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Watch Out for the Early Signs of Cancer

Being diagnosed with cancer can send chills down one’s spine. More so, if the disease is spotted in an advanced stage when treatment and cure become a near impossibility. Therefore, it’s important that you understand your body well and if something doesn’t feel right, get it checked. While some symptoms may warn you of cancer early on, some other signs might show up only after the disease progresses. Read on to learn more about cancer and the early signs of cancer.

What is cancer?

The uncontrolled growth and division of abnormal and old cells in a part of body is called cancer. The extra cells may form tumours (mass of tissues) which can be cancerous or non-cancerous.

What are the early signs of cancer?

The signs and symptoms of cancer depend on which part of the body is affected, its size and how much it has spread to other parts of the body. Here are some cancer early symptoms you should not ignore and when noticed one must consult a doctor:

• Extreme fatigue:

If you feel extremely fatigued for no reason and it doesn’t even go away with rest

• Fever and night sweats:

When fever is recurring & peaks at the same time mostly at night with no underlying infection and is also accompanied with night sweat.

• Unexplained weight loss:

If you lose weight for no reason and without any effort, it is surely a matter of concern.

• Unexplained pain/ache:

If the pain is persistent and you don’t know where it came from

• Skin changes:

If your skin or eyes become yellowish (jaundice), you get a sore or wart that doesn’t heal, a lump that turns scaly then they can be an early sign of cancer. Consult a dermatologist if your mole changes colour or gets darker, bigger or thicker, has irregular borders and is asymmetrical.

• Loss of appetite:

One feels too full to eat in cancers of pancreas, colon, stomach and ovarian as it puts pressure on the stomach.

• Persistent cough:

Persistent cough is usually a symptom of lung cancer. If it doesn’t get any better with medication then it needs to be examined.

• Blood in stool/urine:

There could be many reasons for this but colorectal cancers usually show this symptom. It’s better to get it tested.

• Lumps or swelling:

If the lump or swelling doesn’t hurt and keeps growing, it’s a warning sign of thyroid cancer. The lump can be in the neck, chest, stomach, groin, or armpit.

• Swollen lymph nodes:

If you notice any swelling in lymph nodes in the side of your neck or under the arms and it doesn’t subside in a week or so, don’t ignore it. It could be due to leukaemia or breast cancer.

• Difficulty in swallowing:

Don’t ignore if the problem persists. The reason could be due to cancer of the oesophagus.

• Persistent bloating:

A bloated tummy is a common problem and usually goes away on its own. But if it happens regularly, even if it comes and goes, check with your doctor.

• Unusual heartburn or indigestion:

Again, there is nothing to worry about these, but if the heartburn is particularly painful, then it needs to be investigated.


To be on the safe side, listen to your gut. If you feel something is not right, pay attention to your body and consult a doctor. And if you experience any of the above early signs of cancer and they get worse or last for a long time, get yourself checked immediately. When cancer is detected in its early stages, treatment becomes is and successful.

Source: UCSFhealth, WebMD, Mayoclinic

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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