Posted on: Aug 2, 2022 | 3 mins | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team

Need for Cyber Security in Modern Vehicles

Cyber Security Need for Modern Vehicles

The emergence of smart automobiles has opened the passage for limitless possibilities for technological innovation in today's world. Still, it has also given birth to their needs, to threats far more significant than related to the vehicle on its own. As cars become more innovative and connected to the internet, hackers have more opportunities to break into vehicle systems. Connecting any device through Wi-Fi Networks or a USB port makes it vulnerable to hacking as it provides a free access point for the hackers to access the data available on the device. Similarly, as smart cars use the internet for their proper and optimal functionality, it creates a backdoor entry point for hackers to access and exploit the data to

Holt’s Theory :

According to Holt, personal data isn't the only risk associated with automobiles, though it is still a legitimate worry. "Consider a scenario in which the automobile is infiltrated, and a hacker modifies alarm systems that notify the driver when tyre pressure is low or disables the emergency brake sensory systems. That could result in fatalities."

According to Holt's theory, three conditions must be met for a crime to be committed: a motivated perpetrator, an appropriate victim, and the absence of a guardian. He claimed that while goals and motivators are apparent in-vehicle security, cars fall short when it comes to the presence of a guardian.

Carjackers can also hack the engine control unit to start the car's engine and drive away once they have entered the vehicle using a fake key. When a car is moving, they can alter the steering or the automatic brake settings, which could result in a catastrophic accident. After researchers discovered the vulnerability, Honda revealed that hackers might remotely start the engines of select models and open doors by seizing control of the remote keyless entry system. And later, officials discovered that some Tesla vehicles, notably the Model 3 and Model Y, were susceptible to Bluetooth hacks.

A cyber assault can be directed toward a physical object linked to the internet. Threats to the safety and privacy of drivers, passengers, bystanders, and private and corporate property already exist and are predicted to get significantly worse due to the tens of millions of connected automobiles on the road.

Controller Area Network (CAN) :

While vehicles may utilize the connectivity to make us safer, more productive, and more amused while traveling, it also presents an opportunity to access the vulnerable Controller Area Network bus of the car. The automobile industry created the Controller Area Network, another serial communications protocol to enable several electronic components on a single vehicle to communicate crucial control data. Nowadays, a car's autonomous control systems employ a lot of microcontrollers. Once inside, hackers may transmit orders to the vehicle from a distance to, among other things, steal confidential and business information, follow specific vehicles or whole fleets, and take over non-essential and vital safety functions.

There are additional risks besides car accidents when driving electric or driverless vehicles. While the contemporary automobile offers many advantages and conveniences, it has also complicated vehicle security. Several vulnerabilities are beyond the driver's control; thus, it is up to the makers to take the lead in reducing possible hazards.

Responsibilities of Manufacturers :

Every manufacturer, dealer, and driver should place the highest priority on vehicle cybersecurity. It is a multifaceted task that needs cooperation and constant attention. For the reason of optimizing the security of the transportation of the future, solutions should be adaptable, safe, and practical across all ecosystems.

The environment for automotive cyber security is evolving as we enter the connected car era. There are currently tens of millions of vehicles on the road with built-in connection features. By 2023, up to 775 million connected automobiles will be on the road, according to Juniper Research. As a result, the sector moving ahead will confront an entirely new set of difficulties.

A system is exposed to a cyber assault when linked to a network. More often than we can count, the news has reported on businesses in various industries being the target of hackers. However, with the automobile sector jumping on the digital bandwagon, cybersecurity risks and assaults are also growing. In order to guarantee passenger safety and the security of the automotive network, the automotive sector must implement suitable cybersecurity measures, given forecasts that there will be over 125 million electric vehicles on the road by 2030.

Connectivity Increasing Vulnerability in Present Times :

Internal vehicle architectures are evolving, as is the design of such architectures. Because of advancements in the smartphone and tablet industries, consumers are seeking more sophisticated experiences inside the car. Responding, OEMs are increasingly implementing more refined understanding. These could feature enhanced software updating capabilities, support for digital assistants like Google and Alexa, and streaming content services (like Spotify or Netflix or traffic updates). These modifications coincide with the industry's efforts to electrify the power train, introduce advanced driver assistance systems, and transition to level 2 autonomous systems. Combining all these changes drives the demand for new internal vehicle designs that can accommodate the hundreds of microprocessors that are increasingly commonplace in modern cars. In order to provide increased bandwidth and timing synchronization and support for gateways that enable different bus architectures to communicate with one another in ways that were not previously possible ten to fifteen years ago, Ethernet (specifically Ethernet-AVB) is now becoming a standard solution within vehicles.

Nowadays, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are also often found in automobiles, which increases the risk of remote assaults. The back-end cloud systems that vehicles connect to receive the material, software updates, or post-diagnostic logs, among other things, are another point of attack. While this does not allow a hacker to control a car physically, it may allow someone to track a vehicle's location or get user data and passwords. Additionally, they could include malicious code in updates transmitted to the car, causing an IVI or telematics unit to reset and distract the driver.

CYBER SECURITY: Major Concern in Automobile Industry

Thus concluding, we can understand that the threats to the safety and privacy of drivers, passengers, bystanders, and private and corporate property already exist and are predicted to get significantly worse due to the tens of millions of connected automobiles on the road.

While vehicles may utilize the connectivity to make us safer, more productive, and more amused while traveling, it also presents an opportunity to access the vulnerable Controller Area Network bus of the car. The automobile industry created the Controller Area Network, another serial communications protocol to enable several electronic components on a single vehicle to communicate crucial control data.

The environment for automotive cyber security is evolving as we enter the connected car era. However, with the automobile sector jumping on the digital bandwagon, cybersecurity risks and assaults are also growing. In order to guarantee passenger safety and the security of the automotive network, the automotive sector must implement suitable cybersecurity measures like cyber insurance, given forecasts that there will be over 125 million electric vehicles on the road by 2030.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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