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Benefits of Daily Yoga Practice to Enhance Your Health

Yoga encompasses a range of contemplative and self-disciplinary practices which include meditation, breathe work, chanting, prayer, mantra, ritual, selfless action, and more. The word ‘yoga’ is derived from the word ‘yuj’ which means ‘to bind’. When discussing the benefit of yoga, we see that there isn’t just one. These postures and techniques of yoga can provide you with many health benefits that are also backed by science.

Health Benefits of Practicing Yoga

• Enhanced Flexibility:

Yoga is great for maintaining a good physical health and even low-intensity yoga can gradually help to increase flexibility.

• Reduced Inflammation:

Many conditions like heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, etc., can cause inflammation. Studies have shown that yoga helps to reduce cytokine levels in the blood, which promotes inflammation.

• Stress Relief:

Yoga is a great way to relieve stress and besides physical practice, meditation and breathwork can also help to de-stress.

• Reduced Anxiety:

Anxiety disorders are becoming very common by the day and by performing different yoga asanas one can reduce their anxiety. Guided meditation can also help to reduce stress and eventually decrease anxiety.

• Improved Bone Health:

Many postures in yoga, like the plank pose, fully engages your core muscles and over time can also increase the bone density and significantly enhance bone health.

• Strength-Building:

Besides flexibility, yoga also builds muscle strength, making it a multimodal form of exercise.

• Immunity Boost:

yoga can help build your immunity by improving your respiratory system, and other bodily functions.

• Better Cardiovascular Function:

Yogic and controlled breathing can help enhance various systems within your body, especially the cardiovascular system through better blood flow to various organs and the brain. It also influences the cardio respiratory centre of the brain to enhance its functioning.

• Enhanced Brain Functioning:

Daily yoga practice can activate parts of your brain that are in charge of executive functioning, neuroplasticity, attention, and motivation. Certain yoga poses are specifically designed to increase blood flow to the brain, making it sharper and more alert.

• Improved Mental Health:

Yoga reduces stress hormones in the body while increasing endorphins, which contribute towards theone’s well-being feeling. As per studies by a group of professors from prestigious institutions like Harvard School of Medicine, New York Medical College, Boston Medical Center, movement-based yoga and breathing-based practices helps to significantly reduce symptoms of depression.

• Improved Sleep:

Yoga helps to get a calm, peaceful and undisturbed sleep.

• Enhanced Balance:

Different yoga poses helps to improve the body balance.

• Better Posture:

Yoga leads to better alignment of musculoskeletal system, and enhances spine mobility and thus helps to improve mobility, posture and flexibility.

• Enhanced Self-Esteem:

Daily yoga improves state of mind, relieves stress, and brings in a sense of positivity which helps in enhancing one’s self-esteem

• Improved Quality of Life:

Yoga has proven to enhance quality of life, especially for those suffering from chronic pain, by teaching to focus on important things in life


Benefits of yoga are still being discovered through extensive research by reputable institutes. The scientific research may not be as old as yoga, but the results have definitely been promising. Yoga is good for overall health of body as well as mind and the most important thing to remember is that yoga is about both, the physical activities as well as meditation techniques.

One of the important components of our overall wellness is also being financially secured. Healthcare emergencies can happen any time, but a good health insurance policy can protect you from such uncertain situations. To know more about Wellness and other health related tips, visit the Wellness Corner.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

Source: Healthline, Medical News Today

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