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Benefits of Practicing Yoga for Healthy Body

You see a Yoga pose and the first thought that probably crosses your mind is whether you can pull that stretch off or not. In reality, Yoga is not difficult to emulate, and therefore, millions of people across continents rely on this form of exercise for their physical and mental health. If you delve deeper into the origins and meaning of Yoga, you will find that it promotes the union of our body and mind and paves way for our spiritual enlightenment. Even if you want to skip the spiritual aspect, you must know the multiple benefits of practicing Yoga every day.

A global phenomenon now, Yoga with its combination of physical and mental exercises, have helped people calm their minds and strengthen their bodies. Modern life offers good things like comforts and conveniences, but also health hazards in the form of obesity, hypertension, heart problems, and mental health issues. With the varying traditional Yoga practices and asanas (poses) and emphasis on nutritious diet, you can move towards a healthy lifestyle.

The importance of yoga for a healthy body and mind cannot be denied. So, let’s learn about some of the physicaland mental benefits of this ancient form of exercise:

Physical benefits of yoga

• Enhances flexibility: You must have gaped at how some people can bend their bodies with so much ease. Well, yoga helps improve your flexibility. The poses make your muscles relax through gentle stretching and with time and practice, you areable to have more access to your joints’ full range of motion. In fact, improved flexibility is one of the first and most obvious benefits of yoga. It will take some time but soon you will notice the benefits such as you will be able to move better, feel less tired and will be able to do some of the complex asanas. Increased flexibility will also boost your overall fitness performance.

• Helps improve chronic back pain: Poor posture thanks to the sedentary lifestyle give us constant back, neck, and shoulder pain. Yoga improves posture by building your core strength and stability. It subsequently can prevent back pain.

• Builds body awareness and balance: The Yoga practitioner develops a better understanding of how the various muscles, joints, and tissues work together. You learn more about your body’s alignment and balance requirements, which will particularly help you when you get older. Better balance also reduces the risk of injury because of the awareness to activate the right muscles that help you maintain stability.

• Fights fatigue: During Yoga, the heart pumps more oxygen-rich blood to the muscles and organs, which can help reduce fatigue. You feel more energetic and your stress levels drop.

• Benefits heart health: Yoga improves cardiovascular health by lowering heart rate, blood pressure, and even cholesterol. Its many breathing exercises train the nervous system to better manage heart rate. A relaxed heart is a happy heart.

• Better breathing: Yoga strengthens the diaphragmatic muscles allowing the lungs to increase their capacity. This controls your breathing during stressful situations or during any form of exercise.

• Builds strength: No, we are not talking about six-pack abs here. Holding on to some of the Yoga poses for longer periods builds strength faster. Your muscular endurance and performance skyrocket.

• Improves sleep: You get quality shut-eye because Yoga improves your breathing and makes you feel relaxed. Yoga works for you even when you are not working.

Mental benefits of yoga

• Improves your mood: Exercises cannot exactly cure mental health issues like anxiety and depression. However, with Yoga, the stress levels will reduce. Many studies have found that people who practice Yoga start feeling less anxious, confused, and depressed, compared to people who didn’t practice Yoga.

• Helps your mind relax: To reiterate, Yoga calms your nerves, literally. It turns on your relaxation response by focusing on your breathing. It works wonders by releasing tension in your muscles and joints while calming your mind.

• Improves focus: Yoga demands concentration and endurance. This sharpens your mental focus.

• Cultivates resilience: The pandemic has been difficult for us all and we have survived because of our resilience. But tough situations in life are a constant and we must stay resilient; physically, mentally, and emotionally. Yoga poses teach you to deal with discomfort. They challenge you to comeout of your comfort zone. Gradually, you will realize that Yoga is teaching you what to keep pursuing and what to let go of.


While vigorous exercises may derail your interest, Yoga’s low-impact workout is easy for the body to adjust to. Yoga is also inexpensive as it requires no equipment. The importance of yoga lies in the fact that it is more than a physical practice. Rather, you must perceive it as a complete program that encompasses your entire being. It trains your mind along with your body.You become more resilient to handle life’s many challenges by developing an awareness of your thoughts and actions. Practice Yoga to add better health and positivity to your life. start learning this ancient practice with some expert help.

One of the important components of our overall wellness is also being financially secured. Healthcare emergencies can happen any time, but a good health insurance policy can protect you from such uncertain situations. To know more about Wellness and other health related tips, visit the Wellness Corner.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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