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World Breastfeeding Week 2022: Let's Promote The Benefits Of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding a baby is an overwhelming and emotional experience for new mothers. The act of breastfeeding holds equal importance in the lives of mothers and infants. Not only does it help in the all-around development of the newborn baby, but it also helps new mothers to connect with their babiesThis Word Breastfeeding Week 2022, let’s find out about the breastfeeding benefitsand also spread awareness about its importance and need in the lives of babies and mothers.

Breastfeeding Benefits for a Mother

• Psychological and Emotional Health

Breastfeeding benefitsa new motherby boosting her self-esteem and confidence and making them realise that with breast milk they can provide all essential nutrients which are needed for their baby’s growth. Also, when a mother holds her baby for breastfeeding, it gives her a positive psychological experience.

• Release of Hormones

One of the key breastfeeding benefits is that it releases oxytocin hormone which is known for relaxing the mom and aiding her physical healing. The release of oxytocin makes the uterus contract and return to normal size sooner, while also reducing the bleeding. Oxytocin also helps to lower blood pressure, stress and anxiety.

• Weight Loss

Breastfeeding mothers are likely to get back to their pre-pregnancy body weight faster than mothers who rely on formula feeding as the body uses energy from the fat gained during pregnancy to produce milk. When breastfeeding is extended for at least 6 months, it helps in weight loss.

• Birth Spacing

Another breastfeeding benefits is that it can act like a contraceptive and space out births.It can help a mother torecuperate before conceiving again. Moreover, breastfeeding can delay fertility for some as it suppresses ovulation. A breastfeeding mother may not have regular menstruation or not ovulate at all for the entire lactation period.

• Long-term Advantages

Breastfeeding helps in preventing many diseases such as cancer, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and so on. Not only that, it is also known for reducing the risks of postpartum bleeding and iron deficiency.

Breastfeeding Benefits for a Child

• Best Nutrition Possible

A mother’s breast milk contains all the essential nutrients that a baby needs for the initial 6 months. As the baby grows, their body needs keeps changing andto fulfil these needs, the breast milk composition also keeps changing. Colostrum, a thick yellowish fluid which is produced during the first few days after delivery helps in developing the baby’s digestive tract and is low in sugar & high inprotein.

• Immunity Boost

This is one of the importantbreastfeeding benefits for babies. The antibodies in breast milk help ward off bacterial and viral infections during the early months. Colostrum which is produced in the initial days after child birth is loaded with immunoglobulin and it forms a layer of protection in the little one’s digestive system, nose and throat.

• Disease Prevention

Breastfeeding exclusively can protect babies against a variety of diseases, such as middle ear and respiratory tract infections, cold, gut infections, allergies, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), diabetes, bowel diseases and even childhood leukaemia.

• Brain Development

Apart from the fact that breast milk is highly nutritious, the act of breastfeeding encourages physical intimacy, eye contact and touch. This might boost brain development in babies and help them pick up lessons faster in future.

• Healthy Weight Gain

Breastfeeding (especially for more than 4 months) helps babies gain weight in a healthy manner and prevent obesity.


So, as you see breastfeeding benefits both the mother as well as babies in multiple ways. So, this World Breastfeeding Week, embrace and encourage this pure act of love. And don’t forget to buy the right kind of health insurance policy, so that new mothers have adequate financial coverage in case of an emergency. You can explore different health insurance plans that HDFC ERGO offers.

Source: Cleveland Clinic, Apollo Cradle, NIH

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