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10 Important Tips for Exercising in Summer Heat

Whenever anyone hears about summer, the first thing that strikes in our mind is excessive heat which leads to numerous health issues. If you are a person who exercises regularly, then you need to take certain precautionary measures to avoid heat-related health condition such as a heat stroke, heat exhaustion or extreme dehydration, all of which can greatly derail you from your fitness goals. Summer heat and exercise can be a risky combination. However, if you follow preventive measures and exercising tips, you can beat the summer heat and enjoy your workout without any problem.

1. Ease Up

During summer, when you are exercising, you should know when to ease up, especially if you're living in areas where there is a scorching and humid climate. There might be a possibility that you won't be able to exercise during summer at the intensity you usually do, and that's okay. However, if you have a medical condition and take prescription medications, ask your physician if you need to take any additional precautions.

2. Avoid the hottest part of the day

It is advisable to rise early for exercise to catch the cool of the morning, or go out at sunset or later. It is not advisable to hit the gym or park in the heat of mid day, that is generally between 10 am and 4 pm.

3. Wear light-coloured and lightweight clothing

Dark colours absorb the heat, making you feel as if you’re inside a warm blanket. Heavyweight, tight-fitting clothing will also heat you. It is preferable to wear loose and light clothes. This will help more air circulate over your skin, keeping you cool.

4. Keep track of your hydration levels

An excellent way to know whether you're adequately hydrated or not is by checking the colour of your urine. You're well-hydrated if it's pale yellow, while you need to drink more fluid if the colour is darker. To be safe, do drink the recommended 8 to 10 ounces of water for every 20 minutes of activity. Ensure that the body does not enter into a hypohydration state while you exercise in summer.

5. Avoid Getting into Hyper Hydration State

Drinking too much water will lead to hyperhydration, which can cause hyponatremia (low blood sodium). If you want to avoid getting overly hydrated, it is wise to drink during and after exercise and other physical activities. At other times of the day, drink when thirsty.

6. Know your limits

Listen to your body and if you begin to feel dizzy, tired or nauseous, give yourself a break. Taking some time off for rest is better than overdoing your workout, getting sick or injured, and stopping working out altogether. If the summer heat proves to be too much of a challenge for your standard high-intensity workout, break it up into multiple smaller workouts throughout the day. This will allow your body to recover and refuel without hampering your fitness and workout goals.

7. Avoid Excessive protein load before workout

It is not an intelligent move to overload your body with protein before performing exercises, as it generates more heat in the body. Ensure not to eat more than 20 grams of protein right before exercising. The intensity of the exercise can be improved by taking complex carbohydrates before a workout as it fills up the glycogen level in the body, which is needed during the workout.

8. Adjust your body temperature

Take a cold shower before your workout. A pre-exercise cooldown helps you perform better in the heat by lowering your heart rate and skin temperatures.

9. Cool down with essential oils

Apply a few drops of peppermint or eucalyptus oil to the back of your neck and temples just before your workout. It provides a cooling effect and opens up your nasal passages.

10. Keep your neck cool with a frozen towel

You can soak a lightweight hand towel in a bowl of water. Wriggle the cloth and freeze it for an hour. When you are all set to go for a workout, wrap this towel around your neck.


If you follow the above-mentioned exercising tips, you can follow your fitness routine during summer without any hindrance. Ensure that you take proper guidance and consultant from an expert for your workout training program this summer to avoid getting any injury or cramp in your body.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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