Posted on: Mar 11, 2022 | 3 mins | Written by: HDFC ERGO Team

World Water Day 2022 – 6 Benefits of Drinking Enough Water Every Day

Benefits of Drinking Water

Ever noticed how sick and lethargic you feel when you don’t drink water for a couple of hours? Water is an important part of your diet and drinking water is not just about quenching your thirst. Our body is made of about 60% water and the organs in our body use this water to function properly. So,when we don’t drink enough water, the organs cannot work efficiently, and this results in weakness and other health conditions. Staying hydrated can also boost energy levels and prevent oxidative stress in the body, especially during high-intensity workout sessions.Considering how important it is to drink adequate water every day, World Water Day is observed on 22nd March every year with a decided theme.

Also, in recent years, health conditions have been on a rise due to various reasons. Hence, make sure you take extra care of your wellbeing and this includes drinking enough water every day. Also, you must buy a best health insurance policy for yourself and your loved ones and stay covered against uncertainties.

Now, let’s take a look at the benefits of drinking enough water every day:

1. Helps maintain a healthy weight

Water suppresses appetite and helps you feel fuller for a longer time. Hence, it prevents you from overeating and helps maintain a healthy weight. Besides this, water also helps remove fat by-products from the body and this again promotes weight loss. According to experts, water boosts metabolism by up to 30% and improves the removal of waste from the body. All this helps promote weight loss and your overall health.

2. Strengthens immunity

Water is important for carrying oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body for proper functioning of the organs. It also eliminates toxins and harmful bacteria from the system, the ones that cause infections. And by removing toxins, unwanted bacteria and other microorganisms, water helps maintain healthy immune system function. Hence, drinking enough water strengthens immunity and reduces the incidence of infections, allergies and other conditions.

3. Regulates body temperature

Water works as a thermoregulator in your body. It absorbs and transfers heat efficiently, thereby regulating and stabilising body temperature. When the body temperature rises due to excessive heat or strenuous activities, the water stored in the body comes to the skin’s surface in the form of sweat. And when the sweat evaporates, the body temperature goes down. If you don’t drink enough water, the heat in your body increases and this can lead to dizziness, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, headache, breathlessness and other conditions. Also, in case of dehydration, your body will be unable to sweat enough and cool down. This can raise the internal body temperature dangerously and cause heatstroke and this can be quite serious. Therefore, make sure you drink water every few hours and stay hydrated always. Also, keep thebest health insurance in Indiahandy for medical emergencies arising from dehydration and subsequent hospitalisation.

4. Promotes skin health

Water is important for maintaining skin elasticity and health. It improves blood flow to the skin and delays the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of ageing. Water also flushes out toxins from your body and prevents pimples, acne and similar skin conditions. It prevents dry and flaky skin, heat-related skin eruptions, and blemishes as well.

In addition to skin health, drinking enough water helps prevent facial swelling and puffiness as well. The body often retains water to prevent dehydration and this can result in facial puffiness. Also, pure water has a neutral pH value of 7. So, when you drink more water, the pH value stays balanced and this helps keep your skin healthy, beautiful and youthful.

5. Lifts your mood

Studies have shown that dehydration can cause nervousness, irritation, depression and lethargy. Hence, when you increase water intake, you will notice a drastic change in your mood and overall wellbeing. Dehydration often changes dopamine and serotonin levels in your brain and abnormal levels of these two important neurotransmitters can lead to anxiety and depression. Therefore, make sure you include enough water and water-rich fruits and vegetables in your diet.

6. Eliminates bad breath

Dehydration causes bad breath and athletes can vouch for it. Hence, it is always wise to maintain a distance when conversing with them right after strenuous activities. Water also removes the food particles that get stuck in the teeth. And if you don’t drink enough water, the odour-causing bacteria accumulate on these food particles and cause bad breath and tooth decay. What’s more, when you drink more water, the saliva production in your mouth increases. Saliva plays an important role in removing bad bacteria from your mouth.


Water is a wonder drink that offers many health benefits throughout your life. In addition to the above benefits, water may also stabilise heartbeat, normalise blood pressure, promote gut health, relieve constipation and prevent kidney stones. The synovial fluid that keeps your joints lubricated is also made of water. Hence, make sure you stay hydrated all day for a healthy and happy life. Also, look for the best health insurance in India and keep yourself and your family covered. In case of a medical emergency, a health plan will take care of your hospital bills and save you from financial worries.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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