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E Challan Pune: Pay Traffic Fines & Check Violations Online

E-challan Pune

There is no denying the fact, that the number of vehicles on the road is constantly on the rise. And it is only expected to go up. If you are a resident of Pune, following the traffic rules and regulations will ensure ease of driving in the city. And failing to do so can attract hefty penalties. The system of e challan Pune traffic police department uses aims to make the process of issuing and clearing such traffic violations. Here is all that you need to know.

E challan Pune

The system of e challan Pune follows is paperless and cashless. Some of the busiest roads and junctions have CCTV cameras and the traffic police fines violators based on this evidence. Unlike earlier, where individuals had to be stopped, issued a challan and they had to pay the fines immediately, this system is a bit different. The traffic police department can issue the challan based on the evidence and file it against the vehicle number. The owner of the vehicle will get a notification for the same. And they can clear the challans online without having to visit any police station or even court.

Common Traffic Violations and Fines in Pune

Here is a list of some of the most common traffic violations in Pune, and the fines associated with them.

Violation Fine in Rupees
Driving without a valid driving licence 5,000
Over speeding 1,000 for two wheelers
2,000 for four wheelers
Driving without car insurance policy 2,000
Driving without a number plate or a broken number plate 500
1,500 for a repeated offence
Failing to give way to emergency vehicles such as ambulances, police vehicles, fire brigades, etc. 10,000
Driving without a seatbelt or riding without a helmet 1,000
Using a mobile phone while driving or riding 5,000
Honking in silent zones 2,000
4,000 for a repeated offence
Failing to follow instructions from authorities 10,000
Juveniles riding or driving 25,000
Cancellation of registration certificate of car for a year
3 years imprisonment

Types of traffic violations In Pune

If you drive in Pune the following are different types of traffic violations that can lead to fines and penalties.

1. Underage driving of vehicles

2. Exceeding the city speed limits

3. Driving under the influence of intoxicating substances

4. Failing to wear a seatbelt while driving

5. Failing to wear a helmet while riding

6. Driving without a valid car insurance policy

7. Driving without a licence

8. Driving a vehicle without a valid PUC

New Traffic Rules in Pune

The Pune traffic police department has updated the fines and penalties for various on-road offences. The primary aim of this hike in fines and penalties is to discourage vehicle owners from flouting traffic rules and regulations. The updated fines, combined with stricter rules aim to reduce traffic violations and road incidents in Pune. Here are some of the top traffic rules for two wheelers and four wheelers in Pune.

Four Wheeler Traffic Rules

1. Using mobile phones while driving can pose a distraction and prevent you from driving normally, leading to accidents. Ignore this and you will end up paying a hefty fine.

2. A seatbelt is one of the most fundamental safety features of the car. In the unfortunate event of an accident, the seatbelt can protect you. Together with airbags, they ensure to protect of the driver. Failing to use seatbelts not only puts you at risk but also attracts a hefty penalty. It is one of the easiest ways of getting e challan in Pune.

3. Driving your car under the influence of intoxicating substances puts you and others on the road at a lot of risk. Drunk driving majorly results in fatal accidents. Avoiding it will help you drive safely and not have to pay fines.

4. Driving with all essential documents is another rule that you must not flout. Essential documents including driving licence, car insurance policy, registration certificate, PUC, etc must be with you always. If you are found to be driving without any of these documents, you can expect a hefty fine and at times even imprisonment.

5. Pune has well-defined speed limits for most parts of the city. Sticking to these speed limits reduces the chances of getting into any mishaps. And if you are caught while speeding, you will be fined heavily.

Two Wheeler Traffic Rules

1. Make sure that you always wear a helmet while riding in Pune. It not only helps you to adhere to the traffic rules but also protects your head against any impact.

2. Using your mobile phone while riding a bike can be quite dangerous. It can lead to lapse of concentration, misjudgements and result in accidents. Which can be bad for you as well as others on the road.

3. It is quite easy to engage in road racing, road rage and other dangerous activities. Avoid these to ensure safety and from having to pay hefty fines.

4. A two wheeler is designed for only one rider and a pillion. Anything more than this equates to overloading and it can hamper the handling characteristics of your bike.

Avoid overloading your bike or riding with more than two on the bike.

5. Make sure that you always ride with essential documents such as PUC, driving licence, insurance and registration certificate.

How to Avoid Traffic Fines in Pune?

The last thing that a vehicle owner would want is to pay hefty penalties or fines, after paying a considerable amount of tax and fuel price. If you want to avoid paying such fines, here are a few things that you must keep in mind.

1. Make sure to always wear a seatbelt or wear a helmet when you driving.

2. A comprehensive car insurance policy with other documents such as driving licence, registration certificate and PUC is essential.

3. Make it a habit to never talk while driving or riding.

4. Do not ever drive or ride under the influence of alcohol or any other intoxicating substances.

5. Stick to the speed limits specified in the city.

Following the above will vastly reduce the chances of any penalties or fines from the traffic police department.


E challan Pune makes it easier for vehicle owners to pay any fines or penalties that they accrue. If you are a resident of Pune, you can follow the basic traffic rules mentioned above and avoid having to pay any penalties. It is always a good idea to stick to the rules and carry essential documents.


1. How to pay e challan in Pune?

You can visit the Parivahan website and provide your vehicle details to pay any challans against your vehicle.

2. Is it mandatory for pillion riders to wear helmets?

Yes, it is mandatory for pillion riders in Pune to wear helmets.

3. What is the helpline for Pune traffic e-challans?

You can reach out to the traffic police department at 020-26685000 or 8411800100.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purposes only. For more details, please refer to the policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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