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Nutrient-Rich Foods For A Healthy Pregnancy

With rapid globalization and a society that is getting big on consumer spending, food functions as an instrument of deriving pleasure, not just a utilitarian exercise to gain the resources our bodies need. A lot of these foods, however, while providing a sense of satisfaction through good taste, are unable to provide the nutrients required for the healthy growth of a baby.

Here are some foods to eat during pregnancy

• Folate & Folic Acid

Folate is essential to the list of foods to eat during pregnancy. Also known as Vitamin B9, folate is first produced as folic acid, then being converted into folate for medical and health-related purposes.

Folate has been deemed essential and beneficial to the development of our immune systems (WBCs), the breakdown of carbohydrates to produce energy as well as the production of DNA. Another key role played by folate is that it is essential during duration of expedited growth such as a pregnancy, where the baby has to develop its body, organs and system before it is born.

• Calcium

From the numerous calcium tablets that have been successfully thriving in Indian markets, with many becoming a staple part of a child’s diet in the household, one can assume the benefits that calcium provides when counted in as part of the list of foods to eat during pregnancy. It is fairly common knowledge that calcium is required for the healthy development of your bones. While pregnant, the mother’s body also has to provide the required nutrients including calcium for the development of the baby’s body and bones as well.

It is estimated that in a day, a pregnant mother requires approximately 1000mg of calcium per day, with the ideal dose being in two installments of 500mg each.

• Vitamin D

When one is pregnant, the fetus consumes a significant amount of the mother’s resources, meaning a Vitamin D deficiency is more common among pregnant women. This makes it an essential vitamin to include in your foods to eat during pregnancy list.

Vitamin D is said to provide a number of benefits during pregnancy such as the regulation of bone metabolism, calcium supply as well as maintaining phosphate equilibrium in your body.

• Protein

We require a steady supply of protein in order to ensure that our bodies are developing well, and this is much more important when considering foods to eat during pregnancy. Not only does protein allow for better blood supply in your body which enables more supply to the baby, it is also known to assist in the development of the babies’ organs and tissues, as well as brain development.

It is generally recommended that a pregnant mother consume about 100 mg of protein in a day, though this is contingent on one’s weight, pregnancy duration etc.

• Iron

We often hear the term ‘haemoglobin’ or haemoglobin levels. Haemoglobin is a protein responsible for the transfer of oxygen from your lungs to all the other parts of your body, allowing your body and muscles to store energy while making use of the oxygen supply. Iron just so happens to be an essential ingredient, highlighting its importance on the list of foods to eat during pregnancy.

A limited supply of iron could result in anaemia caused by iron deficiency, and consuming the right amount is said to prevent illnesses such as blood loss or a weak diet. It is also worth noting however that consuming too much iron is also not beneficial, and the suggested amount is around 27 mg per day for a pregnant mother.

• Supplements

Supplements are also part of the list of foods to eat during pregnancy. Nature provides us, through various flora and fauna, ample resources of all the nutrients and essential supplies we require for the efficient functioning and development of our bodies. Over time, however, as we have grown to genetically modify our foods etc, the various nutrients we gain have been compromised, resulting in the need for supplements: Manufactured products designed to provide us with certain nutrients.

What supplements to consider as foods to eat during pregnancy will vary based on each individual, and you should consult your healthcare provider before committing to any consumption.


During pregnancy, a mother’s body is responsible for providing all the supplies required for the development of the baby, making it imperative that the mother follow a healthy, nutrient-rich diet. This way the mother will be able to keep her body healthy whilst ensuring an ample supply of resources for the development of the baby.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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