Car insurance is a type of insurance policy required to provide protection to your vehicle against any damage which might result into a financial loss. In addition to it, any third party liability which has arisen due to use of your vehicle is covered under car insurance. As per the Motor Vehicle Act, it is mandatory to buy a liability only policy without which one cannot use the vehicle on road.
A comprehensive insurance policy provides protection to your vehicle due to any impact damage, fire, theft, earthquake etc. In addition to this, it provides cover against any third party liability in term of death, bodily injury and third party property damage.
As per law, only third party liability only policy is required without which one cannot use the vehicle on road. However, under third party liability only policy, any damage to your vehicle due to fire, theft, earthquake, terrorism etc is not covered and it could result into a huge financial loss. Therefore, it is recommended to buy a comprehensive cover as it provides financial protection along with protection from third party liability.
There are two type of car insurance policies – comprehensive and liability only policy
As per the Supreme Court directive, with effect from 1st Sept, 2018, every brand new car owner has to buy a long term policy. You may choose from the following long term policies for your prized possession:
  1. Liability only policy for 3 years policy duration
  2. Package policy for 3 years policy duration
  3. Bundled policy with 3 years liability cover and 1 year cover for own damage
Yes, the Motor Vehicle Act states that every motor vehicle plying on the road has to be insured with a Liability Only policy at the very least.
Zero depreciation is an add-on cover and has to be purchased by paying additional premium. It offers complete coverage to your vehicle without factoring into depreciation. For instance, if your vehicle is badly damaged, then you don’t need to pay for any depreciation charges and will be eligible for full claim amount subject to terms and conditions of the policy.
Emergency assistance is an add-on cover and has to be purchased by paying additional premium. It has multiple benefits like assistance in case of breakdown, tyre replacement, towing, fuel replacement etc which can be availed during the policy duration. Customers need to call up the customer care number mentioned on the policy for availing these benefits.

Quite simply, it's a discount in the Own Damage Premium payable when renewing your policy after a claim-free year. It is an incentive for driving carefully and avoiding accidents.

All types of Vehicles% of Discount on Own Damage premium
No claim made or pending during the preceding full year of insurance20%
No claim made or pending during the preceding 2 consecutive years of insurance25%
No claim made or pending during the preceding 3 consecutive years of insurance35%
No claim made or pending during the preceding 4 consecutive years of insurance45%
No claim made or pending during the preceding 5 consecutive years of insurance50%
You can easily renew your expired policy online. You need to download Self Inspection application and upload the documents, once the documents are approved by HDFC ERGO, a payment link would be sent and you may make the payment to renew the policy. Once the payment is made, you will receive the policy copy.
No Claim Bonus is valid up to 90 days from the previous policy expiry date. If the policy is not renewed within 90 days, No Claim Bonus will become 0% and no benefit shall be passed on to the renewed policy.

The Insured’s Declared Value (IDV) of the vehicle will be deemed to be the ‘SUM INSURED’ and it will be fixed at the commencement of each policy period for each insured vehicle.
The IDV of the vehicle is to be fixed on the basis of the manufacturer’s listed selling price of the brand and the model of the vehicle proposed for insurance at the commencement of insurance /renewal and adjusted for depreciation (as per schedule specified below). The IDV of the side car(s) and / or accessories, if any, fitted to the vehicle but not included in the manufacturer’s listed selling price of the vehicle is also likewise to be fixed.

Not exceeding 6 months5%
Exceeding 6 months but not exceeding 1 year15%
Exceeding 1 year but not exceeding 2 years20%
Exceeding 2 years but not exceeding 3 years30%
Exceeding 3 years but not exceeding 4 years40%
Exceeding 4 years but not exceeding 5 years50%
No paperwork and physical documentation are required and you will get your policy instantly.
Existing insurance policy can be transferred in the name of buyer by passing an endorsement. Supporting documents like sale deed/form 29/30/NOC of seller/NCB recovery shall be required to pass an endorsement under the existing policy.
You may cancel the existing policy. Supporting documents like sale deed/form 29/30 shall be required to cancel the policy.
Existing vehicle has to be sold off on the basis of which an NCB reserving letter would be issued by the existing insurer. On the basis of the NCB reserving letter, this benefit can be transferred to the new vehicle
You need to approach the insurer with supporting documents for transfer of insurance. Supporting documents would include sale deed/form 29/30/NOC of seller, Old RC copy, Transferred RC copy and NCB recovery amount.
You can easily renew your expired policy online. You need to download HDFC ERGO Self Inspection application and upload the documents, once the documents are approved by HDFC ERGO, a payment link would be sent and you may make the payment to renew the policy. Once the payment is made, you will receive the policy copy.
You may register a claim either on HDFC ERGO’s website or through its call centre or HDFC ERGO’s mobile app
You may register a claim either on HDFC ERGO’s website or through its call centre or HDFC ERGO’s mobile app
With Overnight Repair Facility, repair of minor damages shall be completed overnight. Facility is available only for private cars and taxis. Process for overnight repair facility is mentioned below
  1. Claim needs to be intimated through the call center or HDFC ERGO mobile application (IPO).
  2. Our team will reach out to the customer and request for vehicle damage photos.
  3. Damages limited to 3 panels will be accepted under this service.
  4. Vehicle may not be repaired immediately post intimation as the workshop appointment and pick-up is subject to vehicle part and slot availability.
  5. Customer saves on the time they have to spend on driving to and back from the garage.
  6. Currently this service is available in 13 selected cities which are Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, Surat, Vadodara, Ahmedabad, Gurgaon, Jaipur, Hyderabad, Chennai, Kolkata, and Bangalore.
You can pay your policy premium through debit & credit card issued by your bank, internet banking, wallet/cash card, EMI, UPI (GPay, PhonePe, Paytm, etc.), QR code. Please note, we do not accept payment through any club card or diners' card.
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