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Why are Home Exercises Necessary for Working Moms?

Being a mom is perhaps the toughest job in the world. And the challenge simply doubles if you are a professional. Juggling kids, household chores and work assignments can take a toll on both your body and mind if you are not careful. Which is why, no matter how busy you are, you must try and find time for yourself and never allow your health to take a backseat. Remember, you can take care of your little ones and others only when you are fit and fine.

Now, don’t fret. You don’t need to step outside or hit a gym to stay fit. Working out at home is a simple way to incorporate fitness into your daily routine. Read on to know why at-home workouts are important for you and what kind of exercises you can try out.

Why do working moms need exercise?

Working moms are some of the busiest people on the planet. If you are one, you need to be available for your children 24 hours a day. You need to plan and work on schedules, timetables, homework, carpools, sports activities, household chores, just to name a few responsibilities. While you do all this tirelessly, you probably often forget to take care of your own physical and mental wellbeing. Here is why, as a working mom, you need to exercise regularly:

1. Stress management:

Being a mother means you can get stressed out a lot. Chronic stress can lead to health conditions like high blood pressure, type-2 diabetes, and risk of heart attacks. It can also cause premature ageing and hair loss. Stress can be easily managed through regular exercise. Working out produces endorphins, which are mood-enhancing hormones, and you will immediately feel happier and more energetic.

2. Sleep:

Research has proven that exercise helps you sleep better. When you are well-rested, you will find it easier to get through daily tasks and find the energy to play with your children too. Even a 20-minute at-home workout daily can improve your sleep quality and energy levels.

3. Role model:

Kids are always watching you and learning from you. They emulate what you do. If you show them that healthy food and regular exercise is the key to fitness, then they will incorporate that into their lives when they grow up.

4. Energy boost:

Do you often feel too tired when you need to chase after your kids? A half-hour at-home workout every day can strengthen your heart muscles, improve blood circulation and boost your energy levels.

5. Confidence and strength:

When you take care of your health and exercise regularly, your body gets stronger and fitter. This strength will give you more confidence and you will feel good about yourself. Taking care of your health will also show your children that you love yourself, them, and your future together.

At home exercises to try

Wondering what kind of exercises you can incorporate into your busy daily routine. Don’t fret if you cannot find the time to go to a gym or join a workout class. Here are some easy at-home workoutsyou can try without wasting time and money on a gym:

• Yoga -

When your kids are napping or doing arts and craft activities, or if they are in playschool, you can incorporate a 20-minute yoga session into your daily routine. There are numerous videos available online that instruct you on simple poses or asana. For example, you could begin with the mountain pose, bend into the standing-forward fold or Uttanasana, move to downward-facing dog pose, then to the cat-cow pose, and finish with low lunges followed by a butterfly pose. These do not require props and this routine can be completed in 20 to 30 minutes.

• Zumba -

If you love dancing, you can check out online Zumba videos or games that show you easy Zumba routines. With Zumba, you can blow off some steam and get exercise while listening to your favourite music. You can do this during your kids' naptime, screen-time or free-play time.

• Cardio workout -

If dance is not your thing, yet you want to get your heart rate going, try out at-home cardio workouts. Do some research online and develop a quick 30-minute cardio workout routine that incorporates jumping jacks, squats, push-ups, squats, crunches, mountain climbers, jump-rope, etc.

• Running -

You can also incorporate running into your busy schedule. For example, if you walk the kids to a nearby playschool in the mornings, wear your running outfit and run back home. You can also jog around the kids’ play-area while keeping an eye on them



With all that you do as a working mom, your health is of paramount importance. Taking care of your health by incorporating at-home workouts will ensure that you are healthy and happy, and you will be a better mom because of it. So, start working out today if you haven’t begun already and get fitter and healthier for your wellbeing and that of your kids!

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kindly contact your Doctor before starting a new medicine or health regime.

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