Posted on: Mar 7, 2024 | 3 mins | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team

CNG Car Vs Petrol Car: What's the Difference?

CNG car insurance online

‘CNG vs petrol car’ is a long-standing debate and dilemma for consumers. Since each fuel has pros and cons, it’s difficult to reach a concrete answer considering all aspects.

What is a CNG Car?

CNG cars are those that run on compressed natural gas (CNG). Compressing natural gas to less than 1% of its volume at standard atmospheric pressure (approximately 14.7 pounds per square inch) yields CNG.

What is a Petrol Car?

Petrol cars, which use petrol to operate, have been around for over a century and are the most widely used car type. Crude oil is the source of petrol or gasoline.

Difference Between CNG and Petrol Cars

It would be unfair to view the CNG vs petrol car debate from a single lens, so let’s discuss the differences between the two considering multiple factors:

Engine life

While CNG and petrol car engines have a similar life, the former undergoes less wear and tear as CNG is a cleaner-burning fuel. Petrol car engines have more wear and tear because of carbon.

Fuel cost

Petrol, especially today, is expensive, while CNG is more affordable.


CNG cars offer better fuel efficiency and can travel up to 25% more distance than petrol cars on the same fuel quantity.


Petrol cars have an edge over CNG cars in terms of initial cost and maintenance as their upkeep costs are less. Moreover, CNG cars require special equipment to fill up, and their tanks need periodic inspection and replacement.

Boot space

This is another feature in favour of petrol cars if you prefer a large boot. CNG cars have less boot space than petrol cars as their tanks occupy more space.


Although CNG cars are more expensive than petrol cars, the lower fuel cost may offset the high purchase price. Also, since CNG vehicles have a slightly higher maintenance cost, the new car insurance premium for them will be higher than others that run on conventional fuels.


If you plan to switch from a petrol to a CNG car or vice versa, you would need a new car insurance policy. While third party insurance is mandatory, we suggest you buying a comprehensive car insurance for coverage against third-party liabilities and damages to your vehicle due to an unfortunate event.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purposes only. For more details, please refer to the policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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