Driven by innovation, Mahindra launched one of the most sought-after SUVs in India, Mahindra THAR. The original THAR, though still a prized possession, has come a long way. From a raw, noisy vehicle that was often considered only for off-roaders, the all-new THAR is an iconic design that truly stands out everywhere it goes. The interiors have been designed to make your travel, not just fun and adventure but also comfortable. Still a very capable off-roader, this SUV is not all about rugged roads on weekends, like its predecessors. Rather it can be driven in all kinds of stop-and-go traffic in the city as well.
Loaded with the latest tech, the 4 seater SUV is available in 10 variants. Let us take a glance at some of the most popular ones:
The single-year comprehensive insurance for Mahindra Thar comes with an annually renewable own damage cover, and a third-party liability cover that protects you financially against accidental damage, theft, and damage due to natural and manmade disasters. It also comes with a personal accident cover of INR 15 lakhs to ensure your treatment costs are taken care of in case of an accident.
Personal accident cover
Natural calamities
Third-party liability
Choice of add-ons
A mandatory cover for any car on the road, the third-party liability insurance is a basic car insurance policy that only covers against financial liability to a third-party person for injuring them or causing damage to their property as a result of an accident involving your car.
Personal accident cover
Third-party property damage
Injury to a third-party person
This is a component of the comprehensive cover that can also be bought separately as a standalone policy, especially if you already have third-party insurance for the vehicle. This policy covers damage to your own vehicle as a result of an accident, or natural and manmade disasters. It also comes with a theft cover that provides you the Insured Declared Value (IDV) in case of irretrievable theft.
Natural Calamities
Choice of add-ons
This is the policy that is the most recommended and is the one that you must choose when buying a new vehicle. It comes with a three-year third-party liability cover and an annually renewable own damage component, so that you stay covered for an extended duration. It also comes with a personal accident cover, theft protection, and the choice of add-on covers.
Natural Calamities
Personal accident
Third-party liability
Choice of add-ons
Accidents are often unpredictable, and sometimes, unavoidable. However, the cost of repairing your vehicle can be mitigated with an own damage cover.
Disasters strike without warning. Keep your car financially protected against damages as a result of earthquakes, floods, storms, fires, vandalism, rioting, etc.
Theft of your Innova can result in a significant financial loss without car insurance. However, with insurance, you will get the IDV of the vehicle, and if you have the Return to Invoice cover, then the entire on-road price of the car.
A personal accident cover of at least INR 15 lakhs is mandatory for all owners, in order to mitigate the cost of treatment in case of an accident.
This takes care of your financial liabilities in case you cause injuries or damage to a third-party person or property.
Cars are getting smarter and so are insurance companies. The days of lining up at the insurer’s office are long gone. You can now renew your Mahindra Thar car insurance policy online easily, from the comfort of your own home, in a matter of minutes. Here’s how:
When choosing an insurer, you should check its claims settlement ratio and process, customer base, and presence across your region. Only then you can get the assurance of a great experience. Here’s why you should choose HDFC ERGO:
Save up to 70% on your premiums with HDFC ERGO. Also, enjoy up to 50% off on your own damage premium with the No Claims Bonus discount.
Get your car repaired without denting your own finances, even temporarily, with our cashless garages. With over 8700 cashless garages across the country, you’re always covered.
We process over 80% of car insurance claims on the very day they are filed. This ensures there’s minimal wastage of time between your car getting damaged and repaired.
Our unique overnight repair service ensures that minor repair works, in the event of an accident, are taken care of while you catch up on sleep. The car is ready for your use the next morning.
Never get stranded anywhere with our 24x7 assistance service to help you with breakdowns, tows, etc.