestyle, eating nutritious foods at the right time, and with regular exercise. By including minor changes in regular morning habits, one can significantly improve weight loss.

Here are the Most Effective Habits to Develop

1. Wake Up Early

Waking up early is a habit that everyone should follow and being consistent in your sleeping habits is also very important. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can disrupt eating habits and increase food cravings. In a study, when the 12 participants got just four hours of sleep, they consumed around 559 more calories than when they slept for a full 8 hours.

2. Check Your Weight

When you are trying to lose weight, checking your weight regularly may make you feel more motivated. Weighing yourself every morning (right after a visit to the restroom) is more accurate than at any other time of day. According to a study of 47 participants, people who regularly weighed themselves lost 6 kg more in six months than those who didn't.

3. Drink 1-2 Glasses of Water

A healthy water intake helps in various ways on your weight loss journey. Drinking water after you wake up or before meals can help control your hunger pangs. For some people, drinking water can even suppress hunger for a while. Also, water helps in better digestion of your food.

4. Start Your Morning with Some Exercise

Morning is the best time to exercise. In the morning, as your stomach is empty and the body needs energy for workout, it starts burning the accumulated fat to meet this energy requirement. Exercising in the morning also helps to keep your blood sugar levels in check.

5. Have a Protein-rich Breakfast to Kickstart Your Day

Breakfast is the most important meal of the dayand a protein-rich breakfast will help you curb your cravings and keep you full for longer. Studies show that high-protein food decreases the level of hunger hormone 'ghrelin', thus reducing cravings and the constant urge to eat. You can include food options like cottage cheese, yoghurt, chia seeds, eggs, or lean meats in your breakfast.

6. Take in the Sun

Getting required amount of sun not only ensures that you get your daily dose of vitamin D, but it is also known to aid weight loss. Studies show that people who take in the sun early in the mornings have lower BMI and leaner physique than those who don't.

7. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of purposely bringing one’s attention in the present moment without evaluation. While there are studies which show that mindfulness is linked to healthy weight loss, there are also several studies which reveal that mindfulness training can reduce obesity. Mindfulness is a skill one can develop through meditationor other training in morning hours.

8. Pack Home-cooked Food

Simple way to make better food choices and increase weight loss is by making an effort to pack your own lunch. This way you can control portion size, calorie intake and the diet quality. You can prepare and pack your lunch the preceding evening so that you follow a healthy diet.

9. Walk or Use Public Transport

While private car is more convenient when you’re travelling, using public transport or walking short distances can help you lose more weight. Also, if conditions are right, then you can try cycling to your office.

10. Track Your Calories

Tracking how many calories you should consume daily is an effective way to help boost weight loss. Today, there are apps available which can help you do so or you can even use a food diary to track.


Losing weight may seem like a daunting challenge but even small changes in daily habits can make a big difference and ease your journey. Changing some essential morning habits helps you form healthy lifestyle routines that enable sustainable long-term weight loss. Most of the habits above are easy to perform and even add to your daily routine. So get started on your weight loss journey today.

Source: Healthline, Healthshots

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