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What is Childhood Obesity and How to Prevent It?

Childhood obesity is slowly turning out to be a big problem in most developed and developing countries. The effects of obesity in children can be extreme. This complex condition can affect every aspect of the child’s growth and may cause a permanent negative impact.

Childhood obesity is calculated by comparing the BMI levels of children in the same categories. If the BMI percentile range is 95 or higher, the child falls under the obese category.

This article will enlighten you about the reasons behind weight gain in children and ways of preventing childhood obesity.

Causes of weight problems and obesity in children

These are some of the leading causes you should know about:

• Genetics

A person’s genes determine their physical and mental state. Some kids may have inherited the genes to put on weight or have lowered metabolism. This can lead to the child gaining pounds quicker than other children.

• Lack of physical activity

One of the leading causes of childhood obesity is lack of physical activity. If you are keen on preventing childhood obesity, then the first thing to do is encourage your children to be active. The television and the internet have both created a new generation of sedentary children. Children who should have been out playing with friends are cooped inside their homes, watching videos and playing video games. This makes it difficult for them to burn calories.

• Unhealthy diet

Another major cause of childhood obesity is the current diet style. The effects of obesity worsen based on the kinds of foods the child has access to. Consuming fatty, sugar-loaded, and simple carbohydrate foods three times a day or more, with little or no fresh fruits and vegetables,can make it easy for children to gain weight. Such unhealthy eating habits, combined with a sedentary lifestyle, are a sure way to put on weight.

• Use of certain medications

Some children may be on specific medications that may encourage weight gain. You should talk to your child’s pediatrician to deal with this.

Ways of preventing childhood obesity

As parents, you need to find ways of preventing childhood obesity, and if your child is already on the higher side of the scale, analyze the effects of obesity and take corrective actions right away. Here are some proven ways of handling the condition.

• Promote a Healthy Lifestyle

Sit down with your partner to analyze your current lifestyle. How stressed are you? Do all of you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep? How many hours in a day do you spend on your phone or the TV? Make a list of healthy changes everyone in the family can adapt to bring about a difference. Children mimic the actions of their parents. Therefore, you need to change your lifestyle for the better if you want your child to do well too.

• Eat healthy meals

Food plays such a big role in keeping a person healthy. Unfortunately, the current market advertises unhealthy foods exceptionally well, pushing children to consume them. Start by eliminating junk and processed foods from your fridge. Stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables instead. Start cooking using fresh ingredients and make mealtime healthy in general.

One of the main effects of obesity is the increased risk of lifestyle diseases like diabetes and hypertension. You can eliminate such risks by choosing the right meals. A plate loaded with proteins, good fat, and complex carbohydrates works the best.

• Physical activity

Plan physical activities as a family to encourage your child to get on their feet. You could hike, bike around, or take a walk as a group during the weekends and make the activity fun for little ones. Encourage the child to take up physical activity classes like sports, dancing, aerobics, and gymnastics that give them regular exercise.

Key takeaways

Childhood obesity is not just a problem for today. It can make a significant impact on the lives of children as they grow up. The effects of obesity when left uncontrolled can be permanent and devastating. Hence, involve your child in planning the meals so they know what is healthy and what is not. Reducing their screen time is also a good way to encourage physical and outdoor activity.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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Published on December 15, 2021