Posted on: Apr 2, 2024 | 3 mins | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team

No Parking Fines in India: Compliance Guide

Fines for No Parking

While moving with your vehicle on the roads in India, you must know all the rules and regulations. This helps to ensure law and order in the country while ensuring the safety of all the people and property. At the same time, it also helps you to stay protected legally. While it is important to know the basics about the Motors Act, such as the idv in car insurance, third party insurance policies, etc, it is also important to know about the fine for no parking.

What is the fine for no parking?

In July 1989, the government of India announced the Rules of Road Regulation. This document enlists all the detailed rules and regulations that one must follow while driving one's vehicle on the road. It talks about the rules for all types of vehicles, such as cars, scooters, rickshaws, buses, etc.

Under this act, the government has enlisted a fine for no parking. The main reason for issuing this fine is to ensure that people always park their vehicles in the right spot. Secondly, if you have parked your vehicle incorrectly, this can cause traffic congestion and trouble other drivers on the road.

There are two types of fines that you can be charged with in case of no parking.

• Type 1 is where you have parked your vehicle in a zone where parking is prohibited.

• Type 2 of no parking fine is where you have parked your vehicle in the wrong place or manner. This can cause trouble to others in pulling their vehicles out and cause you to be charged with a fine for not parking.

To avoid a fine for no parking, avoid street parking, parking on a public road, cycle track, or a footpath, near a bus station, on a road with high traffic flow and the zero crossing. Always find the nearest parking lot to park your vehicle in.


If you don't wish to get a fine for not parking, you must park your vehicle responsively at the right parking spot. At the same time, it is equally important for you to have an active car insurance policy. Being a responsible citizen ensures your safety and security, along with others.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purposes only. For more details, please refer to the policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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