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How to Lower Blood Sugar Levels Naturally in 14 Easy Steps

As an important energy source, blood sugar is essential for the human body.However, keeping it at an optimal level is crucial.Otherwise, high blood sugar can lead to serious health complications such as vision loss, heart diseases, and kidney diseases. If you are wondering how to lower blood sugar, along with taking your prescribed medicines, you can try out some natural tips. Here are 14 easy ways to control diabetes or lower blood sugar levels naturally and effectively.

1. Exercise Regularly

Exercise helpslower blood sugarby increasing insulin sensitivity. When you exercise, the blood sugar moves from the bloodstream to the muscles, which helps boost insulin sensitivity instantly. Going for brisk walks, jogging, swimming or cycling should help and try to do it regularly.

2. Manage Carb Intake

As the body breaks down carbs into sugar, one must manage their carb intake.If it is higher than average, it results in fluctuation of blood sugar levels. Carb requirement per meal ideally depends on several factors; including age, weight, and how much a person exercises in a day, therefore, one must consult a dietician.

3. Eat More Fibre-Rich Foods

Because the body is unable to absorb and break down fibre, it doesn’t cause spike in blood sugar the way other carbohydrates can. So, the best way to increase the intake of fibre is byincluding fibre-rich foods in your diet like opting forwhole fruits over juice, adding legumes and whole grains.

4. Drink More Water

Stay hydrated as when you drink more wateryou produce more urine, and your kidneys eliminate that extra sugar through the urine. Choose only water or zero-calorie drinks and avoid sugary drinks as they will raise the blood glucose levels.

5. Get Enough and Quality Sleep

A lack of sleep increases the level of the stress hormone, which affects your blood sugar level and increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. Poor sleep also affects insulin's ability to regulate blood sugar causing a sudden increase in blood glucose. Ideally, seven to nine hours of uninterrupted sleep every night is essential for good health.

6. Adopt Stress-Busting Habits

Since stress contributes to elevated blood sugar levels, adopt habits that can help eradicate stress, such exercising, or doing yoga or meditation.

7. Don't Skip Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal, which helps keep your body energised for rest of the day. Having a protein-rich breakfast is more effective in treating high glucose levels as like fibre, protein helps to slow down insulin secretion, inducing a gradual increase in blood glucose.

8. Eat Foods Rich in Magnesium and Chromium

Besides increasing good cholesterol, magnesium and chromium-rich foods help improve insulin sensitivity, which your body requires to regulate blood sugar levels. Thus, adding these foods to your diet helps to lower blood sugar level.

9. Lose a Little Weight

Excess body weight causes high blood glucose and increases the risk of high blood pressure and unhealthy cholesterol. Even a slight decrease in body weight can lower blood sugarlevels.

10. Eat Healthy Snacks More Frequently

Healthy snacks usually include nuts, fruits and whole grain crackers. These are high in fibre and protein and keep your blood sugar level within range.

11. Control Food Cravings

Uncontrolled food cravings can lead to weight gain and if yousettle for binge eating, you might end up increasingblood sugar levels. So, one must pay attention to what and how much they eat. Eating every few hours will keep your blood glucose steady.

12. Add Cinnamon to Your Diet

If you are wondering how to control diabetes naturally, cinnamon can be highly effective as it increases insulin sensitivity by moving glucose into cells, leading to a lower risk of diabetes. Adding a pinch of cinnamon spice to your diet can help control blood sugar. It is safe and causes no adverse effects.

13. Have Probiotic-Rich Foods

Insulin is the primary regulator of blood sugar inside the bloodstream and probiotic-rich foods improve insulin sensitivity and promote blood sugar balance. Yoghurt is a great natural probiotic food which you can eat daily.

14. Try Small Doses of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains lactic acid which helps improve insulin sensitivity leading to balanced blood sugar levels. It also reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. Just add one or two teaspoons of this vinegar to a glass of warm water and drink it.


By now, you surely know how to lower blood sugar naturally. However, before you try any of these, consult your doctor or a dietitian, especially if you are taking medicines or have other health conditions.

Sources: EatingWell, mbghealth

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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