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Here are seven tips to retain your car's value

Published on February 26, 2022. EST READ TIME: 3 minutes

Tips to Retain Car Value

A car is a major investment. Owning a car is no longer considered to be a luxury - it has become a necessity. This is why many people buy their vehicles and also change them from time to time. When the vehicle is used, its value steadily depreciates. But this doesn't mean that the car doesn't have any value. If you maintain your car properly, you can get a good price for it when you sell or trade the car for a newer vehicle.

Take a look at some handy tips mentioned below to know more about this

1. Wash, Clean, Wax and Repeat

This sounds very easy, but in reality, is one of the trickiest things to get around. Everyone knows how important it is to keep a car clean. Not only does that keep your vehicle visually attractive, but it also keeps the value of your car steady. The car needs to be cleaned inside-out on a regular basis. A failure to do so will lead to permanent scars, faded carpets, stained seat covers, etc. All this will work in tandem and give your car a dated look. Subsequently, your car will lose its appeal and find very few buyers when you wish to sell it.

Avoid this at all costs by regularly washing and also waxing the car. While the daily cleaning is important and should be in place, you should also look to get your car deep cleaned by a professional service provider at least twice a year.

2. Restore and maintain the exterior plastic trim

The exterior trim of your car refers to the plastic exterior components of the vehicle such as the tire wells, the bumpers, the door and window seals and the headlights. These are some of the most crucial parts of the car. Apart from adding some stunning visual appeal, the trims also offer added protection to the car and its parts. You need to take good care of the exterior trims.

There are several products such as trim dressings available in the market. Invest in these products and regularly clean the trims. Do this separately after you have washed the vehicle to help remove any stubborn grease or dirt.

If there are visible damages on the trims, such as a dent on the bumper or a hole on the seals, get them repaired and restored at the earliest. Taking care of these flaws will help you to retain your car’s value for a longer period of time.

3. Clean the Headlights and Tires

The headlights and the tires are valuable and very crucial parts of your car. They add some great visual appeal but more importantly, they help to keep the vehicle safe. If there are any flaws in your tire or headlight, you may get involved in a road accident that can severely damage the vehicle. This will surely lead to a sharp fall in its value.

While the tires corrode with time, the headlights fade. You need to polish and wax the headlights to keep them from fading. At the time of resale, the prospective buyer will closely evaluate the tires and the headlights. If found unsatisfactory, they may not offer the best price.

Keep the headlights and the tires clean and in perfect working condition. If at any time you feel they need to be changed or replaced, so without hesitation. You need to keep the car safe for yourself as well as to protect its value from depreciation.

4. Let the Interior Shine

If you use your car very frequently, if you have a pet or a child, keeping the interiors clean and sparkly can be challenging. However, it is not an impossible task and you can do it quite easily.

Start off by clearing the trash from the car regularly. These may include anything from empty plastic bottles to pizza boxes to toys. If they are large, your vacuum cleaner cannot remove them, so manually take the trash out. Then, remove the carpets and clean the surfaces thoroughly. Next, use a powerful car vacuum cleaner to vacuum the seats and the floor of the car. Also, remember to get between the seats and clear out the crevices. And finally, wipe out all the loose dust and dirt from all the surfaces.

You also need to use some cleaning products to clean the windows from the inside. In the same manner, clean out the cup holders and any other cavity in the car. Also, if you notice any stain on the seat covers, clean them out right away.

A sparkling and hygienic interior will add value to your car and help you to fetch a handsome price when you look to sell it.

5. Address Minor Problems and Spend on a Service

Have you been noticing your steering wheel shakes at times? Does the brake make a squeaking sound every time and apply it? These may seem like minor problems but do not ignore them. You should address all the problems, whether major or minor. A problem that seems insignificant may actually signal a larger underlying issue. This is why you must look to get the car checked and serviced regularly. A small problem may escalate into something big and greatly affect the value of the vehicle.

Avoid this by taking the car to the garage. You can get insurance coverage for this. Compare car insurance and find a policy that covers minor damages so that you can get your car repaired as and when needed.

6. Organize the Paperwork

Being organized is always beneficial and more so when you are looking to sell your car at a good price. The documents are highly important so remember to gather them beforehand. File them and keep them ready as that makes the process easier. The documents you would need include the owner manual, PUC certificates, service records, etc. Every time you get a new certificate or receipt after servicing, add them to your file. This will help you to prove that the car is in good condition, resulting in it fetching a good price.

7. Repair minor dents and scuffs

Commonly known as cosmetic scratches, the minor dents are scuffs may seem harmless and hence not significant enough for you to fix them. This is a misconception. Apart from lowering the value of the vehicle, these dents and scratches can lead to bigger problems such as rust formation, damage in the foam layer, etc. Take your car to the garage and get these defects fixed to help retain the car’s value.


Remember to keep these tips in mind so that you can retain your car’s value to the optimum for a resale when you plan to upgrade.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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