Posted on: Jul 13, 2023 | 3 mins | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team

Important Things to Remember When Driving Through a Flooded Road

Monsoon Driving Tips

Driving your own car when it rains is both thrilling as well as convenient. You don't have to worry about the unavailability of transport or bother about getting stuck in the rain after work. However, driving in the rain also has its downside, especially when it floods and there is widespread waterlogging. In this article, we list some handy monsoon driving tips that would help you keep your car protected even when it floods and you are caught in the middle of a waterlogged street. Read on.

Things to remember when driving on a waterlogged road

Always remember that getting a car insurance policy is a great way to keep your car protected in a wholesome manner. However, at times, you have to take matters into your own hands to prevent your car from getting damaged. If you regularly drive through waterlogged roads, the tips mentioned below can be of great help:

1. Don't try new routes

It is essential to stick to a known route when it rains heavily. A road that you take every day is well known to you. You know the speed-breakers, potholes, etc by heart. So, when the road is waterlogged, you can still navigate through it easily. However, on a new route, you will be unaware of the challenges. So, even if there is a lot of traffic, follow your usual route to avoid any uncalled-for incident.

2. Don't rev the engine

It is common for people to rev up the engine again and again when there is water ingestion due to a flood. This is a very harmful thing to do as the engine and other parts of the car get badly damaged. If you can't get your car to move, just step aside and wait for assistance.

3. Don't splash through a puddle

It may be fun to splash through a puddle, but this is something that is to be avoided at all costs. Not only does this cause trouble to the others around, but it also causes a lot of damage to your car. The force of the water can damage the bumper, tyre, etc. It can also force the water to get inside your car and cause internal damage. Thus, when you see a puddle that cannot be avoided, drive very slowly and gently pass over it.

4. Don't be in a rush

Don't be in a rush to get somewhere when it rains profusely. Wait till the rain stops or decreases. The big cities and twins have good drainage facilities and the flooded water recedes quickly. So, wait till the situation normalises and then leave.

5. Don't follow a large vehicle

You may feel safe following a large vehicle on a waterlogged street but try not to do so. The vehicle in front would cause ripples and that would increase the water level. Wait for the water to settle down and the level to drop before you drive.

6. Don't try heroic actions

If your car breaks down, don't try heroic actions to get it to move. Trying to fix the car in such a situation can lead to more damage. Just step aside and call a professional mechanic who can actually fix the issue and get your car to move again.

7. Don't forget to check the brakes

Keep checking the brakes of your vehicle. Breaks can fail or slip easily at this time when there is excessive water around and this can lead to accidents. Keep a check on the brakes at all times.

8. Don't overspend

Driving rashly on a flooded road can lead to a terrible accident. It can also make your car ingest water and break down. Hence, drive slowly and cautiously when it rains.

9. Don't forget the hazard lights

Turn on the hazard lights when you drive in the rain or through a flooded street as this will alert the cars around and prevent accidents.

10. Don't forget to renew your insurance on time

And finally, keep your car insurance cover updated. If there is a mishap even after your best efforts, you can always make a claim.

Why is Car Insurance Important?

As mentioned above, car insurance is one of the most essential securities that you need to have as a vehicle owner. Apart from being a legal mandate, a car insurance policy is also essential for your own safety. Here are some reasons why it is so important:

1. Keeps your car safe

You need insurance coverage, irrespective of the season. It protects your vehicle against theft, fire, mishaps, etc. Hence, don't forget to get a good plan and renew it on time for uninterrupted coverage.

2. Keeps the engine safe

General car insurance coverage does not offer engine coverage. However, you can get this by adding the engine cover rider to your policy. This is an essential cover to have during the monsoon as many car engines get damaged due to water ingestion. You need comprehensive coverage, as riders cannot be added to third party car insurance .

3. Saves money

You can save a lot of money in the long run when you have a good car insurance policy in place. Cars frequently break down in the rainy season and require frequent servicing. Also, due to poor visibility, mishaps are also more common. A car insurance cover helps you out financially at such times.

4. Offers roadside assistance

Many comprehensive plans offer roadside assistance coverage within the plan. For other policies, you need to add it as a rider. Get this cover during monsoon as you may experience frequent breakdowns and having a mechanic or towing vehicle at bay can be of great help.

As you can see, these are some important and vital benefits that car insurance offers, especially during the rainy season. Invest in a good comprehensive insurance policy and make use of the advantages stated above.


Keeping your car protected at all times should be your priority. You surely take it seriously and do everything to keep your precious car safe, but even after your best efforts, unforeseen conditions such as bad weather can lead to a lot of trouble. This is when the monsoon driving tips mentioned above will come to use, so keep them handy.

Disclaimer : The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales

