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Stress Affecting Your Life? Here are 5 Simple Remedies to Manage Stress

Indians are among the worst affected by stress in the recent years according to studies as reported by a leading newspaper. The uncertainty about employment owing to the pandemic, the anxiety about the disease itself and the lockdown have all combined to increase stress manifold. This is not just due to professional reasons, but also many other factors. The question is what can we do about it? Thankfully, the skills to manage stress are not at all difficult to master.

Here are 5 techniques you can use easily and effectively

1. Stay Active:

Simple to do and easy to maintain, staying active or adopting a simple exercise routine is one of the best ways to manage stress. The neurotransmitters that impact our mood are serotonin and dopamine, and exercise impacts these favourably. In addition, when you exercise, your attention is focussed on the activity and this provides a much-needed break from the mind’s endless cycle of thoughts.

2. Learn deep breathing:

From times immemorial, we have been told that simple deep breathing techniques have a host of benefits to offer to both the mind and body. As aHarvard Medical School article explains, when the body is stressed, the fight or flight response is called into action.This can result in physical debilities like blood pressure fluctuations, strain on the heart etc. apart from physiological impact. A simple way to curb this stress response is to adopt deep breathing or use meditation techniques to calm your mind.

3. Pay attention to your diet:

When you are stressed, you often forego meals or pick at your food because you lose your appetite. However, this could become a vicious cycle. One of the essential skills to manage stress is to develop a habit of eating well, at the right time and eating the right kinds of food, no matter how badly your appetite has been affected by various worries.

4. Strengthen social connections:

When you are stressed, emotional support from loved ones or trusted friends can turn you around and make you feel much more confident and relaxed. It is imperative to build a good network of people around you who can act as your social support network and constantly give you the emotional grounding you need to tackle everyday stress easily. One of the essential skills to manage stress is to learn to make and sustain such relationships with family, friends, colleagues and even those people whom you meet during the course of the day.

5. Be communicative:

It is not easy to talk about your problems, especially if you are a reserved person but you can always learn to share your burden with a few close friends or family members. Often, simply talking about issues with someone else can help you see things from a different perspective, realise that it is not as bad as you thought. Many times, the third party can see things clearly and offer simple solutions that you have not seen owing to stress. If you do not have close friends or relatives, consider talking to a counsellor but do not keep your feelings locked up inside for a long time. This could lead to emotional outbursts or meltdowns too.

In short, while stress has become an everyday issue for a startling number of us, the good news is that it is not difficult to get rid of. You have five simple skills to manage stress listed out here that you can begin to implement right from this moment. All of these are not just effective in helping you gain better control over your stress levels, but also improve your overall mental health, give you a better outlook on life and help you stay healthier and more positive.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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