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Simple Ways to Encourage Kids to be Physically Active

Physical fitness is not something that only adults need to care about. Kids need to be active and fit too, especially since childhood obesity, microbial infections and other lifestyle conditions are on the rise. However, the level of physical activity usually drops dramatically once a child forays into high school, owing to academic pressure. Moreover, kids these days spend their leisure hours on mobile phones and other gadgets rather than in playgrounds. Therefore, parents need to take the initiative and encourage their little ones to play outdoor games or get involved in a sport.

Importance of being physically active from a young age

1. Stronger body:

As per experts, at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day helps develop strong bones, muscles, and joints in children.

2. Better immunity:

Staying physically active is also linked to stronger immunity. Hence, an active child is less prone to infections and other conditions.

3. Healthy body mass index:

A physically active child will have a healthy weight. This will reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes and other health conditions later in life.

4. Improved brain functions:

Studies have shown that regular physical activity improves a child’s mental health and behaviour. An active child is also more enthusiastic, optimistic, confident, well-behaved, and has a better attention span.

5. Quality sleep:

Physical activity also improves sleep quality. It promotes overall mental health and reduces stress, anxiety, and depression.

Ways to get started

Wondering how to encourage your kids to stay physically active? The following tips can help:

1. Set an example:

Children watch their parents and mimic most of their habits. So, if you exercise regularly and are physically active, your kids will learn the same. Be a role model to your kids instead of forcing them to be active.

2. Encourage them to walk small distances:

When going to school or a friend’s place, encourage them to walk the distance. Also, tell them to take the stairs whenever possible.

3. Make it a family affair:

Plan some fun-filled outdoor activities for the entire family. You can go for a jog in the morning or evening, play soccer or go trekking with kids. Joining a swimming club and spending the evening in a park are also great options.

4. Make it fun:

Adding the fun element to different activities will keep kids interested. Turn on the music when exercising and alternate the exercise routine with dance and fun outdoor games.

5. Invite their friends:

Kids enjoy doing different activities with their friends. So, invite their friends and create an exercise regime or game time for them. This will keep kids happy and focused.

6. Organise competitions:

This is one of the best ways to motivate kids. Plan running races, push-up competitions, basketball games and more for your kids and their friends every few days. Declare the winners and give them small prizes.

7. Involve children in household chores:

You can ask your kids to help you with certain chores, such as mowing the lawn, dusting the house and washing their bikes. Many kids enjoy doing different activities like these.

8. Give the right gifts:

Choose smart gifts for your children, such as soccer balls, skates, bicycles, skipping ropes and activity-tracking smart watches to promote physical activity.

9. Limit screen time:

One way of doing this is by encouraging kids to join a sports club. If they like to play football, basketball or any other sport, push them to play these more often. Dance and yoga classes are good options for children who are not into sports. For little kids, you must limit screen time to one hour a day.

10. Plan vacations the smart way:

When you are planning a family vacation, make sure it includes some fun physical activities like trekking, camping, hiking and cycling. A vacation different from the usual city tours will keep them excited, interested, and active.


Exercising regularly and staying physically active is important for the overall growth and development of your little ones. And with different infections and lifestyle diseases on the rise, inculcating healthy habits in children from a young age is important. Hence, you must make some efforts and ensure that your kids are not spending more time being couch potatoes.

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Published on November 24, 2021