Posted on: Sep 16, 2022 | 3 mins | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team

Internet Safety for Children: Tips to Keep Kids Safe Online

Internet Safety for Children

Kids may benefit from the internet. Students may undertake school-related research, engage with teachers and peers, and play interactive games. However, there are hazards associated with internet access, including improper information, cyberbullying, and online predators. Predators may masquerade as kids or adolescents seeking a new buddy using applications and websites where kids engage. They may press the kids to disclose personal information such as their address and phone number or push children to contact them after seeing their phone number on caller ID.

Parents need to monitor what their children see and hear on the internet, who they encounter, and what information they reveal about themselves. Please communicate with your children, utilize resources to safeguard them, and monitor their actions.

Why Save Children from the Danger of the Internet?

Children are most susceptible to the danger of the internet, and they are vulnerable if they are not aware of the basic safety protocols, they might fall prey to the predators lurking online. Since children spend a lot of time online, it is the parent’s responsibility to keep every child safe from the exploitation and abuse of the internet.

Access to computers, laptops, smartphones, etc., is rampant, and children also play games online, wherein they are not aware of the person on the other side. Children may be exposed to hate comments or cyberbullies when browsing through various websites. This could affect their mental health and affect their overall well-being. In fact, their growth and studies can also get affected by cyberbullying.

According to Unicef, more than 1/3rd of children in over 30 countries have experienced cyberbullying, and about 1/5th of them have also skipped school because of the same. In fact, over 80% of children in over 25 countries have reported feeling endangered by online exploitation. This could lead the child to resort to isolation, substance abuse or self-harm with suicidal tendencies. For the child's well-being from a mental health perspective, they need to be kept safe from the dangers of the internet.

The Dangers of Internet Usage for Children:

Several internet hazards may harm children, such as:

1. Contact with unwanted individuals, such as:

1. For example, predators may find social media communications or gaming lobby chat rooms.

2. Cyberbullies – Both online and offline bullies may target children.

3. Scammers use phishing to deceive your kid into disclosing critical information about themselves or you.

2. Inappropriate material, for example:

1. Pornographic photos and videos are examples of sexually explicit material.

2. Content that is violent or graphic, such as gore or assault.

3. Obscene or improper material, such as profanity or drug and alcohol usage.

4. Downloads of unauthorized content, such as music or movie files.

Thus, safeguarding children from the dangers of the internet is very important.

What Can You Do to Protect Your Child Online?

Because many parents believe parental controls need substantial technological understanding, the question "how do I offer Internet safety for kids?" becomes a frightening concept.

However, owing to simple Internet security software, nearly any parent can safeguard their children from inappropriate content or prevent them from downloading harmful viruses.

1. Managing and supervising your children's internet access:

Access management is crucial for parents, and it takes two forms:

• Parental control–

This software is often included with Internet security solutions and allows you to govern how much time your kid spends online. Parental controls provide you with complete control over your child's Internet experience.

It might cover everything from the length of time kids can spend online to the program and websites they can utilise. Any attempt to use a blocked application will be terminated and noted in the program's log for further review.

• Antivirus software –

Assists you in dealing with concerns such as malware and viruses from websites that your children may unknowingly visit.

2. Insure your kids and family’s safety:

You should not just safeguard your house to protect it from physical harm. Getting cyber insurance for family advice will allow you to save each member of your family's online behaviour.

Nowadays, most fraudulent acts occur on the internet; thus, having cyber security insurance for your family allows you to relax and let each family member browse freely. Choose full coverage for your family against various unanticipated and expensive cyber hazards.

What Do Your Kids Need to Know about Internet Safety Protocols?

Basic internet safety rules to discuss with your children:

● Follow both your family's and the Internet service provider's guidelines.

● Never share or exchange personal photographs.

● Never provide personal information such as your address, phone number, or the name or location of your school.

● Use just a screen name and never reveal your password (other than with parents).

● Never agree to meet with someone you met online without parental permission and supervision.

● Never react to a threatening email, message, social media post, or text message.

● Always alert a parent or other responsible adult to any risk or uncomfortable situation.

Once the children are aware of the basic safety protocols, it is much easier for them to stay safe from cyberbullying.

Top 6 Ways to Talk to Your Child about Internet Safety Protocols:

1. Explain to them the basic internet privacy concepts:

The concept of privacy needs to be introduced to children early in life, so they do not disclose personal information online, such as their name, address, or phone number.

They should also be aware that they should not publish images or videos displaying their face or other distinguishing traits. Explain that there are internet fraudsters and predators who might use this information against them.

2. Discuss their online interactions:

Teach your children how to communicate with others online. They should be kind and considerate to others, just as they would in the real world. They should also be aware that not everyone they meet online is who they claim to be.

Predators may disguise themselves as children their age to deceive them into meeting up or sending them indecent photographs.

3. Talk to them about how to share and watch media responsibly:

Please discuss with your children the material they consume and share online. Make it clear that they should not discuss anything that might be improper or damaging to others. It includes insulting, violent, or sexually explicit photographs, videos, or textual content.

4. Explain the concept of cyberbullying and how to stay safe:

Explain to your children what cyberbullying is and how it may cause harm. Show kids how to make informed decisions about the advertisements and material they see online.

5. Make them comfortable with the online world without disclosing private information:

Encourage children to notify you if anything on the internet makes them feel uneasy. Persistent children are frequently more successful in school and life. They learn not to give up and to keep trying.

6. Discuss the internet and their online activity with them frequently:

Talking to your kids about the internet and their online education is essential for many reasons. The first step is making sure children are safe when using the internet. But it's also a terrific method to keep up with what they're up to and what interests them.


Children need internet safety for a multitude of reasons. Criminals, fraudsters, and bullies may target them. They may be exposed to indecent material, and those with evil intent may get access to their personal information. There are many methods for keeping children safe online. Parents may monitor their children's online behaviour, restrict their screen time, and install parental control software.

However, the ultimate duty for keeping children safe online rests with the adults in their life. There is no one-size-fits-all answer for keeping children safe on the internet. Every family is unique, and what works for one may not work for the next. However, by working together, we can all contribute to making the internet a safer environment for children. You should always opt for cyber insurance for your family.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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