How is buying Insurance Policy Online Better For You?
How is buying Insurance Policy Online Better For You?
While you have the option of buying insurance online as well as offline, the online option comes with numerous advantages. If you are wondering how to buy insurance, here is a list of advantages of buying an insurance policy online to help make up your mind.
It reduces the starting cost
The most important and biggest benefit of choosing the online medium is that you can buy your insurance at any time and from anywhere in the world. It is convenient and saves you from the effort of meeting a representative.
Wider range of choices
Just by sitting at home you can have an access to multiple options of insurance policies online to choose from. By comparing the cost of different policies, you can find the best deals. This is not possible in case of physically meeting representatives of the company.
We all know of situations where the insurance agents do not provide us with all the details about an insurance policy or provide us with false commitments. But when you buy online insurance, all the details and clauses mentioned in the policy are right in front of you, leading to complete transparency of the deal.
Instant and easy policy
Buying an insurance online is a quick process. Once you decide the policy you are going to opt for, you can login to the website and pay the premium amount within a stipulated time range. Soon after you make the payment, you get your policy document through email. So you need not wait in queue for long hours. Reputed insurance providers like HDFC Ergo provides a safe and hassle free medium to purchase your policy online.
Purchasing benefits
When you buy your insurance policy online, you are directly dealing with the company, eliminating the need of a middle man or an agent. It saves a lot of cost that otherwise would have been paid as a salary or commission. Needless to say buying insurance online requires less paperwork. These savings are shared with policy holders resulting in lesser premiums.
Security of policy document
There can be numerous cases where the policy document is lost due to theft or negligence. When you buy insurance policy online, your policy is sent to you in your e-mail and also saved in your online account created with the policy holder. This enables you to have a copy of your policy as and when you require.
While there is no questioning the fact that buying insurance online has many advantages and is a viable option in every aspect, it is also important to understand that buying a policy needs a thorough research. So, before you pay, understand what you are buying and what you are being covered for, compare the premiums and features and check google reviews. Be an informed and smart customer before you opt for the policy.
Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before going ahead with the purchase.