Benefits of Preventive Healthcare to Employees for Saving Future Costs
Benefits of Preventive Healthcare to Employees for Saving Future Costs

Offering preventive healthcare to employees is probably the best thing you can do as an employer,especially with the world still reeling from COVID-19. Unless your employees are healthy, they cannot be productive. So, for the sake of your company’s growth, you need to care for their physical and mental wellbeing. Apart from common ailments caused by bacteria or viruses, employees these days are likely to experience a range of mental health issues too, such as stress, anxiety, and depression. But if they are diagnosed in time, it can help employees get effective treatment and prevent them from taking long breaks from work.
So, if you are an employer offering a group Mediclaim policy to your employees, prioritising preventive healthcare can help you save a lot of money every year. Most importantly, better physical and mental wellbeing of employees will help increase their productivity and profits. Let’s take a look at the components of preventive healthcare and the many benefits they offer.
What are the Components of Preventive Healthcare?
The two main components of preventive healthcare are:• Disease Management:
Regular preventive health check-ups can help in the early diagnosis of a health condition. Hence, employees can opt for the right treatment in time and resume work soon after recovery. A fit and healthy employee will also try to give their best at work, thereby benefitting the entire organisation.
• Lifestyle Management:
Following healthy lifestyle habits is key for employees to maintain good physical and mental health. This includes having a healthy diet, exercising every day, practicing yoga and meditation and getting a good night’s sleep, among others. Apart from promoting their physical wellbeing, healthy lifestyle habits will help promote their mental health as well, thereby keeping away stress, depression, anxiety and mood swings.A healthy and happy employee will always be more productive at work.
What are the Benefits of Preventive Healthcare for Employees?
The benefits of preventive healthcare for employees are:
1. Regular Health Check-ups:
This helps in the early diagnosis of a health condition. Regular health check-ups help identify diseases at an early stage, making the treatment and recovery quick and easy. This will reduce the likelihood of employees falling sick regularly and staying away from work for long.
2. Helps Prevent Ailments:
Preventive healthcare will promote healthy lifestyle habits and help in the timely detection of health conditions through regular check-ups. Hence, the chances of untimely deaths due to cancer, heart and kidney ailments, and more can reduce significantly.
3. Helps Increase Productivity:
Healthy employees put in their best at work and this can benefit the employers as well as the employees themselves. While employers can earn profits, employees can get salary increments and stay motivated to work harder.
How Preventive Healthcare Helps Employers?
Here’s how employers like you can benefit from preventive healthcare for employees:
1. Reduced Absenteeism:
Preventive healthcare of employees promotes their overall health and keeps them more active and focused at work. A healthy and dedicated employee will take their job seriously and will not want to miss work. Rather, they will give their best to your organisation and help increase the overall productivity and profits.
2. Improved Performance at Work:
Many employees may be physically present at work, but their performance may be low due to lethargy and bad health. However, you will still need to pay them their full salary. Hence, it is always beneficial for employers to adopt preventive healthcare for employees.
3. Employee Retention:
Retaining old employees is important for organisations and preventive healthcare can help in this regard as well. A healthy and happy employee is likely to be more loyal toyour organisation and this can save you from the hassles of finding new employees and training them.
4. Increased Employee Loyalty:
When you offer preventive healthcare plans to your employees, the employees are likely to feel more grateful and loyal to your organisation. This can help increase productivity andyour organisation can achieve its set targets easily.
5. High Employee Value Proposition (EVP):
Apart from salary, your organisation might be offering other benefits to employees for their services and hard work. These benefits ensure greater job satisfaction among employees. A happy employee will do their best to increasethe organisation’s productivity and profits.
6. Improved organisational good will:
Offering preventive healthcare and group Mediclaim policy to employees can improve your organisation’s goodwill as well. Prospective employees will know that you will take care of them and this will help attract better talent to the organisation and encourage them to stay for long.
How to Implement Preventive Healthcare in Organisations?
To implement preventive healthcarein your organisation correctly, youmust do the following:
• Analyse the industry thoroughly to get an idea about the current trends.
• You must also analyse the requirements of your organisation and measure your company against the industry standards.
• Encourage your employees and include them in different processes within the organisation, such as planning and development.
• Shortlist some good health insurance companies online and compare their plans and services to find one that best matches your requirements.
• Maintain a good relationship with the insurer. This will encourage them to offer the best services at affordable premiums.
Important Features of Preventive Healthcare
• Offer Incentives to Fit Employees:
Reward employees who are taking care of their health and fitness on a regular basis. This may include walking more steps in a day, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, having a healthy diet, and more.
• Offer Diet Consultation Services to Employees:
Wrong eating habits can harm the body and lead to certain lifestyle conditions over time. These conditions can prevent employees from giving their best at work. Hence, the best you can do is arrange diet consultation services for your employeesand help them follow the right dietary routine.
• Promote their Mental Wellbeing:
Considering the importance of good mental health in today’s times, offering access to a therapist can help your employees. These therapists can offer counselling and help employees overcome their mental health issues.
• Doctor on Call:
In case an employee is experiencing any health issue, having a doctor on call can help them avail the right treatment in a timely manner.
• Offer Discounts on Health Check-ups:
Many people avoid getting regular health check-ups due to their high costs. So, if employees are offered discounts on preventive health check-ups, they may go for it without worrying about the high costs.
Prioritize Preventive Healthcare
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has also increased the incidence of physical and mental health issues, such as heart conditions, stress and depression. Hence, it has become more important for employers like you to offer preventive healthcare to employees. When your employees are healthy and happy, absenteeism will reduce, and productivity and profits will shoot up.
To sum up, offering preventive healthcare to employees is one of the best ways to increase employee job satisfaction and productivity. This proactive measure also shows employees that your organisation cares about their wellbeing. Hence, while offering group Mediclaim policy to your employees,make sure you emphasise preventive healthcare to retain employees and keep them healthy and motivated.
Disclaimer: The above information is for illustrative purpose only. For more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before concluding the sales.
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