• For Localized Losses
  • For Prevented Sowing
  • Wide Spread Calamities
  • Mid Season Calamity
  • Post Harvest Loss

Loss/ damage resulting from occurrence of identified localized risks of hailstorm, landslide, Inundation, cloud burst and natural fir due to lightening affecting isolated farms in the notified area.

I. If crop losses occur due to any localized perils/calamities such as Landslide, Hailstorm, inundation, cloud burst and natural fir due to lightening affecting isolated farms in the notified areas or a plot the farmer is eligible to claim for a localized calamity.

II. Eligibility criteria:
Only those farmers who have paid the premium / the premium has been debited from their account before the damage can claim.

Note: Maximum pay-out would be in proportion to cost of inputs, incurred up to the occurrence of insured peril, subject to the sum insured.
The pay-out under the cover would be disbursed by the Insurance Company only after the receipt of at least advance Govt. share of premium subsidy (1st installment), as per scheme guidelines

III. Loss assessment procedure:
Farmer needs to provide Intimation with in 72 hrs after the damage should be provided on our call center number 1800 266 0700and Intimation must contain details of survey number-wise insured crop and acreage affected.

Farmer should also subsequently provide the filled Claim form along with all relevant documents as requisite for payment of claims. The Loss assessor will be appointed and assessment will be completed within stipulated timelines post which the claims will be settled after the loss assessment report is finalized.

Note: Losses arising out of war and nuclear risks, malicious damage and other preventable risks shall be excluded

In case of majority of insured crops of a notified area are prevented from sowing/planting due to adverse weather conditions such as deficit rainfall or adverse seasonal conditions, the insured crops that will be eligible for indemnity claims upto maximum of 25% of the sum-insured.

I. Coverage is applicable to farmers in case of widespread incidence of eligible risks affecting crops in more than 75% of area sown in a notified unit at early stage leading to total loss of crop or farmer is not in a position to either sow or transplant the crop ( or ) either sowing or germination of crop due to deficit or excess rainfall .

II. Eligibility Criteria:
Only those farmers who have paid the premium / the premium has been debited from their account before the damage. The State Government would provide Notified Insurance Unit and crop wise normal area sown at the beginning of the season within 15 days. “Prevented Sowing/Planting’ pay-out only if more than75% of Crop Sown Area for notified crop remained unsown due to occurrence of any of the above perils.

III. Loss assessment procedure:

  • The cover will be available for major crops o n l y.

  • The payout will be 25% of total sum insured and the policy will be terminated after that.

Note: The Insurance Company will disburse claims within 30 days of State Govt notification / order, The pay-out under this cover would be disbursed by the Insurance Company without waiting for the receipt of final Govt. share of premium subsidy, as per scheme guidelines.

This cover pays for the shortage in yield of the insured crop compared to Threshold Yield (TY) on area approach.

If the Actual Yield (AY) of the insured crop in the Insured Unit (IU) is less than Threshold Yield of the insured crop in the IU then all the insured farmers in the Insurance Unit growing the same crop are assumed to have suffered the loss.

The claim is calculated as:

(Threshold Yield - Actual Yield) * Sum Insured
Threshold Yield
Where, AY is calculated on the no. of CCE's done in the Insurance unit and TY is calculated as the average of the best of 5 years from the last seven years.

This cover is to provide immediate relief to farmers in case of any widespread calamity or adverse season, wherein the expected yield during the season is likely to be less than 50% of normal yield.


If due to adverse severe seasonal conditions such as severe drought, dry spells and drought declared by state/UT, abnormally low temperatures, wide spread incidence of insects, pests and diseases and natural events such as floods resulting in wide spread loss, the expected yield of the insured crop is less than 50% than the normal yield then the mid-season calamity claim is paid to the insured farmer.

Under this claim, the amount is payable to the insured farmer directly on account and shall be 25% of the total Sum Inured.

The timeline of the mid-season adversity to be triggered is post one month after the crop sowing and before 15 days of the harvest time.

The State Government would notify within 7 days regarding the mid-season adversity and the loss assessment has to be done within the next 15 days from the occurrence of adverse seasonal events.

The district level joint committee would assess the claim and decide whether the claim is payable under this condition.

The on account payment would be calculated as:

(Threshold Yield - Actual Yield) * Sum Insured
Threshold Yield

Coverage is available only up to a maximum period of two weeks from harvesting for those crops which are allowed to dry in cut and spread condition in the field after harvesting against specific perils of cyclone and cyclonic rains and unseasonal rains.

I. The damage to the harvested crop after “cut and spread” in field due to Hailstorm, cyclone, cyclonic rains and unseasonal rains throughout the country resulting in damage to harvested crop Maximum period is two weeks (14 days) from harvested date to drying purpose

II. Eligibility criteria:
Only those farmers who have paid the premium / the premium has been debited from their account before the damage Damaged by specified perils, up to 14 days after the harvesting is done.

III. Loss assessment procedure:
Farmer needs to provide Intimation with in 72 hrs after the damage should be provided on our call center number 1800 266 0700and Intimation must contain details of survey number-wise insured crop and acreage affected

Farmer should also subsequently provide the filled Claim form along with all relevant documents as requisite for payment of claims The Loss assessor will be appointed and assessment will be completed within stipulated timelines post which the claims will be settled after the loss assessment report is finalized, subject to receipt of premium, as per scheme guidelines



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