The water breaking is a sign of the upcoming labour. Once the amniotic fluid drains out of the body, your baby makes its way out, so it is a definite sign of childbirth. Read on to know more.
The amniotic fluid is stored in a sac which is known as the water bag. When the baby is ready to be born, the sac ruptures and the water drains out. The amniotic fluid mainly consists of the baby’s urine and it also acts as a cushion that keeps the foetus protected. With water breaking, the baby is prepared to come out of the womb.
A water break in pregnancy can be experienced in several ways. While some women may experience a gush of water flowing down their legs in one go, some may experience a steady trickle for a period of time. Water breaking is accompanied by vaginal wetness and while it is a painless process, it can cause some inconvenience to few due to wetness. The amniotic fluid is pale yellow and odourless, and some women may gradually start losing it as they advance in their pregnancy.
A water break in pregnancy is a definite sign of approaching labour. Either you may start experiencing contractions immediately or it may take a while. However, if the contractions don't follow soon enough, your doctor may have to induce labour as it is not safe for the baby to stay without the amniotic fluid for long.
You need to be mindful of the water breaking signs and contact your doctor immediately if:
1. The water breaks before you reach the 37th week of gestation as it can trigger preterm labour.
2. If you do not start with contractions after your water breaks as that can cause an infection which can affect you and your baby.
Once your water breaks, you are at a higher risk for infections so avoid using soaps or lotions around your vagina. Also, do not use a tampon to stop the water from trickling down. Also, don’t lie down and simply wait in anticipation.
However, till active labour starts, you can walk around, do some squats, and spend time with your partner. Watch a movie, read a book and keep yourself occupied, rather than stressing about the upcoming events.
The doctor will wait for about 40 weeks (if you have an uncomplicated pregnancy) and then induce labour if the water doesn't break naturally. This will be done via vaginal examination which is a quick and painless process. Once the doctor ruptures the water sac, you will feel warm water rushing down between your legs. After this you will start experiencing contractions and will soon be in active labour.
If the water breaks before 36th week of your pregnancy, it is considered to be pre-term and you need to visit your doctor immediately. The doctor will take a call whether to continue with the pregnancy or deliver your baby depending on the stage of gestation and health of you and your baby. At this stage, it is wise to follow doctor’s advice.
Now that you all about water break in pregnancy, deal with it correctly. Be prepared for your baby’s birth and follow your doctor’s guidance to have a healthy and safe delivery.
Sources: Pampers, Mayo Clinic, Baby Center
Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.
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Published on October 07, 2022