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How to Stay Fit At Home

It is natural to want to look good and shape up. Being fit not only keeps you healthy and energetic, but also boosts your confidence and feel-good factor. Now, many people believe that unless you hit the gym to work out,you can’t achieve this goal. But that’s far from the truth. Whether you lack the time to go to a gym or feel it’s too expensive, it doesn’t have to stop you from shaping up or getting fit.This blog talks about some simple, effective ways to get a full body workout at home. Read on and get started.

Follow these tips to get your full body workout at home

1. Rectify bad posture:

It can even ruin your sleep and put you at greater risk of injuries. To address this, there are a few steps you must take:

• Be more body aware and consciously think about whether you are slouching or overextending your arms or wrists. Correct yourself immediately.

• Learn what the right posture is from your physician so that you know how and what to correct.

• Get up and stretch periodically when you work long hours.

• Ensure your desk and chair are ergonomic and help you maintain good posture.

• Adopt a habit of doing stretches twice at least during the day.

2. Identify at-home exercises:

There are many such exercises to choose from and you don’t even need any equipment for the same. There are some great ones you can do with just enough space to move around in your work area. They include lunges, squats and calf raises. Some others need a floor space and a mat, both easily accessible. These are bridges, planks, twists, push-ups and leg raises.

3. Mix and match to suit your goal:

A combination of cardio, muscle building, weight loss/ increase exercises is what you need if you want to have a balanced exercise regimen that gives you visible results. Start by identifying your main objective- losing 20 pounds, strengthening your back, loosening up your neck etc., and then pick the right combo of exercises to achieve this goal.

4. Set space aside:

Setting up a home gym is a great idea if you have the space and money for it. But you don’t need to worry if you can’t. For a home gym, you just need to set aside some clear space and get a good exercise mat to protect your knees. You can get a pair of weights, skipping rope, resistance bands and similar items without burning a hole in your pocket. However, there are plenty of exercises you can do without any of these.

5. Chart goals:

Put up your goal on the wall of your home gym and everywhere else, so that you can see it constantly. This ensures that your fitness goals stay on top of your mind always, even when you are working. Prioritising fitness in this way allows you to easily say no to junk food, set time aside for exercise, and pay attention to posture throughout the day.

6. Set time aside for exercise:

Set aside a specific time each day or 5 days a week for exercise and make sure you have an alarm set or a note put up to remind you so you don’t miss it. Do NOT slack off and make excuses unless you are sick. Make sure you chalk out enough time to get a full body workout at home effectively.

7. Track your progress:

The motivation to continue with exercising comes when you see measurable results of all your hard work hence, tracking progress is of paramount importance. Prepare a weekly goal chart and mark down how much you have succeeded. Use simple, quantifiable measures, such as:

• Walked ___ miles each day

• Lost ____ pounds in a week

• Increased workout time by ___ minutes this week

• Progressed to ___ push ups/ lunges/ squats from ____ numbers

Working from home and lockdowns may have made your life far more sedentary than you want it to be. But that’s no excuse to stop working out entirely. There is a lot that you can do right from the comfort of your home, often inside your room. So, start right away and follow the tips given here to get your full body workout at home and enjoy great health benefits.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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