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OCD vs. GAD - How to Tell the Difference ?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is one of the most common mental disorders, in the world. Many tend to think that OCD is similar to generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), however, that’s really not the case. Let’s see how OCD anxiety disorder is different from generalized anxiety disorder.

What do you mean by OCD & GAD?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental and behavioral disorder in which an individual has intrusive thoughts. Moreover, the person feels the need to perform specific routines on repeated basis to the extent where it leads to distress& impairment of general function. Most thoughts of people who are suffering with OCD anxiety disorderare induced due to anxiety and they find it difficult to stop even when they realize that they are being excessive.

On the other hand, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is a chronic state of severe worry and tension, often without provocation and people worry without any engagement in compulsive thoughts. They tend to have exaggerated and repeated worries about different aspects of their lives which often interfere with their daily functioning.

Behavioral Differences

One of the most important differences between OCD and GAD is presence of compulsive behavior. OCD patients suffer with anxiety and in order to cope with it, they engage in compulsive behaviors. In contrast, GAD patients do not engage in such behaviors.

OCD patients indulge in repetitive behaviors which takes form of certain rituals known as compulsions. These compulsions can be either mental or physical such as checking locked doors repeatedly or washing hands excessively. On the other hand, GAD patients indulge in worries and to cope with it, they sometimes talk to people around to seek reassurance. However, they don’t display ritual compulsion behavior as seen in people suffering with OCD.

Thought Pattern Differences

The thought pattern of OCD anxiety disorder and GAD are different from each other. We can understand them as follows:

GAD - It is characterized by excessive worries. This refers to a feeling that brings about anxiety pertaining to real-life issues. These issues are those that are generally considered important to worry about such as concerns related to future, work life, relationships, health, diseases, money, etc. Nevertheless, the degree of worry is excessive and abnormal in GAD patients.

OCD - It is characterized by intrusive thoughts, obsession, and compulsive behavior. These are mental images, ideas, or thoughts that are undesirable, relentless, continuous, and very distressing. Obsessive thinking is more unrealistic and it is difficult to control for those suffering with OCD. Such thinking is devoid of any logic or reason. Obsession has following characteristics:

1. Unrealistic

2. Persistency

3. Undesirability

4. Extreme frustration and distress

For example, a person believing that his hands must be washed a certain number of times to avoid catching diseases or certain items must be counted a specific number of times to avoid any mistake.


Although there are some important differences in the treatment of OCD and GAD, both respond well to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy:

Both OCD anxiety disorder and GAD involve negative thoughts and to change these thoughts, doctors use cognitive behavioural therapy. It is a therapy type where patients learn to identify their negative thoughts and change it. The CBT techniques used for OCD and GAD are as follows:

• Cognitive restructuring:

In this, people learn to identify thoughts that produce anxiety, challenge them, and develop a new perspective. This is useful for treating generalized anxiety.

• Exposure and response prevention:

This technique has shown to work the best. In this approach, people with OCD are gradually exposed to things that trigger their fears and anxieties, and overtime, the fear response lessens.


Medications are also helpful in the treatment of OCD and GAD. Although, they must only be consumed as directed and prescribed by your physician.


As you can see, OCD anxiety disorder is quite different from generalized anxiety. While both defects are problematic, OCD is more common and is considered more serious in intensity. With proper diagnosis and treatment, both OCD and GAD can be significantly controlled.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

Source: Verywellmind, Achieve Concierge

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Published on August 01, 2022