Posted on: Dec 29, 2022 | 3 mins | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team

The Role of Digital Literacy in Raising Cybersecurity Awareness

Digital literacy’s role in cybersecurity awareness

We are in the middle of unprecedented times, where even remote villages in the country have access to fast internet. The number of subscribers and internet usage is at a record high, and the numbers are growing rapidly. However, this rapidly growing community lacks digital literacy skills. A lot of things can go wrong if someone is not careful, especially given the vast amount of data available online. This is where a cyber insurance policy can save the day.

What is cyber literacy?

In simple terms, cyber literacy refers to the ability to use technology related to computers in an effective manner. And at the same time, understand the implications that some of your actions can have in cyberspace. It also means finding reliable sources for gathering information for everyday use.

The next obvious question that one would have is, what is the importance of cyber literacy? It is more important than you might think. It is important to be aware of financial literacy so that you can make informed purchases and decisions regarding your pending.

Similarly, cyber literacy ensures that you understand your actions in the online world. Here are some of the perks of being cyber literate.

○ You can protect your personal information from getting into the wrong hands.

○ You will be able to find credible information needed for various purposes much faster.

○ You will be able to avoid a lot of phishing and scams out there.

○ You will be able to incorporate the latest tools, such as multi-factor authentication, to strengthen cybersecurity.

○ You can opt for cyber security insurance that offers adequate coverage for you and your loved ones.

How digital literacy helps in raising cybersecurity awareness

Digital literacy can help you raise your cybersecurity awareness in more than a few ways. Here are some of the most prominent ones.

1. You are at risk even if you don’t have a smartphone or computer

One might think that merely being online raises the risks of cybersecurity. However, that is not entirely true. Even if you do not have a smartphone or a computer, you can still be at risk of losing your bank details, credit card information or worse, your identity. Digital literacy will help you avoid some of these common pitfalls, which can lead to loss of information.

2. You can take measures to improve your cybersecurity

Since the internet has such a wide scope, there is always a possibility of weakness or vulnerabilities in systems. At the same time, ethical hackers use penetration tests to unearth these vulnerabilities so that companies can enhance their security. Hackers can use these to exploit data and information. Digital literacy lets you understand the importance of keeping your information secure.

And at the same time, it helps you to keep all the systems up to date. Keeping the systems up to date will help you avoid any vulnerabilities, as updates have security patches. Another easier way to keep yourself secure is to buy cyber insurance in India. Cyber insurance in India is gaining a lot of popularity in recent times, as more people are concerned about their cybersecurity.

3. There is a thin line between the cyber world and the physical world

Though you can easily differentiate between the physical world and the cyber world now, they are incredibly linked. It is at a stage that you might find it difficult to separate them. There have been a few instances across the globe where a cyberattack has impacted daily lives.

A recent cyberattack on a top fuel pipeline operator in the USA brought life to a standstill, as the entire east coast supply was impacted. Being digitally literate will help you understand and avoid such situations as and when you can.

4. You can protect yourself.

One of the biggest advantages of digital literacy is that you can protect yourself against a lot of potential issues. Educating yourself on these matters will help you recognise issues and take appropriate action. Buying cyber security insurance can be one of the more effective measures.

Major reasons to opt for a cyber insurance policy

Digital literacy, along with a cyber insurance policy, is one of the smartest ways to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Here are some of the major reasons why you should buy a policy to protect yourself from cyberattacks.

1. It is affordable.

Unlike popular belief, cyber insurance in India is affordable. You can get insurance without burning a hole in your pocket. However, the premiums of the policies can go up as well. Largely depending on the type of coverage that you opt for. Since the policies are in their nascent stages, there is a lot of scope for negotiations with your insurance provider.

2. Anyone can be a target.

Since it is such a wide space and there are quite a few miscreants out there, anyone can be a victim of cyberattacks. Buying insurance is one of the more prudent ways of keeping yourself safe.

3. Social media presence

A lot of us are present on social media and use it for various purposes. However, social media is a sensitive place as well. A comment or post somewhere can lead to private data being leaked, copyright infringement, etc. A cyber insurance policy will protect you from such occurrences.

4. Storing your data on the cloud

Storing data on the cloud is a norm these days. And if there is any data breach from the cloud systems, you are liable for the damages. A cyber insurance policy can protect you and your business from any such mistakes by the cloud operator.

5. Offers more coverage than general liability policy

If you are someone who relies on a general liability policy, it most likely will not cover damages due to the internet. A cyber insurance policy can help you fill the gaps in your general liability policy.

6. Protect your business

If you are the owner of a small business, a cyber attack can potentially bring your business to a halt. It can result in business disruption, and the cost of informing your clients can be huge along with necessary remedies. A cyber insurance policy will ensure that you do not have to worry about these things.


Digital literacy is no longer a luxury, it is the need of the hour. Digital literacy can help individuals as well as businesses to avoid some of the most common pitfalls and, at the same time, protect crucial data. Above are some of the ways by which you can practice digital literacy and the ways it can safeguard you. For better protection, you can choose to buy cyber insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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