9 Items to Remove from Your Car When Getting Out
9 Items to Remove from Your Car When Getting Out

As a vehicle owner, it is your duty to drive safely and keep your car protected. However, the protection is not limited to your driving skills. At times, something as basic as leaving a lighter in the car can cause severe damage. Take a look at this article to know about the items that you must never leave in a car. If you do leave them in your vehicle for long periods of time, there can be various degrees of damage and you may have to make several car insurance claims.
1. Water bottles
Though commonly found in cars, water bottles should never be left behind after you leave your vehicle. A locked car heats up from within and this heat reacts with the plastic in the bottle. As a result, harmful gases are emitted and these gases mix with the water. If you consume the water the next day or after a few days, it can be very harmful and lead to several illnesses, including cancer.
2. Glasses
The next prohibited item on the list is your eyewear. Never leave any form of glasses, whether your sunglasses or reading glasses, in a locked car. The heat inside the car will damage the glasses and leave them in a distorted shape. Then, if you happen to leave a pair of glasses on the dashboard, it can attract sunlight like a magnifying glass and even start a fire. If you have no choice but to leave the pair in your vehicle, then ensure you keep it inside the box, wrapped in its protective cloth. Then, stow it inside the locked cabinet on the dashboard to ensure minimum exposure to heat and direct sunlight.
3. Beverage cans
It may be common for you to carry a can of your favourite cola and take sips of it while driving. While that is absolutely fine, remember to remove all the cans from the car when you leave the vehicle. A beverage can is highly pressurized and even in mildly warm temperatures, the pressure can build up to a point where the entire can explodes. So, refrain from keeping these cans, especially the unopened ones, inside a locked car for long periods of time. Apart from ruining the interiors of the car, the can explosion can also cause serious injury to a person who gets in at the wrong time. You will have to make a car insurance claim when that happens, so be careful and carry the can with you when you exit the car.
4. Medicines
The heat inside a locked car is to blame for a majority of the problems and the case is no different in regards to medicines too. As you know, medicines lose their properties and become less effective when exposed to heat. Hence, if you leave a pack of medicines in a locked car, the heat interferes with it and reduces the potency of the medicines. While having such medicine may not make you sick, it will not help in treating your condition either, as the properties and potency of the medicine will have changed.
5. Young children
This is quite an obvious point, and yet, many people leave their children in the car while they run errands. Even if it is a short trip that you make to the bank or supermarket, do not leave your kids in the car while you leave the vehicle. This can be dangerous on various levels. First and foremost, the kids may suffocate from the heat and lack of ventilation. This can lead to catastrophic results, so such situations are best avoided. Also, the child may get curious and start prodding around with the gears, switches and buttons. This can set the car off and there can be a serious accident thereafter. To prevent these dangerous events from occurring, take your child along or leave an adult with them in the car while you step out and complete your tasks.
6. Pets
Just like your kids may suffer when locked in a closed vehicle, your pets can also suffer in the same way. This is why you should never leave a pet in a closed car when you are not in it yourself. The pet may suffocate. It is a legal offence to leave an animal unattended in a vehicle, so never leave your pet alone in the car when it is locked.
7. Lighters
A lighter is another dangerous object that you must remove from the car when you get out. This is because the light can heat up and burst into flames. The inflammable liquid inside aids in this and so you should not leave it behind in your car. If, however, there is an in-built lighter in the car, you can leave that in. such lighters are built to function inside the heated car conditions and so pose no real threat or danger to the vehicle.
8. Electronic devices
Whether it is your mobile phone, your tablet or your laptop, do not leave it in the car when you exit it. There are primarily two reasons why. First, the heat in the car may spoil the devices, and second, the devices will attract the wrong kind of attention. Thieves who notice the valuables inside the car will try to break in. This will cause unnecessary damage to the car such as broken windows, scratches and dents. Avoid this by taking all the expensive gadgets out of the car.
9. Batteries
And finally, remember to clear the cabin of all loose batteries. Whether it is your regular AA batteries that you picked up from the grocery store or a power bank or even a battery in it, clear everything. The heat will make the battery melt and leak all the acid into the car, making a terrible mess inside.
Now that you know how dangerous it is to leave the above-mentioned items in your car, never walk away with them lying in the vehicle. Getting a car is a big responsibility and just like you would get a car insurance plan to keep it protected, also follow the above guidelines to keep yourself and the people around safe.
Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.
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