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Are stepchildren considered dependents for health insurance?

Published on October 26, 2023. EST READ TIME: 3 minutes

Are stepchildren considered dependents for health insurance?

Are stepchildren considered dependents for health insurance?

Over the last few decades, Indian society has become a lot more progressive, and divorces and remarriages are not seen as anomalies. Even children have matured to understand the idea of having a step-parent. But from a health insurance perspective, it has raised a new question — are stepchildren considered dependents for health insurance? Let’s understand what the terms and conditions say about adding dependents.

Conditions For Stepchild Dependents

Yes, along with biological children, stepchildren are also considered dependents for health insurance till the age of 26. However, there are certain conditions that the policyholder must fulfil to add his/her stepchildren to the healthcare plan. It also depends on the terms and conditions of your policy and the insurance provider. You must have legally adopted the stepchildren. Also, you must financially support them directly, and the wedding between the biological parent and step-parent must be legally recognised. The stepchildren must not be named a dependent in anybody else’s Health insurance plan. Some insurers insist that the stepchild must reside with the policyholder and not with another parent, while some consider 6 months of staying together as a valid ground for considering them as dependents in health insurance.

Requirements Of Adding A Stepchild

The policyholder can add a stepchild or stepchildren to the health insurance plan by contacting the provider and following the necessary process. If the stepchild is permanently disabled, physically or mentally, then he/she can continue to be covered in the parent’s health insurance plan. It is prudent to check with your insurer to know if your stepchild qualifies as a dependent for health insurance.

Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purposes only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.


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