No Number Plates: Understanding Fines and Consequences
No Number Plates: Understanding Fines and Consequences

How do you recognise your car from someone else's vehicle? There can be thousands of cars of the same colour and model. Your car's number plate is your vehicle's identity card, just like an Aadhar card or PAN card for humans.
The district-level Regional Transport Office (RTO) issues the vehicle registration plate. The Motor Vehicle Act governs every traffic-related case in India, and any violation results in fines and penalties.
So, can you drive your car in India without a valid number plate? No. You have to pay a fine for no number plate on your car!
Other documents you need are comprehensive insurance for your car, along with a driver's license and PUC.
What Is the Fine for No Number Plate?
If the police catches you driving a car without a number plate, you have to pay a fine of ₹5000. This amount is the same for 4-wheelers, 2-wheelers, and 3-wheelers. The police will levy a spot fine.
A car can be issued a temporary number plate in India, and you can drive your vehicle with it. But this number plate is only valid for one month. Within this duration, you must obtain a permanent number plate.
Thus, as a vehicle owner, you must have any one of the registration numbers because driving without one will incur a fine for no number plate.
So, apart from a number plate, you must have the following documents to drive your car in India:
• PUC or pollution certificate
• Registration Certificate (RC)
• Valid road tax
• Driving Licence
Remember, if you are buying an old car, transfer the paperwork to your name because the police can track you with the car number plate.
Are you excited about buying a new car and can't wait to take your vehicle for a spin? But before that, ensure your car has a valid registration plate.
Driving a car with one can lead to a heavy fine for no number plate. Drive safe!
Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purposes only. For more details, please refer to the policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.
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