Is your baby cranky throughout the day? Your child could be going through the teething phase if he/she is 6 to 12 months old. Teething denotes an important developmental milestone in your baby’s life. In this phase, the first tooth comes from the gumline of your baby. The baby may experience some discomfort during this phase. In most cases, teething pain can be treated with simple home remedies. Read on to understand more about what is teething in babies, its symptoms, and ways to make your baby feel better when he/she feels this pain.
Medically known as odontiasis, teething is the process by which a baby’s first set of teeth, known as primary or baby teeth, begin to emerge through the gums. This typically starts around 6 months of age, though it can vary. During this time, babies mayy experience discomfort, soreness, or irritation as the teeth push through the gums.
The teething symptoms you need to watch out for when your baby turns 6 months old are:
• Swelling and redness in the gums
• Pain and inflammation in the gums
• Tenderness in the gums
• Irritation in the mouth
• Drooling more than usual, which may cause skin rashes
• Loss of appetite
• Inability to sleep properly
• Sudden pulling of the ear or rubbing of the nose/cheeks
• Irritability
• Crying a lot
• Slightly high fever
• Increased sensation to bite into hard objects
• Frequent coughing
• Frequent touching of the mouth
Once you notice these teething symptoms in babies, you can try these remedies to provide them with quick relief:
Sterilise the teether properly and refrigerate it for an hour. Let your baby chew on this chilled toy. Your baby will feel some relief from gum pain and irritation when he/she chews on the cold teether.
A chilled banana can also be given to a baby in severe teething pain. This way, you can ensure your child eats something healthy. Your baby will not feel any discomfort while chewing the chilled and soft fruit pieces.
Wash your hands and cut your nails properly. Massage gradually with one finger on the affected gums. Don’t press too hard. Instead of your fingers, you can also use a sterilised, cold towel for massage.
Dilute 1 or 2 drops of clove oil with 2 tablespoons of water. Apply this diluted mixture on your baby’s gums to give him/her immediate relief from gum pain and discomfort. You can use this 3 to 4 times a day on your baby’s gums.
Put a slightly medium-sized spoon in a freezer for a couple of hours. Now, place this frozen spoon in your baby’s mouth. The cold spoon will help create a numbness in your baby’s gums. Keep an eye on your baby when he/she has the spoon inside the mouth.
Divert your baby by indulging him/her in interesting or playful activities, new toys, singing lullabies, etc. Try your best to keep your baby busy with other things so that he/she can forget the pain for a while.
You can breastfeed your baby when he/she is suffering from teething pain. Some babies may find great relief when sucking on your nipple, whereas some kids may find it uncomfortable to latch on to your breast during teething. Don’t force-feed your baby, though.
When you notice teething in babies, you must remember to follow these important points:
• One of the most common teething symptoms in babies is increased saliva production. When you don’t wipe off the saliva frequently, it can lead to skin rashes and irritation. Hence, always have a soft and clean towel ready next to your baby to clean his/her mouth.
• Ensure that the towel, spoon, teething toys, and your fingers are clean before placing them in your baby’s mouth.
• While your baby may find extreme relief when chewing on cold objects, don’t place freezing-cold objects in his/her mouth. It should be cold enough not to cause any discomfort to your baby.
• If you place a spoon or teething toy in your baby’s mouth, you should never leave him/her unattended. Monitor your baby always to keep him/her safe from choking issues.
Teething in babies can be extremely painful. It causes redness, swelling, and inflammation in your baby’s gums. Hence, your baby’s eating and sleeping routine gets affected, leading to his/her cranky behaviour. Try the remedies we have mentioned here to soothe the pain and provide him/her with quick relief. If the pain persists, or if your baby’s gums have swollen too much, you can take him/her to a doctor. Invest in health insurance so you can avail of quality care without denting your savings.
One of the important components of our overall wellness is also being financially secured. Healthcare emergencies can happen any time, but a good health insurance policy can protect you from such uncertain situations. To know more about Wellness and other health related tips, visit the wellness corner.
Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered or used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Kindly contact your doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.
Published on January 22, 2025