Posted on: Jan 10, 2022 | | Written by:

Tips To Become A Safer And Better Driver This Youth Day

Published on January 10, 2022. EST READ TIME: 3 minutes

Tips To Become A Safer And Better Driver This Youth Day- Car Insurance

In India, if you think that just passing the driving test makes you a good driver, think again! These tests usually check your ability to reverse the car and get around corners neatly. While safety standards, traffic rules and driving hygiene are taught to new drivers, a lot of details go unaddressed. So, this Youth Day, on January 12, pledge to become a safer driver, someone who stays safe always and keeps others safe too. This way, you can avoid accidents and prevent your car insurance premium from shooting up.

Yes, you need insurance to drive your car legally on Indian roads and protect your vehicle against unexpected events like accidents, calamities and theft. Now, read on to know about the things you should do for a safe and smooth driving experience.

1. Adjust seatbelt first

The moment you seat yourself, adjust the safety belts, and get your passengers to do the same. The safety harness is your first line of defence against potential accident-related injury. Advise the passengers in the rear seat to buckle up, as a study by the World Health Organisation (WHO) shows that it reduces the probability of being killed or injured by 25% and 75%, respectively.

2. Adjust rear and side-view mirrors

Maximise your field of vision by adjusting the rear and side-view mirrors. You should be able to view both sides of the car, and the back, with ease, without having to strain your neck or eyes. The rear-view mirror will give you an adequate picture of the car following you, while the side-view mirror will help you while changing lanes or allowing other cars to pass.

3. Anticipate traffic conditions

This will get better with experience. However, you can still get the pulse of the traffic depending on the lane you choose. Stay on the outside as they are the slower lanes, and because it encourages other vehicles to pass you from one side only. Use the turn indicator early on when switching lanes to let others know what your intentions are.

4. Keep a 3-second gap with the car in front

Maintain safe distance with the car in front, giving yourself enough time to make adjustments. Pick a stationary object along the road. Watch the car in front pass by the object, and count to three seconds before your car passes that same object. In bad weather or in case of poor road conditions, increase that time interval to 5-6 seconds.

5. Get a feel of your car’s space

Practice driving your car in sandbox conditions such as your garage, your housing complex’s roads, and the like. Place water bottles if you do not have cones, and drive within the limits to understand the true space your car takes up on the road. That will make you more confident and assertive in real-world situations.

6. Drive

Finally, drive as much as you can. Be brave and venture out during peak traffic at times to loosen the grip of fear. Take different routes to get from point A to B. Enjoy the experience, despite the odd bumps and scrapes. You will only get better with experience. Drive different vehicles if you can, to understand the nuances that other drivers are having to implement. This will make you more connected with the traffic, allowing you to take better and smarter decisions. All of which will, ultimately, make you a safer driver.

Apart from all the tips discussed above, make sure you have a valid car insurance policy and renew it on time every year. You can also take a long-term comprehensive policy if you don’t wish to bother with renewals.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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