Prevent Your Devices from Being Hacked in 18 Easy Steps
Prevent Your Devices from Being Hacked in 18 Easy Steps

With the number of cyberattacks skyrocketing recently, many people are worried about their data being in the hands of hackers. The companies at the highest risk for a hack attack are businesses. Businesses have to contend with hackers and malicious actors trying to get access to their sensitive information. You are one of them and you should take precautions to safeguard your business. It is highly recommended to acquire cyber insurance to safeguard your company and your client’s valuable information. This article will provide 18 simple ways to protect your devices from hackers.
● How to protect your Computer?
1. Install a Firewall:
Firewalls are software tools designed to create a barrier between your information and the outside world. They can prohibit entry to your internal system, notify you of intrusion attempts, and even filter incoming traffic. They are one of the first lines of defence against malware and viruses, keeping your business network safe under any circumstances.
2. Set up anti-virus programmes:
Most people consider an antivirus programme essential nowadays. With the proliferation of viruses and other security threats, it is vital to have protection on your home computer. Antivirus software play an important part in securing your computer by identifying real-time threats and ensuring the safety of your information. Some powerful antivirus systems offer regular updates, further safeguarding your system from new threats that appear daily.
3. Put in an anti-spyware software:
Spyware has been around since the early days of the internet. It is a software programme that surreptitiously monitors and gathers personal or corporate data. And, irrespective of whether you agree to get advertisements from companies, Spywares are made to be difficult to detect and eradicate. Spyware is everywhere and the reality is you don't realise it until there's a problem. So, what can you do about it? Well, install anti-spyware software.
4. Make use of strong passwords:
Passwords are often the first line of defence against someone trying to gain access to your computer. Protect your data and your privacy by using secure passwords that are hard to crack.
5. Maintain your operating system, applications, and browser updated:
Hackers routinely hunt for exploits in operating systems, apps and browsers. By using out of date software you become a sitting duck for hackers to target. It is recommended to install an operating system, application and browser upgrades as soon as they become available.
6. Avoid spam:
Email scams, also known as phishing, are messages that can be sent to you by criminals in an attempt to trick you into surrendering sensitive information such as your login credentials and credit card details. Be wary of emails from unfamiliar senders, and never open links or attachments without first checking their legitimacy.
7. Create a backup of your computer:
Backups are essential to any business. Why? Because they can help get your business online and operational when disaster strikes.
8. Turn your computer off when not in use:
One of the simplest things your small business can do to protect data, and your network from possible attack is to shut down your servers and computers at night. Not only will this save you money on electricity, but it also helps break any connection a hacker might have secured with your computer.
9. Make use of VPN:
If you're in the habit of visiting sketchy or otherwise unsafe websites, we suggest you take a look at a VPN service. A VPN allows you to run your browser in a virtual environment known as the “VPN tunnel.” Here, you're isolated from malicious bots and intrusive third parties who may gain access to your personal information.
10. Protect your Router Network:
While routers usually come with security features enabled, they don't always have the highest level of security. Instead of leaving your router set up with the default details, log in to it and set up a secure password using encryption. This way, nobody can sneak into your router network and begin tampering with the existing settings.
11. Make use of 2FA:
Everybody knows that choosing a secure password is an important step in protecting your digital life. And yet most people use simple, easy-to-remember passwords, which makes them easy for hackers to figure out. The solution to this problem is two-factor authentication (2FA). 2FA adds another layer of security by requiring users to enter the second piece of information when logging in from a new location -- or when a login hasn't been used for a while. This may be via SMS, emailed code or generated app password.
12. Encryption:
It is important to maintain confidentially in all your communications — whether it's email, instant messaging, or through documents and spreadsheets. It sounds obvious, but it's the first step to protecting your confidential data from unauthorised viewing. If a cybercriminal gains access to your computer, even if they accidentally get past your firewall and gain access to certain files, using encryption will prevent them from reading any of that data.
● How to protect your Smartphones?
1. Disable Bluetooth after use:
Many people leave their Bluetooth capability enabled on their mobile devices. While it can be convenient to use Bluetooth devices like a wireless keyboard or headset, leaving the capability on leaves your phone vulnerable to being hacked. It is advisable to disable Bluetooth after use.
2. Avoid using unprotected public Wi-Fi networks:
Have you ever entered a password-protected wireless network at your favourite coffee shop or airport? If you have, then you've probably thought to yourself that those networks are more secure than the ones that don't require passwords. But even though it seems like the coffee shops have your best interest in mind, password-free networks provide almost zero protection against cyber criminals and computer hackers.
3. Install a security application:
A security application can offer extra protection when you're out of the office, travelling or on a public Wi-Fi network. And if you're going to use your company smartphone for business, security apps are essential for protecting your data and providing access to work-related email, documents and other information even when there's no internet connection.
4. Get a secure passcode:
Passcodes are great for locking your device, but if you use something like 12345 or 00000, you're making it easy for hackers to bust into your phone and steal all of your data.
5. Turn off autocomplete:
Autocomplete can be the most convenient feature but it is best not to get too comfortable with it. Its main purpose is to help users by providing suggested words and phrases, but this service can turn into a criminal's best friend if you are not careful.
6. Delete your internet history regularly:
No matter how careful you are with your phone, it's always a good practice wiping the browsing history.
Cybercrime is expected to continue to grow in the next decade, so all businesses need to have cyber insurance. Cyber insurance policies cover a wide range of cybercrimes, including financial and identity theft. They can help companies protect their assets, reputation, customers and employees from cybercrime. With the right cyber insurance policy in place, companies can shift their focus to what they do best: running a tight business without worrying about being targets of hackers and other cybercriminals.
Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.
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